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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. Glad you got it sorted out. I think there is something funky going on with the City Mod site such that when you edit the mod description, it can sometimes delete out the stuff in angled brackets. I checked the pages for both mods above (as well as my other popmenus, as I saw the same issues there) and have edited them for correctness.
  2. I'd like to politely request/remind users to please limit the discussion in this thread to the BadgeSetList popmenu. If you have questions for me not related to this mod, feel free to PM me, otherwise please start your own discussion thread or locate a thread appropriate to the topic you wish to discuss. Updated (in top post) to add the new winter 2024 event badge. Full update log is in the top post. Please let me know if you notice any issues.
  3. The top post has been updated to include the new winter 2024 badge. If anyone notices any issues with the data please let me know.
  4. No worries, I should have been clearer. Typically in popmenus you'll have a slash command of some kind that is invoked when you click on an item in the popmenu. I assumed that you were referring to that kind of functionality when you said: Ideally the way I think the popmenu would work is that you would open it and drill down to the item you wanted, click the name of the item, and it would (theoretically) take you to that item in the editor. But there would need to be a slash command available that would allow one to open an item in the base editor based on its name or code or something. I am not sure if such a slash command exists, and if not then the popmenu couldn't have that functionality. But, such a popmenu could still be useful, because folks could at least see a list of the base items that might fit the category they need, and they could manually search for them based on their name. Or, assuming that slash command doesn't exist, you could set it up so that clicking the item name in the popmenu would print that item name in the chat window, and users could copy/paste the name from the chat window to the search bar. I'm just tossing out some ideas to make the menu as useful as possible, even if the slash commands aren't there to make it work exactly like the ideal menu might work.
  5. I am not sure about that last part, as I am not sure if there is a slash command that would allow that, but what you describe sounds like it could be accomplished with a popmenu. You could have the different categories (doors, tintable, etc,) as submenus and each could list the various items within and could provide the user with the search term to type in the base editor menu. That's assuming that a slash command doesn't already exist, and there is every chance that it does. The wiki slash command page (https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/List_of_Slash_Commands) is well maintained so it might be worth a look there for a slash command that does that.
  6. Generally speaking, mods take an existing game asset (like a zone texture, sound, costume piece) and modify it. A big exception is popmenus (and custom windows, which are kinda related), but otherwise you need to know what the existing asset is and where it resides in the directory structure in order to be able to modify it. My modding experience is quite narrowly focused on popmenus and map textures, so I can't say for certain if the mods you propose to the base editor are feasible or not. I think it would involve modding UI elements, which I have no experience modding and I can't recall any examples of same. I think if you could locate the existing assets that define the parameters of what you see in-game for the base editor, then it might well be feasible. I don't have access to the game assets at the moment but the next time I need to dig into the piggs I'll take a look and see if I can find anything that relates to the base editor.
  7. If you need help with Badger, the thread for it is at this link.
  8. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that this is a mod or an executable that you download and run locally. It is neither, but rather a website for tracking badges. If that is something you are interested in using, a post I made at this link earlier in the thread has some basic instructions for how to utilize the website to track your badges.
  9. The current freebies instructions read (in part) "To export the build menu from Mids' Reborn (version or newer), open the 'Import / Export' menu and select 'Export Build to Beta Server'." Based on lemming's screenshot, it looks like the menu tree to get to it has changed. I have not used Mids in years and have not updated those instructions in about three years, but if the above screenshot is from the current Mids build, I'll update the freebies menu.
  10. If I recall, setting a vis_scale higher than 2 (via command line or launch parameters) and subsequently opening the options menu (and maybe the specific graphics tab) will cause vis_scale to reset itself to 2 (200%), which as noted is the current max in the options menu. There may also be other as-yet-undocumented triggers that cause it to reset. I personally set mine in the launch parameters and keep a keybind handy in case it gets reset during gameplay. Implementing this suggestion would help alleviate the need to monitor and periodically adjust the vis_scale settings if they get reset.
  11. For anyone that cares, I'll still be around to help out with Badger, but now that we have some others trained and documentation soon in place, others will have the ability to update the database so that I won't be the bottleneck should life get in the way like it did this last time.
  12. The only way I can think to do it is by altering the name in the chat log before importing it via the log parser. Leave your manually edited character as-is, then open the appropriate chat log (or better yet, a copy of your chat log). Find the line of welcome text from when you log in. It'll say 'Welcome to City of Heroes' or 'Now entering the Rogue Isles' (depending on alignment) followed by your character name. Edit your character name there to add the word 'Copy' or something similar to make it unique from the existing character name. Then import it. It should import using the altered name.
  13. No worries, I just try to keep the discussion here as focused as possible so folks can get the info they need about my mod without having to sift through non-related material, and so that I can more easily find and answer questions folks might have. Lemming has certainly done fine work worthy of a wider audience.
  14. Because this is the thread for my popmenu, not his.
  15. The top section is where it indicates whether or not you have the badge. The bottom section, beneath where it says 'Place Thumbtack', is for placing a thumbtack in the zone to help you acquire said badges. If I greyed out the badge names in the bottom section, then you wouldn't be able to click them to place the thumbtack, and it would defeat the purpose of that section.
  16. Overall I like it. I was a bit dubious about the table initially, then I visited the ferry page and saw that the stops are all listed out anyway. I definitely think that the table is the most useful way to present that info.
  17. The badge text for 'Adept' reads: complulsary should be compulsory I think.
  18. I sent you an invite for the PM conversation where we've been discussing the details. For now I think the plan is to use the main HC discord, but if a better option presents itself in the meantime then we may use that.
  19. Just to piggyback on what Michiyo said, if you need to delete a fog of war file but only want to delete the file for one character and not all of them, simply log that character on and clear some of the fog of war for the map you are on (or on another map, if your current map is already clear). Then, log completely off and look in your fog of war files. The most recently modified file will be the one for that character and you can delete it without impacting the fog of war for your other characters.
  20. Just FYI for anyone that might be interested, we are doing a training session this coming Saturday evening eastern US time, probably around 7-ish but that is not set in stone yet. I am going to be reviewing what it takes to create new badges and update existing badges in Badger. We are currently planning to meet over Discord. Anyone is welcome to attend, but please be serious about your willingness and ability to commit time to assisting with maintaining Badger going forward. Basic working knowledge of GitHub is helpful but not required.
  21. No need to do it manually, as both Badger and City of Badgers use a settitle bind to mass report all badges to the chat log and then a log parser to parse the log. The instructions for Badger are in this post I made in the Badger thread, and for CoB, click the FAQ at the top and there are links that explain the process. And yes, this is the best (and only, as far as I know) method currently available.
  22. It can sometimes be difficult to tell whether the pumpkins have been disturbed or not. Sometimes they break open when disturbed, and some just move slightly. I have sat and watched so many sets disappear when the new GM spawned that I am 99.9% confident that the OPs original assertion is correct. And to tidge's most recent post, I have also seen old batches of pumpkins linger when a new GM spawns, but it's only the disturbed ones that do.
  23. This is a common and well-documented bug in both Mercy Island and Port Oakes that I think dates back to the release of CoV. I don't have time at the moment to dig up the other threads about it (to help provide more info) but there are several. Faultline explained it to me on Discord a while back, and I've posted that in at least one of the previous threads. If I have time later I'll try and dig them up.
  24. This exactly matches my observations and experience, and I have spent a large amount of time over several years testing Halloween GM spawns, both on Brainstorm and on Live.
  25. I wouldn't get my hopes up for an official base, but you never know. I've posted my code in as many places as I can think to enhance visibility, including here and on Discord. As I noted, it used to show up on login as well, but apparently no longer does. Probably the easiest solution is to include it (and any other bases) in an official welcome message when logging in to Brainstorm. Edit: I hopped on Brainstorm last night to add a tip computer to the PPOC-5 base, and when I logged on I saw the welcome message that included the base code again, in the Gold Standard chat channel. That is an opt-in channel so it wouldn't help for new folks, but at least it is still there.
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