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Everything posted by Without_Pause

  1. Pretty much every single obvious name I could think of has been taken. It might be a smaller player base, but obvious names are still going to be taken sooner rather than later. Note there was a good number of people playing this before it went public. I would have hammered out any and every name I could think of if I was there early on.
  2. Correct. Good luck to a scrapper thinking they can pull a credible amount of aggro from my Spines/elec brute.
  3. Since Earth has rather low damage, I wouldn't say that /kin is really a good match for it. It works well with a number of secondaries. I just happened to love my Earth/storm on live enough to not pick anything outside of that if I ever rerolled it again.
  4. Brute: "Oh shit, there goes my Fury." Scrapper: "Look at THAT clump of bad guys!" To be fair, I prefer soloing brutes so there's little issue with the whole fury bar going away.
  5. Caved and rerolled my main from live but went controller versus defender. Elec seems solid right now, and since I've done so much Kin, this feels quite natural to play. This might be one of the few rerolls which end up being the official versions for the character.
  6. Water has synergy how so if you do not mind me asking? If nothing else, Water has an attack/regen power. Since /storm doesn't have a self heal, it can help fill that hole.
  7. First into a mob, sure. Actually managing aggro is vastly up to if they took their taunt power or not. Mobs flee scrappers. They don't with brutes or tanks. Part of the reason why I went Spines/elec as a brute.
  8. Go scrapper if you do as scrappers benefit more from +dmg.
  9. More so as a brute since they have a higher cap on resists, and they get a taunt aura so mobs stick.
  10. Enhancement text is virtually impossible to read.
  11. KB into a corner or against a near wall would be one way. KB as alpha strike can also work well depending the situation. I used KB on my Claws/regen scrapper quite a bit that way.
  12. Fire/rad controller and corruptor. Kin/sonic defender. Stone/* tank. Could min/max maybe a bit more, but that's rather solid.
  13. That's a player and not a build.
  14. Now try that while mezzed.
  15. The Ice Emp troller sounds fun, maybe I will try that out. Note Ice has low damage so soloing or on smaller teams speed can be slow(er) until later on. Most fun I had playing Emp was Ill/emp. It could give a MM like vibe. Dark/dark with its number of pets could be another gateway into a different AT. This isn't too say Ice is a bad primary. Far from it. I would just go with something else if I was doing smaller teams/duos.
  16. Actually, Savage and Regen has a bit of synergy. Since Savage has an innate +recharge component, and regen is clicky heavy. Savage/regen brute. Actually in the game. Already a thread in the brute forums about how Savage is under performing. Synergy or not, Savage's damage is lacking. /regen for a brute only really comes into its own with IOs factored in and is going to have issues in various situations before that. /wp is a far better set on a brute.
  17. Savage/regen brute. Actually in the game. Already a thread in the brute forums about how Savage is under performing.
  18. Would make more sense if it was an actual Defender.
  19. On a team with multiple support characters each one's support is less needed. I've been on teams where the idea of a single corr being enough support or having enough control is rather laughable.
  20. Not my main and also what my global was based on. I did reroll the one I was most sentimental about but instead of Claws/regen scrapper I went Claws/wp brute. To me this feels more like the official version.
  21. Here's a link to the guides from when the game was live. Guide of Guides
  22. Just did this mission. She's annoying to find.
  23. Ice is one of the strongest sets in terms of control. It is offset by its lack of damage. I know people have talked about it needing to be tweaked, but I don't see it.
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