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Mr. Vee

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Everything posted by Mr. Vee

  1. Disney once famously C&D'd a daycare with a homemade Mickey Mouse mural. So yeah.
  2. If you're like me you remember to change it back two times but never a third :)
  3. I had a katana/dark scrapper and pretty much the whole time past the point where it was too high to reroll I wished it was a brute. I planned to remake it as such but that's way down the road. Too many new things to try.
  4. Badges seems a bad place too though, as I don't give a rodent's posterior about badges but do care about accolade powers. But I doubt it matters too much since the new posts button is so much more convenient than searching particular forums anyway.
  5. Best bet is to level as widow and io a fort build when you can. But like flux said if you're committed to only psi attacks you'll be underwhelmed by the damage even on an expensive build.
  6. Yes, Silk, only downside other than cost of catalyst is that they then become unable to be level boosted. So if you plan on only playing high level content you might want to go that direction instead. Alternatively suppose you're an altoholic like me and you have a toon you're only going to use for penny yin tf, e.g. in that case you'd be better off getting level 27 ios and boosting them. They'd still behave as 27 for set bonus purposes but have the stats boosted. And no desarix, they should be in i24, but the market change that allows recipes and enhancements to change to the level they are bid at is i25 I believe.
  7. Apart from the cost of the catalysts yes, that's correct. And even without the luck you can bid on the set at its lowest level in the market and get it at that level even if someone put it up at a different level. So if you intend to attune you might as well always grab it at the lowest level for earliest slotting.
  8. They come in higher level versions but they only retain set bonus effectiveness three levels below the level of the enhancement. So the 27s in Redlynne's build would have their bonuses work exemplared to level 24. It's become much easier to get enhancements and recipes at the level you desire because all of them on the market go into the same pool now and a winning bid gets you the level you bid on. It's a huge qol improvement. Alternatively if money is no object and you plan to exemplar a lot you can buy enhancement catalysts and attune your enhancements to work at any level (well the full level range of the set anyway). https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Enhancements and the various links off of it should explain a lot of this better than we could. Though it's been a bit outdated by the introduction of more sets with bonuses that work at every level, the basic information is still correct. The newer sets will indicate in their info when their bonuses are level independent.
  9. Good to know. Still probably easier to pop to red to do high pain threshold now that it's just marcone lieutenant and minion instead of bosses, but a good option. Now if only there were one for arcmage for people who refuse to go to red side.
  10. Placate became much less necessary after they fixed stalkers in ish 20something. I've basically stopped taking it. Willpower you'd usually build for insane amounts of HP/regen and try to grab as much defense as possible. It's a weird set in that it's split between resistance and typed defense, letting the to hit debuff in the aura cover for some of the holes. I honestly have no idea how i'd go about building it for a stalker, though. The staff +defense attack being split melee/lethal would further complicate things.
  11. Yeah some are so used to being wanted and slurped in holy trinity games that they take constructive criticism about as well as King joffrey. I suspect some take on the healer role in game after game just for the blind validation from strangers.
  12. I'm loving my psi/rad but it's not quite 30 yet.
  13. I decided for lulz to make a 'healer' emp on the last day of live. Got it into the teens basically just being silly and topping off my friends' health every time they took any hit with my medicine pool heal. But anyway, last day of the game and I got the name Achilles Heal. that the name was still available tells you about everything you need to know about the 'healer' mentality.
  14. Well yeah they vary, nature of the beast. But the ones with no ato are evened out by the ones with two. Of course you might be better served getting them off the market anyway, especially if you need some of the cheaper ones.
  15. What everyone else said. But I've also found (from making one then wishing I'd made the other in several cases) that a rule of thumb for me is if it's quick hits go brute, if it's big hits go scrap.
  16. botz in your travel power and a steadfast -kb to get the 2 piece whatever minor bonus with the +def if you have the free slot can work. i've gotten by with just the botz on a firey before but you will get slung around now and again (protip - don't fight dominatrix solo with only mag 4). My brute had an extra slot to get 4 from 6 slotting overwhelming force in shockwave to go with the botz in superspeed.
  17. I generally prefer red side but with null now switching alignment on the fly I see no reason to stay on one side. I switch from vig to rougue and back depending on what I'm wanting to run. The only reason to stay pure hero or villain back in the day was for h/v merits but with alignment mishes all rewarding the same merits now that's gone too. It's made accolade powers significantly easier with grabbing demonic and high pain on red, Atlas on blue. No more nem tanks or illusion pets for me tyvm. Of course I suppose if you're one of those character concept types...
  18. The only thing I've played that reliably drained enough to be super useful was electric control. The aura drains significantly, especially in concert with the drains in your other controls, and pretty much cripples entire mobs from doing anything too worrisome.
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