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Everything posted by AboveTheChemist

  1. His wiki page should have all the answers you seek. To find him, go to Pocket D and enter this command into the chat bar: /thumbtack -168 12 -864 That will place a thumbtack that should lead you right to him.
  2. The event has been reverted to the older Paladin Construction event that ran pre-shutdown. The info at that wiki link has been updated recently and should have the necessary details.
  3. I have updated the CoH Zone Maps as follows: updated Perez Park map as detailed in this post updated Abandoned Sewer Network map as detailed in this post updated Pocket D and Kings Row maps and added Echo Plaza map as detailed in this post I also added and removed a few files so I recommend deleting all the files from the old CoH Zone Maps installation and replacing them with the new files from the zip archive I have updated the CoH TSP Maps as follows: updated all maps such that, in most cases, existing map symbols will no longer be obscured by connecting lines and halos improved path location on some maps adjusted halo color for a few badges/plaques to more accurately reflect their location other minor fixes/adjustments as necessary The data in the links in the top post have been updated, so please visit those links for the updated data. Update June 28, 2021 - updated the CoH Zone Maps and CoH TSP Maps to account for the latest updates to vidiotmaps
  4. I logged into Kings Row on Brainstorm earlier today and the spawn near the tram became active. I waited for Paladin to form and followed him, and he ran right under the tram then right under the AE building and was zapped, just as Apparition initially described. I don't have a firm grasp of how spawns work in the game, but it makes me wonder if spawn points aren't populated until a player is nearby. If that is the case, then perhaps the instances I saw earlier where Paladin clearly made it past the AE building were because no one had been near the AE building to spawn in the drones. If I catch that spawn like that again, I will not follow Paladin and will stay away from the AE building and see if he makes it.
  5. I've published what is essentially a complete overhaul of this mod. The most important change is the implementation of the fix that permits these maps to display properly regardless of the user's world texture quality setting. This fix took a little longer than anticipated because it involved a complete overhaul of my map production process, the efficiency of which should be greatly improved going forward. The other major change users will notice is that, in most cases, existing VidiotMap text/symbols are no longer obscured by the connecting lines or badge/plaque halos. There were a few cases where obscuring some symbols was unavoidable, but overall map readability has improved. I also improved accuracy of connecting lines on some maps, adjusted the halo color on a few badges/plaques to more accurately reflect their location, and made a few other minor fixes/adjustments. The full change log is in the top post. I have updated the manual install zip file (in the top post) as well as the version that appears in the CoH modder tool. If anyone notices any other issues please let me know.
  6. I've published a minor update to include the Rainbow and LightMagic costume change emotes, and to update some inconsistencies in capitalization. The update file is available in the post immediately above, and on the CoH Modder tool.
  7. I am not sure I see a clear path for accomplishing that. The two commands I could find for giving inspirations to pets are Inspexec_pet_name and Inspexec_pet_target, but both those require you to input the inspiration by name, not by position in the inspiration tray. There may be another command out there that allows you to specify inspirations by position and feed them to pets, but I couldn't find it on the wiki or in the references I had. I have never played a MM before, though, so perhaps someone more familiar with MMs has more insight.
  8. I've been periodically checking the event on Brainstorm and have seen at least three four instances where the Paladin that spawns near the tram has made it up to High Park. I have seen some of the clockwork entourage from that spawn location path by the AE building and get zapped, but I have not personally witnessed Paladin during the trek up to High Park. Every time I get there Paladin has already made it to High Park. So it's possible that Paladin did path by the AE building but the drones were too busy zapping the entourage, allowing Paladin to escape. It's also possible that at least one of the Paladins from that spawn did get zapped, and the ones I saw were the lucky ones that were able to run the gauntlet. Perhaps it takes a different path when someone is watching versus when no one is around to observe? Although I'll admit that wouldn't make much sense. Edit: A screenshot from earlier this morning on Brainstorm
  9. Enjoy! https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Costume_Emote_CCRainbow This was my first stab at making a GIF, and it lost a little quality in translation from screenshots to GIF, but from what I have read there may be nothing I can do about that given the GIF format limitations. I used GIMP to animate it, and if anyone has any pointers for potentially making it a bit higher image quality I am all ears. If I can get it to a higher quality state I will upload a new version. My basic process was: Dump screenshots (JPG format) from demo playback Select range of screenshots that illustrate the emote Crop and resize screenshots to appropriate size for the wiki Composite the screenshots into animated GIF using GIMP I added both the Rainbow and the LightMagic costume change emote to the Emotes wiki page. Once I settle on a good GIF production process I can make GIFs for the handful of emotes that still need them.
  10. It looks like either the Inspexec_tray or Inspexec_slot commands will accomplish that objective. So your macro command might look like /macro <macro_name> "inspexec_slot <column_number>" where you supply the macro name and the column number you want to pull from. The wiki links above have more details about how to use the commands.
  11. Interesting, it should not have needed the './' to work properly. I wonder if my instructions indicate the wrong folder for Tequila. I left Tequila in the dust as soon as the HC Launcher came out so my memory may have failed me there. Looking back at an archive copy of my Tequila install, it looks like the zip file contents might actually need to go in <CoH Root Folder>\data. I don't have a way to test it to be sure, but I think what I am seeing in my archive Tequila install is correct. I'll update the instructions. Thanks for letting me know!
  12. I could probably knock enough rust off my demorecord skills to be able to make one of Ghost Widow doing the emote. Turning it into a GIF for the wiki is an entirely different matter, though. And actually I just found this which may make the process easier: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Talk:Emotes/Animation_Cohdemo If there are other emotes missing from the page, it's because I am not aware of them. I gave the page a few good goings-over last fall and added all the emotes I knew about.
  13. I agree that the triplet should be x, y, z, even if the axes those letters represent in-game are different from what those axes typically represent in real-world applications. I do GIS work for a surveyor, so they way the game handles the x, y, and z axes (not to mention the positive/negative directions) makes my brain hurt sometimes. But, as you noted, the single most important thing is consistency so I am all in favor of these changes and appreciate your getting that ball rolling. I've modified the thumbtack page I made a little while ago and I'll do a quick check around to see if I need to change it anywhere else (aside from the places you've already changed, of course). EDIT: Found a few more instances related to the thumbtack and loc pages, so I changed those as well.
  14. There are only two oddities that I know of in the recipe data, and only one that might cause an issue with collapsing them by level range. The recipe for Gladiator's Javelin: Chance for Toxic Damage uses one Boresight at level 10, and at levels 11-25 it instead uses one Computer Virus. At level 26 it uses one Improvised Cybernetic, and at levels 27-40 it instead uses one Circuit Board. The other oddity is that the recipe for Mako's Bite: Accuracy/Damage is the only recipe to use multiples of salvage (2 Steel for levels 30-40, and 2 Chaos Theorem for levels 41-50), but I don't think this would cause any issues with collapsing that recipe by level range.
  15. Thanks! Looks like it might be missing from St. Martial as well. I'll look into it and put them on the list for the next round of updates. Along those lines, anyone can feel free to post here with typos or other errors on the maps, and I'll correct them. I have three on the list now with typos (Bloody Bay, Steel Canyon, and Striga Isle) and another (Nova Praetoria) with some inaccurate badge markers. I may not be able to get to them all by the next update, but I'll get to them, and would be happy to take care of any other issues other folks notice.
  16. That may have been part of the motivation, but it was also to provide ease-of-access to Echo Plaza for low-level characters. Count me among the tram-users as well. Tram/ferry/black helicopter is my preferred method of getting around (followed by base portal).
  17. It might have been related to this (from Number Six on Discord)
  18. Yes. The spawn of the construction event is broadcast thusly: [PPD] Unusual Clockwork activity in Kings Row. If the Paladin construction is completed (five minutes after the construction event spawns), the following is broadcast: [PPD] Clockwork Paladin spotted in Kings Row.
  19. It's my pleasure. I mostly live on Beta nowadays so I had some lead time!
  20. The most recent updates are available at this link: Click here for updated maps The June 2, 2021 game patch includes some changes to the Pocket D map, as well as changes to the Paladin zone event in Kings Row, so I have created new maps for both of those zones. I have also created a map for Echo Plaza, and have made some minor tweaks to the Abandoned Sewer Network map.
  21. Minor update (in top post) to update the names for 'Battle-Hardened' and 'Proprietor' badges. Stealth update on June 18, 2021 to add warnings regarding thumbtack bugs in Mercy Island and Port Oakes.
  22. These are the ones I have seen: 2021-05-29 23:41:22 [PPD] Unusual Clockwork activity in Kings Row. 2021-05-29 23:49:32 [PPD] Clockwork Paladin spotted in Kings Row. 2021-05-31 09:56:55 [PPD] Unusual Clockwork activity in Kings Row. 2021-05-31 10:05:36 [PPD] Clockwork Paladin spotted in Kings Row.
  23. There is one exploration accolade (Faultline Finder) for finding all eight exploration badges in Faultline, and one exploration accolade (Epicenter) for finding all eight exploration badges in Echo: Faultline.
  24. I don't know for sure about that specific command, but it wouldn't surprise me if it didn't work. The only references I could find were this thread and page 67 of Shenanigunner's technical reference guide, but neither of them mention use in popmenus. Looking at the technical reference guide, it looks like the subject (Money) needs to be in quotes, and that the message text (Cash from $name) will work without quotes, so those are the only things that jump out as potential solutions. But it's entirely possible that the command won't work at all in a popmenu so it might be a tail-chasing exercise trying to get it to work.
  25. I grabbed the Issue 23 version of the VidiotMap for Kings Row, showing the Paladin construction sites, and added it as a temporary reference to the Paladin Construction wiki page here: https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/Paladin_Construction I've uploaded the same map in the spoiler box below if anyone needs it for reference. If the event is reverted to the old version (which, given the poll responses, looks likely), I'll publish an updated vidiotmap for King's Row showing the changes.
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