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Captain Fabulous

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Everything posted by Captain Fabulous

  1. Singularity now has a slow -repel effect. I can't think of any additional ones off the top of my head. 3 recharge reduction enhancements will cut the recharge time just about in half. Hasten also helps. Just remember, recharge reduction is a divisive stat, so it has diminishing returns the more you add.
  2. The donations are filled with hours. This game is in no danger of going under, even if a few whiny babies leave because they lost some names on characters they never play. Allowing people to sit and camp on prime names they don't use also just doesn't cut it. People can't argue that names don't matter and then throw hissy fits about a name release policy. Or that new players not sticking around because they can't get any good names isn't also an issue.
  3. IIRC flight poses don't work with Shield powers toggled on either.
  4. I'm not aware of any way to do what you're looking to do.
  5. Boyband and Clown MM sets.
  6. Outbreak and Breakout are far more instructive and new-player friendly than Galaxy City. Not sure I agree, not for a new player. Sure, you're not going to get thru it in 5 mins, but it's a far better starting experience for someone who has never played the game before.
  7. Name hoarder: "Sorry you can't get the name you want, just get creative and pick something else. It's just a name, it doesn't matter that much." :devs institute name release policy: Name hoarder: "HOW DARE YOU TAKE MY NAMES AWAY! DON'T YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I HAVE INVESTED IN THE HUNDREDS OF CHARACTERS I MADE IN 2019 AND HAVEN'T PLAYED SINCE????" Yes, fire up the name release policy and have it also affect level 50s. Or figure out a way to tack an identifier on characters that allows multiple people have the same name. If people are so upset over losing their name that they leave the game, well too damned bad. Byeeeeee.
  8. Now I never said that. And honestly I'm like you. I don't do a lot of grinding. I play a lot of alts, drop in some IOs here and there as I can. I'm just saying that if you are into fully kitting out your characters you have to grind, there is no other option. Hell, the majority of players use SOs and/or common IOs. The grinding really is a small but vocal niche group.
  9. OK, I'm just gonna ask, what the hell is Changeling?
  10. I'm going by memory of what we were told the chance was back on live along with the memory of AVs showing up fairly often, which they do not currently. Unfortunately there is no way for me to back up my claim. It's entirely possible I'm dead wrong.
  11. Yes, absolutely. When fully kitting out a single character costs 500+ million INF you need to maximize your time and effort. There's a reason it's called grinding. Hell, even a partial IO build (LoTGs, Steadfast and Gladiator +3% def, some procs, Numina/Miracle/Panacea/etc, Power Shifter) will cost over 100 million. How else do you generate that much INF in a timely manner? You're either going to grind TFs, grind farms, grind scanner missions, or grind out the same story arcs you've done 10000x before. Now if kitting out with IOs is of no interest to you then you don't have to worry about any of this. And that's OK too.
  12. No one is criticizing speed teams. Lighten up, Francis. The complaint is about that one guy who decides to speed run when THE REST OF THE TEAM ISN'T. Because not all content is created equal. Some TFs are pretty fun. Others are a slog. But seeing as they're the only consistent way to earn merits we're stuck doing them, even the less-enjoyable ones.
  13. I know what it does. I'm still not going to waste a power slot on it. But if others do, hey, whatever works for you. I'm only speaking for myself.
  14. I won't ever waste a power slot on Taunt. It should be an inherent. If a bunch of critters wander off I target any bosses with a ranged attack and that usually gets them back to me.
  15. It would be nice to make them at least worth taking. 🤷‍♂️
  16. Look at me going around detoggling Sorcerers one in every 5 hits over 15 seconds of using nothing other than Flurry. Provided I don't miss. To hell with IOs! This is the way to be godly! 🙄 Mind you the chances of anything changing are many orders of magnitude lower than your current chance to detoggle Sorcerers with Flurry, so it's all a moot point anyway and not worth arguing about. /powercreep
  17. Unfortunately they're a bit busy right now, so don't get your hopes up.
  18. There are a few Day Job indicators that are wonky. Pocket D is one of them. As long as you're in PD and not showing a different Day Job (bank, architect) you're getting it, even if you don't see the icon.
  19. Please, it's a 20% chance of a 4.77 sec stun, so at best it's momentary, even against even con critters. Making it a MAG 3 isn't going to even cause a blip on you know who's powercreep meter. Boxing has the same issue, it should be raised as well. The problem is both are incredibly inferior to Air Superiority, which has a 100% chance of KU and will effect any critter without KB protection on top of having a -100% flight debuff. Hell even Kick's 15% chance of KD is better than Boxing and Flurry's paltry stun, for the same reason.
  20. There is a way, but you need to know the name of the sound file to replace. And finding out what that is is not straightforward.
  21. Weird. But at least there seems to be a workaround. You don't need to uninstall Media Player, just Web Media Extensions. I noticed mine is dated 12/13/23, so maybe you just need to do a Windows Update.
  22. Excelsior... Everlasting, Indomitable, Reunion, Torchbearer...
  23. Yeah, I did mention straight up that the biggest problem you're going to face is figuring out which file(s) to replace. OK, so using CoD (https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=mastermind_summon.beast_mastery.tame_beasts&at=mastermind) you can see all the powers granted to your pets when you use Tame Beasts. There are two powers called Howl (Mastermind_Pets.Howler_Wolf_3.Howl and Mastermind_Pets.Alpha_Wolf_3.Howl) that are PbAoE damage and tohit buffs on 60 second timers. Since they are self-buffs it's something they could potentially cast every 60 seconds, even when not in battle. This appears to be governed by the VFX file CUSTOMIZEABLEPOWERS/BEASTMASTERY/HOWL_ATTACK.FX, and using the list at https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Modding/Sounds/Powers that VFX uses the sound DOG_TERRIFYINGROAR_01.OGG. Sooo...fingers crossed.
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