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Captain Fabulous

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Everything posted by Captain Fabulous

  1. I just use one of the heals. It's really not a big deal.
  2. And just because it's public domain doesn't mean companies like Disney can't continue to use and profit off them. It just means others can too.
  3. We had a fun run. Thanks to all who came out. Part 2 coming soon!
  4. I'd be up for this, but we'd definitely need to pick a server, time, and place to meet. And IIRC don't some of these places required TP to get to?
  5. I think you underestimate the volume of incessant shrieking even a small number of people are capable of. See: beta forums.
  6. The bunker they need to hide in after implementing the name release policy isn't finished being built. It'll be implemented once the bunker is completed and fully stocked with 6 months of supplies.
  7. It's true. All the kool kids are playing Ship of Heroes and City of Titans now. 🤷‍♂️
  8. Yeah, I remember when the flee code was added. It was garbage then and it's garbage now. It basically triggers when critters take a ton of damage and aren't dealing much themselves. So if you have really high defense or you floor their tohit/accuracy, they're gonna run after a few misses, especially if their health is low. This is different from the fear that was added about the same time to powers like Burn and Caltrops.
  9. It's the one thing that sucks about playing Blasters. You do have some controls in DP, and unlike other ATs you can use your T1 and T2 powers while mezzed, but that's always going to be a Blaster's kryptonite. You can get KB protection from IOs, and there are a number of powers in the game that will give you some mez protection, but it's all pretty limited. You can get some via Incarnates, but of course you have to get to level 50 first.
  10. I have 2. One is a DP/Ninja/Munitions Blaster, the other is a DP/Regen/Ninja Sentinel. I think I prefer the Blaster.
  11. Honestly there isn't anything that has amazing synergy with FF, so it really comes down to what you want to play. There is some minor advantage with powers that have -ToHit and/or -ACC, like Dark, as those will make the FF bubbles work a bit better. For Masterminds, pairing FF with Bots works well, as the Bots have their own FF bubbles and they stack with yours.
  12. See if setting the game's gamma to the same as whatever you use on the command line prevents it from resetting. Also check out ReShade. You should be able to get it working under Linux.
  13. On Excelsior, roughly every 10 seconds her powers and any buffs on her refresh, along with the sound effects. It gets annoying really quickly if you're in earshot.
  14. Looks like it's targeting the text, not the screens, so I'm gonna blame the add-on. The client must see the text as an ally entity.
  15. I'm pretty sure I drooled a little the first time I saw it.
  16. Just off the top of my head, animation times are not standardized across different powersets. I don't think it would be terribly difficult hooking up more animation choices (tho likely time consuming), but it would cause havoc with all the different animation times. And trying to standardize those, now THAT would be a nightmare.
  17. Not sure why you think it's a bad thing.
  18. Correct and correct, providing said AVs do not have any tohit or accuracy buffs that will increase their chance to hit above the 7.5% base. This is why in hard mode TFs the softcap for defense is ~65%, because everything has a higher base % chance to hit as well as an additional tohit buff.
  19. Try changing the screen resolution to borderless and/or a fixed resolution. Some video cards lock the gamma in certain modes. If all else fails you can try using ReShade, which will allow you to apply all kinds of filters including gamma, sharpness, vibrancy, levels, curves, etc. It makes a HUGE difference in the visual quality of the game. Seriously, it's like night and day.
  20. Champions Online (played less and less as the years went on, stopped playing altogether when they started deleting earned tokens) Star Trek Online (still play) Guild Wars 2 (played for a few years and got bored) DCUO (tried twice to get into it, just couldn't) Marvel Heroes (loved it, hated the last patch, but played until it was gone) various Marvel and DC mobile games (will NEVER play another one ever again, they're ALL P2W garbage) Path of Exile (never got too far into it) Neverwinter (was into it for awhile, too many changes over the years, not worth rebuilding every character)
  21. You have to pick an origin.
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