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Captain Fabulous

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Everything posted by Captain Fabulous

  1. No problem. I think it's safe to say the only people that are going to see this nudity are those who have that one particular mod installed. No way to know if the person your wife saw knew of this or not, but not much can be done at this point as these parts don't seem to be available to download. Now this is not to say there aren't nudity patches, cause there are, but at least with those you're aware of what you're installing.
  2. I tried on those parts in the costume creator and they looked normal. I looked at the PIGG files installed by the vidiotmaps mod in City Mod Installer and there are no costume parts, just map files. No idea where those parts came from but they do not appear to be part of the current vidiotmaps package.
  3. So you're saying the mod you're using is technically no longer available for people to download and is not part of the current Vidiotmaps package?
  4. I have the Vidiotmaps mod installed via City Mod Installer and both those parts are fine. Which Vidiotmaps mod are you using?
  5. There is no nudity option in the costume creator.
  6. Sounds like you have an old version of Mid's installed somewhere.
  7. Boogie Wonderland Earth/Storm/Fire Controller.
  8. Honestly IMHO I think both are kinda meh. Not that I dislike them, but neither really grabs me. One thing Kin has in its favor are the multiple ranged attacks that MA doesn't have. So that's definitely useful. I would say try both for a bit and see which you like better. Some find all the hand-waving in Kin to be annoying after awhile.
  9. With Impact, Propel does more DPS than Lift. Without it it's about the same. But with Propel you get the benefit of a small AoE knockdown. Do you have to take it? No. Should you? Absolutely. I would skip Crush before I skip Propel.
  10. Def overkill. I mean, it doesn't hurt because there are plenty of critters that have extra defense and/or tohit debuffs, but you could safely switch to other IO sets without too much worry. Or drop Tactics for something else.
  11. Honestly you should do this on the test server. Make them level 50s and outfit them with SOs or common IOs. This way you can use each set's entire kit. Some sets are more frontloaded than others. For example, Invulnerability really doesn't shine till you get Invincibility at level 24, whereas Willpower gets their cornerstone power Rise to the Challenge at 16. And poor Regen, unlike the other sets with a mostly useless T9, has Moment of Glory that's integral to the set, which you don't get till level 30.
  12. Your gut is correct.
  13. Because that's what we've always been told by the devs since the early days on live. The reason being is this: IOs and Incarnates were always considered optional systems, whereas TO/DO/SOs were easily accessible from any vendor for a fixed price. So for those who wanted to up the difficulty and take on greater challenges the options were there if you were willing to put in the time and effort, but it's not required to do 99% of the game's content. As we've also been told, the majority of players use only SOs, even at level 50, assumedly because they're not interested in dealing with crafting, they just want to hop on and play and SOs are good enough, even for most TFs. If powersets were balanced around IOs and Incarnates it would force people into those systems as SO builds would no longer be viable. And trying to balance this way would be a nightmare, as there are so many options when it comes to sets and Incarnates. Balance has to be done around the least common denominator, which in this game is SOs.
  14. PSA: the game is balanced around SOs. So if you're comparing relative performance of one set to another do it with SOs (or common IOs), not a fully tricked out IO build. That's the baseline. How well a set performs with set IOs and Incarnates is irrelevant, because both raise the level of performance so high above baseline even crappy sets perform well enough.
  15. You've heard it here first folks, devs are working on nipple tassels!
  16. Regen is fine as it is. It excels in earning you all the debt badges. Just make sure you have ~1 billion INF to trick out your character with the best IO sets to bring yourself up to par with other sets with just SOs.
  17. test EDIT: seems to work Captain Infinitum - Tanker (Shield Defense - Street Justice).mbd
  18. Have you tried dropping the save file into a post as an attachment?
  19. SAVAGE ☠️☠️☠️
  20. It's not really contentious. @Snarky and I are giving you the correct way to build Dark Armor, and everyone else is wrong. 😂
  21. Agreed, +tohit and +acc are a MUST for dark. Everything requires a tohit check. This is why I didn't say to dump Maneuvers and Tactics. You need Tactics, it's not optional.
  22. You're certainly free to do a more conventional build, but if you're not going to use the keystone powers why bother with the set at all? Just take Fire and color it dark. If you're skipping OG and CoF there's nothing in Dark you can't get elsewhere. Yes they only affect minions, but that's where the stuns in War Mace and the fears in Presence come in. Stunned critters don't fight back, and feared critters barely fight back. Between this, a moderate amount of resistances and defense, and a massive heal you don't need the Tough/Weave combo, and you'll get a completely different play experience no other set can give you.
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