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Everything posted by Redlynne

  1. Download. Install. Run. Nothing happens. Uninstall. Download new. Install. Run. Nothing happens.
  2. What's happening, under the hood, is that when you zone into a new map (instanced or shared world) your Pets are "left behind" (with their buffs) on the previous map. Your Pets are then automagically resummoned into the new zone you've entered, but they're resummoned at the "base" summoning level without the upgrade buffs. This is why you can watch another Mastermind move to another zone and see their Pets collapse and ragdoll upon the Mastermind zoning. It is especially common when a Mastermind enters a Mission door from the shared world. Mastermind goes in and the Pets collapse in a heap on the ground outside the Mission Door. So that's why upgrade buffs "fall off" whenever you zone as a Mastermind. I believe that Paragon Studios must have done some interesting hackery of their code so as to "read" the upgrade state of Pets before zoning in order to have that upgrade state carry over to the (resummoned) Pets after zoning as a Mastermind (because other Archetypes don't have this upgrade buff problem) but that code chunk isn't operational here on Homecoming for whatever reason. It's just a side effect of how Mastermind Pets "work" under the hood. So WORKING as intended ... even if it is not working as INTENDED ... if you understand the distinction between the two choices of emphasis on the same phrasing.
  3. Have you ever considered ... er, I mean ... being a Scrapper ...?
  4. RNGesus is a fickle $DIETY. Pray more often (and more fervently!).
  5. Echo Dark Astoria was ... creeptacular ... in a way that no other zone ever managed. You had GHOSTS of civilians walking the streets who would disappear when you got too close to them(!). However, the FOG in Dark Astoria prevented you from getting a good "sense" of the zone or what was in it, simply because you couldn't see it. It also made it a pain to get around the zone using Fly/Jump/Teleport because you'd bang into a building that suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the fog. The funny thing is that besides the graveyard, all of the building areas of Dark Astoria were things you could see anywhere else in the game, and yet the ever present fog made them all LOOK new/different because you couldn't see them from far away. Of the two, I honestly prefer the look and feel of Echo Dark Astoria.
  6. I've looked at Field Medic repeatedly in Pine's and have never been able to justify it to myself on the grounds that although Field Medic "helps" Aid Self, it doesn't do so enough to yield a "break even" (let alone positive return) on the endurance cost of using Aid Self in the first place. Either that or I'm just not accounting for all the factors involved.
  7. I am Ye Olde Skool when it comes to build planning. Attunement of enhancements didn't exist in Issues 1-23. This meant that the best compromise balance point for Set IOs was, in most cases, at either Level 27 (for Exemplar Level 24 content due to Flashback level brackets) or at Level 31 (for Exemplar Level 28 for the Moonfire Task Force). With attunement it's less of an imperative, but I still write up my builds "the old way" for people who aren't rich enough to be able to afford attunements for every Set IO they've got yet.
  8. Energy Font needs to be slotted into a power that is not a summons or (presumably) a pseudo-pet. You also want it to be in a fast recharging power that you can use "often" either as a single target in a repeating attack chain or in an AoE which offers a fast recharge. Either way, you want to use the Chuck Lots Of Dice! method for getting it to proc. The worst thing you can do is expect/need Energy Font to proc THIS time you cast the power as part of a synergy/strategy that won't work when you need it. Assume that Energy Font will fall into the category of Nice To Have™ rather than being an absolute imperative to have proc every time you use the power it is slotted into. Remember ... CHANCE to proc ... does not equate to "will proc every time you need it to" ...
  9. I think that if you're happy with your build ... Mission Complete ...?
  10. Calvin Scott is the Atta of Praetoria. True story.
  11. The backpack attacks animate more slowly, but they have a different damage type (Energy instead of Lethal) and the Cone attack has a slightly wider arc (60º instead of 45º). My personal preference is to use 2 builds on the same character ... one that is all rifle attacks and a second that is all backpack attacks (aside from the Web Grenade, which can only be fired from the rifle for some reason). Of course, doing that would be EXPENSIVE since you're basically slotting out TWO BUILDS by doing that, but hey ... it's good to have long term goals.
  12. Update. Character count for the below code is 175. "targetcustomnear enemy alive$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Quantum$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Void$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Cyst$$targetcustomnext enemy alive Sapper"
  13. My favorite Dryad headcanon that I came up with over 20 years ago was ... a Dryad ... who lived in a bonsai tree, in a pot. So rather than having a gigantic 100+ meters tall tree anchored in one spot (and not going anywhere), this Dryad could literally manifest as a full size human woman, pick up her bonsai tree in a pot ... and GO PLACES ... because the tree was "portable" in that respect. She just had to take the tree with her when she traveled, kind of like a pet plant. When I explained the concept to other people in my tabletop RPG group they all basically goggled at me in silence until the gears clicked into place and the realization dawned on them that while this wasn't a "standard" interpretation of a fey, it certainly would work as a PC in a campaign and would present relatively few limitations for the character to overcome. Remember, not all of the "greatest" and most revered of trees have been enormous. Some have been very small indeed ... As for playing a Sidhe in City of Heroes, my Time/Dual Pistols/Dark Defender is literally named Sidhe Bang (because Sidhe is properly pronounced as "Shee") and her bio reads that she was one of the last surviving refugees to escape Ireland during the Hamidon Wars (she's a Praetorian). She wears a green/white tweed jacket and pleated mini skirt and she is "unfairly good with guns" according to her bio. As for using a powerset like Beam Rifle, you can always headcanon the notion that in an effort to blend and pass with the human population, a little bit of Fey Glamour has been applied to make the focus object LOOK LIKE a beam rifle (and its FX LOOK LIKE those of a beam rifle) when in fact something else is going on behind the illusion. That then lets you get away with whatever Magic Origin backstory you want to get up to.
  14. +1 Inf and nomination for Bug Hunter badge award (if replicated and found to be true).
  15. I'm currently using Island Rum on a 2011 iMac that has "topped out" on OSX upgrades already at 10.13.6 and cannot "advance" any higher due to hardware vintage/limitations (until I buy a replacement computer). In that context, Island Rum is working just fine and dandy for me and will continue to do so long after Catalina drops and the mass migration to it begins. Just as an FYI.
  16. Why isn't the Ideal Answer™ to rig it so the Island Rum program gives you the option to launch Pines out of the menu on the left? That's a great idea. Getting Pine's running on macOS is fairly trivial. It's just a .Net 2.0 app, which is very well-supported by Wine. Who would need to talk to who to make that happen? :P I think we finally have our answer ... I do know that Island Rum, along with Tequila, will eventually be superseded by the Sunrise launcher, but beyond that I have no idea what Manga is planning. So, apparently, you might want to send a PM to Manga.
  17. "In order to serve you better, we will stop serving your kind here." Never found that a persuasive argument, myself ...
  18. I still continue to use on all of my alts the following: "targetenemynear$$targetcustomnext alive Quantum$$targetcustomnext alive Void$$targetcustomnext alive Cyst$$targetcustomnext alive Sapper"
  19. Will Trickshooter please answer the white telephone? Your agent is calling ...
  20. So I dual booted over to the Windoze side of my Mac today in order to take TW/Ninjitsu for a spin in Pine's 2.22 and get a sense for what's happening in here and ... wound up with something (starting from scratch) that makes me kind of sit back and wonder if there is a DOG. Allow me to explain. On my Ice/Ice Tanker build, one of the things that I am exceptionally keen on doing is frankenslotting Frost as a Melee Cone for Range so as to get its allowed reach up from 10 ft to around ~15 ft ... which doesn't sound like much, but it actually increases the AREA of space that Frost can attack/hold at risk by very nearly DOUBLE in size (in square foot terms). That's because 1.4*1.4=1.96 ... so increase the Range on a Cone attack by +40% and you nearly double the area of (2D) ground you can hold at risk. So what I do with Frost is something I like to call the "Hop 'n' Pop" with it ... where instead of just standing on the ground (like a Stone Tanker) with my feet nailed to the floor, instead I'll JUMP UP above the cluster of aggro I've gathered around myself (see: Tanker with Auras) so as to point the Cone of my Frost attack DOWNWARDS at everything clustered up (temporarily) under me, rather than pointing Frost off to one side of the pie and missing 75% of the $Targets around me. So I'm not doing THIS ... ... instead I'm doing THIS ... ... and even just from this extremely simplistic representation of a (not even 90º wide) cone, you can see how the addition of the blue and purple layers at the bottom of the cone intersect a much larger/wider area on the ground than the green layer does. Well, I worked out that with Hurdle (only, so no Combat Jumping, and slotted with a single common 50 Jump IO) your PC will jump straight up about 15 feet in height ... which just so happens to almost exactly match the "reach" of a Range extended Frost, so that I can quickly jump up ... point the Cone of the Frost attack DOWNWARDS into the dogpile of aggro I've got around me, click Frost when I'm at the top of my jump (you quickly develop a feel for the timing to do this) and successfully turn Frost from a Cone that misses most of what's around you into a Cone that hits pretty much everything around you as if it were a PBAoE (even though it's really a Cone). Clever use of game mechanics (and positioning) and all that. Ye ken hoo i'tis. So I was looking at Titan Weapons, which I haven't played before, and noticed that for Scrappers the powerset has three 120º melee cones of 10 foot range. But then when I went to go and start frankenslotting them for Range I found something I hadn't been expecting ... in Pine's at least you can't slot common Range enhancements into Titan Weapons(!). This is at least consistent with legacy info found at City of Data for Titan Weapons, where Range enhancements were not permitted to be slotted into the Cone powers. But then, that's never stopped me from wondering about these things before ... So even though I shouldn't have been able to do it (ha ha) ... I was able to frankenslot my way to getting some Range enhancement slotting into the three melee Cones available to Titan Weapons, along with some +Defense set bonuses (definitely needed on the build I was working on) and even a proc IO in the 6th slot. This brought the range (in Pine's) for these three Cone attacks up to 14-15 ft, just like I'm accustomed to with Frost in Ice Melee, but each of these attacks in Titan Weapons has a wider 120º Cone instead of a more limiting 90º Cone meaning increased opportunity to PUNISH fools who don't run away fast enough. PUNISH. PUNISH. PUNISH ... The problem with all of this, of course, is that it works great In Theory™ ... but I have no idea if it will work "properly" in the actual game engine itself. Would anyone be willing to conduct a simple test of the proposition for us (and me) on Justin? All you need to do is create a Titan Weapons Scrapper on Justin, insta-level to 50, and slot 3 Damage/Range Hami-O enhancements along with a couple Accuracy and an Endurance Reduction into each of the three Cone attacks (so as to keep the results from getting too skewed by missing and too tedious due to running out of blue bar). After that, it's just a matter of determining if the Cone attacks get more "reach" with the (not meant to be allowed) Range enhancement slotted into the powers or not. I figure the basic difference between Titan Weapons and Ice Melee on this point is that Titan Weapons is a melee WEAPON (meaning costume item) powerset, while Ice Melee does not have an associated melee weapon costume item (although Ice Sword and Greater Ice Sword will temporarily manifest weapon-ish looking items as part of the animation of those powers). Frost, however doesn't manifest a weapon at all, so "allowing" the Range on the Cone of the attack to be enhanced doesn't wind up with a conceptual oddity of a "weapon" being able to reach farther (via taffy pull?) than usual, and in the process wind up looking ridiculous from an animation perspective. At the very least, being able to verify this particular distinction would have value for the community, I'm thinking. So ... any takers testers willing to help out a Mad Engineer known agent of KAOS take control of the world?
  21. I also recommend Huntsman ... but then I'm (hella) biased. ^_~
  22. You know, it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were some ... typos ... of the "off by 1" variety involving how the Pet AI logic reads attack animation times and readies the next attack for use. So instead of "thinking" that an animation only takes 2 seconds, the AI behaves as if the animation takes 3 or 4 seconds to complete before activating another power for use. As I recall, even the Paragon Studios devs had trouble with the glitchy Pet AI doing "stupid stuff" it wasn't supposed to with the options it was given. In a lot of cases what they wound up doing was "rigging" the Pet attacks in such a way as to reduce the ... collisions ... of available options for the Pet AI to sort through in order to choose what to do/cast next. I'm thinking this would be a relatively simplistic proposition to test. Take the current baseline of ... ... and simply modify the recharge times like so ... As I'm sure plenty of our math majors will notice, that would then put the recharge times on prime numbers for those powers, reducing the risk/opportunity for ... indecision ... by the Pet AI for equally usable options at any given time. The other possibility would involve "educating" the Pet AI system with what amount to a Priorities List of: Use THIS power first over other options Use this power NEXT over all options except the one above ... etc. ... That way, you prevent the Pet Ai from potentially falling into a "trap" of having more than one option to choose from and not being able to make a choice between them.
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