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Everything posted by Andreah

  1. After a mission where Black Viper and a few other girls on the team laughed about the awful (council) men that kept raining down from the catwalks above them, she composed a song. Rain of Men.m4a
  2. Yes, it has a history. And there were attempts, which I admitted. But for the vast majority of the game content, it's a static world.
  3. Re Ms. Liberty, I highly doubt she was ever a teenager in the game's "Present Day", just based on her mother's demographic cohort.
  4. I tend to agree. Even though in player-RP we tend to advance the calendar, the design of the game doesn't really accommodate time moving on. There were a few attempts, but they don't really change much.
  5. Black Viper and the Midnight Choir are invited to play at a multi-band street event organized by the Independence Port Citizen's Action League to rally opposition to Family criminal activity. Black Viper composed a song for the event and performs it live to the largest crowd she's ever sung for. Own the Port.m4a
  6. I don't mind that Longbow has a dark side. But these should be splinter faction that the main body of Longbow rejects and even enlists us (as heroes) to help find, break off, and bring to justice. And as villains... there could be other opportunities in that.
  7. The HVAS doesn't have a timer. It'll stay with you for the duration of the mission, or until it's destroyed. This costs 5000 inf plus 250 Vanguard merits, so you would have to be high enough level to earn those. You can only have one charge at a time. If you can keep it healed, it's awesome.
  8. I keep lots of the Signature Summons charged up, but I'm in-game super-rich, and the cost is a round off error for me. For a normal wealth player, choosing one and getting a couple charges for real emergencies can make sense, but it's a lot of Inf: 10 Million for five charges.
  9. Pay attention to upgrading your enhancements first, but it's a useful power to have for a pinch.
  10. Black Viper and the Midnight Choir perform "Breaking the Veil". Breaking the Veil.m4a
  11. Black Viper and the Midnight Choir perform "Midnight Masks", expressing conflicting feelings on secret identities and the draw of fame. Midnight Masks.m4a
  12. When people are truly hungry, starvation level, they'll try to eat surprising things. The body is basically saying "We're gonna die otherwise. What's the worst that could happen?"
  13. Black Viper and the Midnight Choir perform "Katie's Soul", for the Katie Hannon Task Force. (AI assistance was used in casting my lyrics into Elizabethan English) Katie's Soul.m4a
  14. Black Viper and the Midnight Choir perform "The Ghost Ship of Talos Island" Ghost Ship of Talos Island.m4a
  15. Great Idea -- except not Catalysts. Those cost too many merits for what they sell for. Converters, Unslotters, and Boosters are your best alternatives. Prices on the market can swing up and down a bit, so figure out what they're getting you per merit on the auction before you trade in lots of merits at once.
  16. @Frozen Burn is absolutely correct. Only turn on rejection of things if you don't care about what they're worth and want your trays and inventory to fill slower. I think there's ten i25 badges for rejecting a certain number of insps or recipes (from 50 up to 1000), so you might reject things if you are a badge-hunter.
  17. A while back, I did a test on a radio mission at all different combos of level and team size, solo from the same level 50 character. I didn't save the data (wish I had) but I recorded the time it took to defeat the first spawn in the mission, how much xp and inf dropped, how much damage I was doing vs a minion, lt, and boss with single-target attack, and how many HP they each had. From that I concluded that I got maximum Inf and Xp per minute from +2/x8. I figured If I had my incarnate alpha slotted, then +3 or +4 would make sense. This was on a tanker, so I had no possibility of being defeated myself, I just wanted to know how the level scaling of their hit points and my dps combined to affect the clearing speed. Overall, I've settled on a rule of thumb for when I run mixed-level radio teams to produce the best overall xp and inf gain per minute for the whole team. I start at +2/x8, and if I have an extra well-built 50+1 on the team, I increase it to +3/x8. I tend not to run at +4, since lower level players sidekicked to level 49 and often without good slotting can struggle to hit them. Even at +3, half the mobs will spawn at level 54, but the the other half will feel hittable. If there's a lot of deaths on the team, I'll drop it back, all the way to +0 if needed -- Imo, Fun>Efficiency. Sometimes people get focused on experience or inf per mob-defeat, and forget that mob-defeats per time is just as important.
  18. LOL. :D (never encourage rule-breaking)
  19. Black Viper and the Midnight Choir perform "Shadows of Rome", an ode to the Imperious Task Force. https://www.udio.com/songs/cwtyboVcfckmpTSyYhEaHe?utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing
  20. I'll add that if you have a fixed rate and quality of drops per kill, then you want to optimize kills per unit time. In this case, you would want to run at a lower relative level and a higher team size.
  21. Black Viper and The Midnight Choir perform "Duality" Duality.m4a
  22. And so? How does that cause inflation, which was your original assertion? And you do not have it correct. The highest offer to buy can never exceed the lowest listed sell. The moment a buy order comes in above the lowest listed sell order -- it sells. And whenever a sell offer goes in below the the highest offer to buy, it is bought. This is Market 101 stuff. These margins above fees you speak of are not simultaneous -- which is one of the main benefits that flippers bring to the market -- stability of prices over time. Flippers connect impatient sellers and buyers together, doing each of them a service. The flipper has in abundance what the others do not, and is selling it to them -- "patience". The flipper is risking their stake on a bet that their sell prices will eventually be those low enough to sell through. And in a deflationary market, the chance they'll have to pull them, eat half the fee, and relist, possibly at a loss, is real.
  23. I don't know that one, I'll check it out.
  24. It was a good idea in theory, it just dropped something in implementation. I would have liked to see the city redone to make more sense from a roads, traffic, and buildings perspective. But it wouldn't be the same game anymore. Kallisti should follow the design patterns already established by the existing zones, even if its assets are more up to date. And it might be cool to have newspaper red-side sorts of missions AND police radio missions. So who/where would the newspaper contacts be?
  25. Black Viper (Everlasting) sings a song about Wentworth's in a seedy bar. The Marketeer.m4a (( Lyrics mine, heavily inspired by Kenny Rogers': The Gambler, edited and tuned for rhyme and meter scan with help of text AI. Music and singing prompted using Riffusion.com ))
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