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Everything posted by Warboss
You know... you can color the "Ice Swords" red and yellow... and add fiery aura to them... just sayin'...
Good turnout on Indom tonight. We had two Yin teams and MsA lead missions for us. PLV and I ran Yin TFs, and Pep took the star to lead Numina's for our team (after Yin). Jan 30th 2024 all Tanker Hami on Excel! Meet in King's Row at the usual time. Bring holds, and ranged attacks for Hami, come early, as I'm not sure the level of turnout we'll have for this event.
Glad to help, go axe things and have fun!!! Axe Cyclone BEST POWER EVER!!!
Hmmm... good point. We skipped the xp boost for the first 15 levels to run DFB (I think.., don't recall) get the Raptor Pack from the King's Row Safeguard mission, and get run FrostFire. I guess if we want to forgo those we just go for it. Otherwise let's skip the xp boost for the first 15 levels again and see how it goes.
Yep, 6:00 PM PDT. See you there!
Thanks for doing that. Not sure how we overlooked that and had us all packed into my SG there, but glad you got TankHQ up and running. We really need to have it available on all shards. Yes, Feb 17th will be our next visit to Reunion, and if you've already made a Bio/Fire then you've just spoken it into existence. Let's go with Bio for the new set. So Bio for your Primary, your choice for the Secondary. See you all there on the 17th!
Wait...why is your SD/Axer parked at 32? With the changes to Battle Axe that Tank has the potential to be one of your strongest/funnest builds (Axe Cyclone FTW!!) (I mean you can knock them down (SC), Axe Cyclone them into place, take a step back and then hit them with Energy Torrent (if you take Energy Mastery). That aside, as others have mentioned Electrical Melee and Dark Melee are pretty fun, and if you want to add some KB to KD IOs Kinetic Melee can be pretty fun on Shield Tanks (imagine the above scenario, but more so). Mobs spend a lot of time on their backsides (which is another form of damage mitigation...). Oh, forgot to mention, Fiery Melee add Avalanches and you can get KD from FSC!! What's not to love there... I mean... Fire!!!
Good fun on Reunion today, we were few, but might! Three Palis showed up to start the event, then we flashed back and got the Spelunker badge, fought Infernal, ran Numina's TF, and got our TFC badges. Oh, Ronin lead the festivities today and I goofed off (thanks Ronin). We're still discussing which primary to start our next round of Tanks with. At the moment I think Bio has the lead (it's between Bio and Fire).
Katana? I'll have to look at that again. I've never had much luck with it (or damage either).
In the past SS with Rage couldn't be beat, even with the Rage crash. Now, with IOs, procing, and changes to some sets I'm not sure. Certainly the right pairing with SS can make big difference. I've always been partial to Fiery Melee and I think the last change to the set gave it "moar Fire damage over time". I'm not sure anyone has done an analysis since the old days. Might be pretty complex now. But, I'd love to know how the sets shake out. As others have said Fire, Bio, Rad would likely be the best Primaries for pairing (Offense wise). After that for the Secondaries, SS, Stone Melee, Fiery Melee(?), the "B" tier might include EM, BA, etc... I know the Battle Axe changes (Axe Cyclone) make it the "Best" set for Tanking period. Since you can use it to draw enemies in and (after practice) actually relocate them. Not sure where it ranks for overall damage, but I know my Rad/Axer using Musculature can pump out some nice number, but so can my Rad/Fiery Melee toons.
Three Ice Tanks!!?? I didn't realize I had set the team up with that. I'm surprised you could herd anything with the slows that must have been going on.
Good fun on Everlasting tonight. Thanks all for joining us, and special thanks to all the team leads. PLV and SB lead ITFs, and MsA and Ronin took the missions teams. 1/20 will be January's TT on Reuion (9:30 AM PT). Jan 30th 2024 all Tanker Hami on Excel! Bring holds, and ranged attacks for Hami, come early, as I'm not sure the level of turnout we'll have for this event. 1) bring holds if you can get them 2) bring ranged attack (at least one) 3) bring a jet pack to easily access all mitos 4) show up early, as I have no idea the level of turnout we'll have for this event. 5) we'll meet in King's Row at the usual place and usual time, then head to the Abyss.
Hey Lauci, We'll meet at the usual time then head to the Abyss. So, 6:00 PM PDT in King's then after the initial gathering, off to the Abyss.
Good run on Torch tonight. A bit of a slow start, but we got things rolling. Four teams over all, two missions teams and two Synapse teams. Thanks for taking a mission team MsA and thanks to Ronin and Lolly Gagger for running the Synapse teams. 01/16/24 we're back on Everlasting! Meet in King's Row at 6PM PST/9PM EST. 1/20 (date correction) will be January's TT on Reuion (9:30 AM PT). Jan 30th 2024 all Tanker Hami on Excel!
Good turnout on Excel tonight. We had three missions teams and ApeMage team. Thanks for taking missions MsA, Shana/Witty, and thanks for running ApeMage Ronin. 01/09/24 we're on Torch! Meet in King's Row at 6PM PST/9PM EST. 1/16 will be January's TT on Reuion (9:30 AM PT). Also, Jan 30th 2024 all Tanker Hami on Excel!
Three teams tonight on Indom, so a great turnout for that server! Thanks for leading the missions team MsA, and thanks to Ronin and Pep for taking Manti and Posi1 and 2! Welcome to all the new comers and welcome back to all returning Tankers/TTers! Opening event, a Winter Lord stopped by along with three Palis! And since he stopped by to say "Hi", went went to his realm to wish him the best. Tanker Style! (cleared the map ;)) 01/02/24 we start the new year on Excel! Meet in King's Row at 6PM PST/9PM EST. 1/16 will be January's TT on Reuion (9:30 AM PT). Jan 30th 2024 all Tanker Hami on Excel!
Please don't misunderstand what I saying. Winter-Os were needed to get to the numbers I wanted when I tried the build as well (prior to finding your post).
Thanks for the build SB. I appreciate it. It also looks pretty close to what I came up with. So it was good to have another source to look at. And yeah, I don't think I'd do Invuln/Rad again, it hasn't been my favorite pairing, but I think I can make it work.
Good turnout on Everlasting tonight. Three missions teams. Thanks for taking leads Pep and Inday. We first visited the Winter Lords Realm (actually, we first spawned a WL and melted him), then went on to MJ missions. Lots of leveling and herding to be had. We also had some new faces, so welcome all who are first timers to TT as well as returning vet Tankers. 12/26 we're on Indom, due to the holiday the meeting will be "informal". Attend if you can and we'll go from there. Meet in King's Row at 6PM PST/9PM EST. Happy Holidays Everyone!! Also, Jan 30th 2024 all Tanker Hami on Excel!
Thanks all, found one from Hyper back on page 12. As I feared it's heavily Winter-O'd.
Hi all, I'm working on my Invuln/Rad and realized, I'm not that versed in Invuln since the changes. Anyone got a good build for Invuln/Rad and advise for how to build? Also, what Alpha? I'm leaning towards Musculature, but am open to others. Thanks
Interesting... We'll discuss this at the next event.
I'm up for almost anything. We've already done the all Shield Defense (ITFs, not sure we've actually run a leveling up group), and on live I've participated in all "Burn" teams, they're very fun. So, I could go with an all Fiery Aura theme. I'm okay if you want to run different secondary sets.
Fun run on Reunion today. We had six Tanks and were able to get in both Citadel and Manti TFs. We also had three Palis trying to get in on the event. We treated them to our usual Tanker hospitality. Welcome to the new players, always nice to have new faces at the event. We just finished our last round of "new" Tanks on Reunion and are looking to start another group. This time we're thinking of a themed sets. So far we have Ice/Axe, Dark/Fire (or Fire/Dark), Rad/SS and Stone/MA. Let me know what you think or if you have another interesting set combo to try. We'll be back on Reunion on Jan 20th. Not sure if we'll run the new Tanks then or if we'll wait for Feb to make sure this current group has the TFC badge. See ya' soon!