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Everything posted by Without_Pause

  1. I would honestly look at Ill/rad. Has -res and -regen. One of the safest support builds and high damage with relative safety.
  2. Because you generally want your Set IOs to be at the max level possible for that set, in order to provide the max possible bonus%. Also, I have a number of alts, OCD, and have been known for builds to die in their 20s and 30s. The question isn't "Now that I'm in my 20s/30s, what sets am I going to slot," but "Will I care enough about this build to play it after hitting level 50?" I just don't want to invest into any sets that low. Common IOs are less to think about and I have characters who have all of the crafting badges so making them is cheap and easy. Far easier to have a bin sitting there with numerous level 25 common IOs versus low level IO sets. "Wait, I don't have a melee set? (shakes fist)."
  3. Nothing until 22 and common IOs after that. Use the market to fund things. I won't hit sets until 50, and I am happy with a build.
  4. Elec/kin is the correct answer. Having one more way to drain end and an AoE sleep for alpha strike is a godsend.
  5. This is a good start. The map to farm has changed but doing a search on fire gets you what you need. I know there are other maps, but the difficulty can vary. I was doing a different one until I hit level 30 and bosses were added, and I mean a lot. I have seen one which uses EBs. Not sure how 600-800 mill is for a decent build. I would consider a build just using uncommons as being decent and there's zero chance that hit 600 million.
  6. Kin/elec was my main on live. I rerolled to Elec/kin controller, and honestly see no reason to go back.
  7. Popping purples and having any sort of defensive set practically qualifies as for what you want to do. Hell, I do it on my squishies.
  8. I didn't mention them for the same reason I didn't mention such powers for other sets - they're not terribly relevant. What is relevant is the damage multiplier that can be applied by a power set - and Kinetics' drops significantly when you only have a single target (to the point where it can't really compete with debuffing sets). Every set has nice perks like this. However, the aggregate of them isn't very important compared to the damage multiplier. + recharge isn't very important despite the fact that it is one of the most looked for traits to get as part of being an Incarnate? You do realize it also further aids that +dmg right? Outside of groups needing a healer, Kin is one of the more asked for powersets. Gee, I can't imagine why when they bring so little to the end game. *cough* Ran two Kins to 50 on live with one being my main. I lost count of how many AVs I turned into kittens. By all means promote various debuff sets as they should be, but dismissing Kin as only having +dmg being of worthiness is comical.
  9. The slow crawl to 50 would be more significant if I hadn't played the game for 8 years already. If I want to rehash doing sub level 50 content, I can pop on lower level teams for that.
  10. Under Tech and Arcane Medical are Auto-Doc and Tree of Life respectively as well. It's true, but between having the nurse and the quartermaster, you get a much broader coverage than Auto Doc will do At a glance, Auto-Doc and nurse are the same.
  11. DB suffers from trying to find the combo which works best and ultimately the best attack chain doesn't use a combo. I liked my time playing DB on live, but I never got it to 50. I did get Claws to 50 on live and rerolled it for HC.
  12. Without_Pause


    Takes time to get going for soloing, but I would put out a recommendation for Elec controller. I went /kin, but the fact that it gets a sleep to help set up alpha strike is incredibly nice. Elec/dark I could see as being really good as well since the controller support version for Dark is even better.
  13. 1. They asked about a team situation so a defender's personal damage is less a factor. 2. You didn't mention Siphon Power, Siphon Speed, Increase Density, Transfusion, Transference, or Speed Boost. 3. Siphon Power and Fulcrum also offer -dmg on their target. SS +recharge +speed/-speed. ID mez protection. SB for +recharge +recovery. Transfusion is a large area significant in terms of numbers team heal. Transference's importance can be even more significant based on if Elec is involved. Still good as is. I mean sure, if we talk about half of one power for one of the people taking on an AV then any set seems poor.
  14. I figure if it ran in secret for years it can run in public for even longer. I still feel like them going non-profit is the way NCSoft allows for it to remain.
  15. Under Tech and Arcane Medical are Auto-Doc and Tree of Life respectively as well.
  16. +1. I started to read the OP and early on I was like, "I hope this isn't about a MM who hates runners."
  17. Not an issue now as the toggle stays on. Also, I'm not saying it is #1, but Kin really should get a mention.
  18. Most Scrapper secondaries don't have Taunt auras. Bio does, I think WP does, maybe one or two more. Important note, mobs still run away. Taunt auras for brutes and tanks are better. If you like damage auras on your character, then go scrapper. You clearly haven't seen them solo GMs. My Ill/rad was soling on +4 before level 50 or IO sets. While damage was never a strong point, my Earth/storm was one of the strongest builds I have played. Rad/sonic is incredibly good.
  19. Scrappers out damage brutes by default. They benefit more from +dmg. If brutes can generate enough fury and add in buffs, they can go higher, but those are specific situations. If I want energy like damage, I would look at an Elec/shield scrapper.
  20. Hulk is SS. Spider-Man is SJ. The end.
  21. You'll pry SS from any Kin/sonic I make from its cold dead hands. SS + Fulcrum is a beautiful thing. You can add in other sets as well, ie Rad, Dark, etc.
  22. Outside of Ice and /ice, I would offer up Dark and /dark. I think blasters with a bit of control is my sweet spot for the AT.
  23. Pretty much every build I was going to reroll if CoH came back I have and I don't think any of them are living up to the hype I had in my head about them even if I did really enjoy them before. Some even got to 50 on live. Currently favoring Water/ice way more than I thought possible. Even, "Wait, they gave blasters Dark/dark?" is kind of sitting and waiting.
  24. Just need to kill the EB in Black Scorpion's arc to get the badge required. Auto complete the defeat all.
  25. Nothing overtly stands out for scrappers. Damage auras function better for brutes as things run away less. Brutes have higher resistance cap. Add in higher HP and I don't really see a compelling reason to go scrapper.
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