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Mr. Vee

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Everything posted by Mr. Vee

  1. Exactly. Keep in mind there are a good number of folks who put everything up for 1 inf. On high volume sets this doesn't make much difference but in a low volume like the one you mentioned it can really add to the time you have it listed, especially if you listed right at the going rate.
  2. Btw re claws - with the KB to kd io shockwave is glorious. Been wanting to try savage but one can only play so many alts at once. Can't tell if this talk of it possibly underperforming makes me more or less likely to roll one in the next few days.
  3. The lowest listed price is the first bought. So someone had theirs listed cheaper than yours. They got more than you're listing because the person who bought it wanted it now and so just checked purchase history and bid the 2m rather than bid creeping.
  4. The rule is three levels below, so you'd only lose one of those bonuses at level 30. But with the market having attuned ios at the same price as un- now there's no reason to lose bonuses when exemped unless you're 3 levels below the lowest level the set is available in, or it's a set you preferred using boosters on.
  5. Think that's always been the case. I'm on mobile or I'd check but I think that's one of the powers with no allowable sets. Devs probably didn't want us putting the psi damage proc in there.
  6. Yeah sorry, I just googled on mobile to find it after having it installed on mine since day one. The version I downloaded was zipped but the version I linked to sounds easier. Glad you got it working.
  7. I love martial but I don't think it syncs particularly well with assault rifle.
  8. Maybe a dumb question but did you check salvage inventory? The bonus merits and notice are usually immediately buried by tf end info in the chat window, them the regular award shows. Have to scroll up to see them.
  9. Did you create a game account too? The forum account is a prerequisite but it's not itself the game login.
  10. They're good, they're just better on scrappers, who benefit from the damage buff more. Maybe stalkers too, I've not heard.
  11. No need to worry on the salvage end since they seeded tons so they're price capped. Also no need to really worry on the uncommon recipes. If the prices on those start to inflate the profit margins will decrease and demand will go down. Also if they go up more people will market them rather than vendor.
  12. Keep in mind that Regen has nothing in the way of defense debuff resistance. So you might be better served to just go heavier recharge/Regen and try to get one of mog/shadow meld up for every mob. I'd also consider shockwave with the KB to kd io for some extra mitigation
  13. Or visit the gull and get the redside version high pain threshold. Marcone bosses have been changed to lieutenants so it's much quicker. Can get the whole accolade faster than a nem hunt. Well apart from the debt. I couldn't believe I had to farm some debt for it on a blaster yesterday. Unprecedented. But five minutes of attacking +5s in Grandville next to the hospital and I had enough.
  14. Great farm. So much more satisfying than regular enemies. Would like to see some valiant characters if possible. XO Manowar and Ninjak would look particularly cool. And Armstrong just cuz Armstrong.
  15. That's what I've been doing, but I don't have any long recharge clickies on some characters so I just forget. Maybe when the countdowns go live I'll remember better.
  16. Any chance the hybrid incarnate powers could be made actual toggles rather than toggles you have to keep remembering to turn on? Not sure if it's impossible or prohibitively difficult but being able to keep them toggled on would help me a lot. Just let the effects degrade to zero when the downtime comes due? And I suppose we'd need it to be optional or people who like to control when they're getting the buff would feel nerfed. I'd be willing to trade having it down sometimes for the big fights for the benefit of all the uptime I miss because I forget it.
  17. That's not actually true. Greyed out powers still give bonuses so long as the enhancement levels aren't more than three levels above the level you're exemped to. But as the minimum level on lotg is 25 it will only work starting at 22 even attuned.
  18. I interpreted that as rotation in the sense of rotating which come up earliest in the list, which would be very nice, rather than rotating in and out of dev choice.
  19. One thing I do that might help you a little is setup key binds for global channels with local name display. I bind to the keys that have default binds that close windows which annoys me, so m, n, c, also b, the first/third person toggle. But obviously can do it wherever you like or macro it. Bind is /bind m beginchat /send "name of channel"[$name] So with that I hit m and type. When I hit enter it sends to the channel in the form @global[local] message Could be pretty easily adjusted for your purposes using /team, /SG and /coalition instead of /send channel but I'm not sure what the $ alias is for global name. If you find that would just depend how many bugs you can stand and how successful you are getting SG mates to do it. Doubt it'll help with team but could be a useful stopgap til your suggestion gets implemented
  20. I can't imagine why they'd nerf something so universally useful. It's not as if it's just benefitting a certain at or set or something.
  21. Yes, and can easily be soloed now. But it's still a crap tf.
  22. I expected a reply of this form. No, I'm not. No RL auction works like this (no, it doesn't - whatever you come up with, it won't have this characteristic where the bidder can at no fee submit any number of bids gradually creeping up towards a predetermined price; it would be absurd - even more annoying with real money where the bidder is even more incentivised to make tiny increments in their bids.) eBay works kinda like this, except here if you creep the bid enough you get the item rather than just lead the bidding til someone else ups theirs. Now, a compromise I think might work, though I'm ecstatic with the market as it is now, would be the option for the seller to list a buy it now price in addition to their list price. But I'm not a computers so idk how hard that'd be to implement and I'm not convinced it'd be an actual improvement so much as just an attempt to make folks like you a bit happier with it
  23. See that's the thing, we have played other MMOs and their markets are terrible. I thought swtor had the worst possible. Then I played secret world legends. I'm willing to bet there are even worse ones. All the constant undercutting, short sale terms, relisting. It's just awful. I get that you're used to a more direct sale market than an auction house but give it a chance and I think you'll like it. A bunch of people liked it so much on the original servers that is practically all they did. And even if you don't grow to like it, at least I hope you'll appreciate how nice it is to be able to search and bid for things that aren't currently for sale.
  24. Where do I go for my pillory time?
  25. Did you try making a custom sound as outlined in https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,2456.msg21033.html#msg21033. ? Might kill two birds.
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