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Everything posted by Without_Pause

  1. Skipping some of the posted opinions which make me go O.o. (whistles innocently) One thing of note is that some sets are better on controllers. I'm not sure it makes that much of a difference outside of Kin. I love the power set, but I'm beginning to think it might be mid tier on a defender. I wish Time didn't have annoying sound effects. I really do want to give it a good run. It might have been the first support set I tried coming back. I don't see how FF isn't dead last in today's endgame. I would only roll for it theme. Endgame wise, debuffs are king*. * Outside of things like SB and Fulcrum.
  2. I disagree with it being in the running for best overall control. Several hard lockdown options? Um, where? Like, where compared to other sets? A chain KD and chain confuse. An AoE sleep aren't exactly hard lockdown. End drain is..(rolls dice). Kin/elec was my main on live and I did Elec/kin for HC and up to a point it was one of my favorite builds, but I'm finding it more lacking than what I would want. Initial end game playing hasn't been fun. I'll take Earth for days over Elec.
  3. Not sure anything is unsurpassed unless you are talking from pure damage numbers. Water continues to be fun as hell though.
  4. Damage buffs go best with a scrapper so Psi/sd would be the way to go. More so if the bug for tanks ever get fixed.
  5. Pointing out Plant has a regen power which plays nice with /storm not having a self heal. If you ever want something more team based, Earth/storm is a beast.
  6. You should honestly do a /storm controller instead. En with Hover can work. I had a hardcore one up til 41.
  7. AoE attack is something which is trying to hit more than one target. I'm going to fairly assume single target attacks are the ones which fall into melee and ranged.
  8. Water/ice blaster. Chilling Embrace, Ice Patch, Shiver and other tools since you are going to be in melee anyway. No snipe, again melee. An attack/regen power so you can mitigate some of the incoming damage. Water Burst can be a nice set up for Ice Patch as well since things are knocked down and thus you get more time for Ice Patch.
  9. Certain AVs can be annoying to drain end on. The build you will find comes together rather nicely in the end. Having an AoE sleep to set up for your /kin powers is super nice. Damage is low, but you can eventually get that be to decent.
  10. Brutes have higher resist caps, 75% vs. 90% IIRC.
  11. +1. Love Wolverine and Hulk. Even made a Claws/regen on live. Made a Cap like character on HC. You can't look at either and say they are direct copies. I have no desire to play direct copies.
  12. Without_Pause


    Dark/dark controllers get those and more. I concede in a defender having damage earlier on, but once the controller version gets up and running, it is hard to not say that the controller version outshines it. /dark for controllers is also a better version than the defender version. I still think the defender version is quite good. I can see the argument that the controller version has more control than needed, so the defender version works well since it is easier to be offensive with it. In terms of an AV, the controller would have three pets just based on primary and secondary alone to keep an AV entertained with.
  13. I saw a red side team forming. I flipped over to red side and got about three levels for my time and had fun. At the end of the one team we were waiting around for the lead. They came back and said they were sorry about taking time away. Before they left they gave another player and myself a purple recipe as a way of saying thanks. I had switched sides previously for patron reasons. Honestly, I'll likely do it all the more often since it is so simple to do so.
  14. I believe you only need the badge from killing the EB from BS's arc.
  15. 1-20 can be done in little time with the 2x XP booster and DFBs so I'm not sure how much that should be a factor. What matters is 30-50 and most builds have matured by 32.
  16. Add in stalker. Any of the three with the ability to telenuke twice is going to make quick work of mobs. AS first with the stalker so AAO kicks in for the AoEs.
  17. When in doubt, Dark is a good default. I would likely pick Fire as a backup.
  18. A break free from something confusing someone wrote.
  19. Like this forum has 11 good posts in a day. *ahem*
  20. /wp will be better as a brute than scrapper since they have higher resist cap and better regen. There's a number of primaries which would work.
  21. Kin/elec works(was my main on live) although I might argue Elec/kin for controllers works better(hit 41 on the weekend). Some end game AVs come across as being impossible to drain. It seems like end drain is very all or nothing with few cases you might drain an AV's end at about the same rate as their health goes down while on a team. I can't recall on EBs as I face far more AVs, but it feel like anything below AV was fairly easy to drain unless they resisted, ie sappers. Damage in the blast set is on the lower side since it is defensive. It's a decent set, but not one I want to reroll again. You do have to get your hands dirty with Short Circuit being PBAoE.
  22. Note you are talking about one of the best uber controller builds. I was soloing on +4 with common IOs before 50 back on live.
  23. Staff/wp should work. If I could focus on the character, I would get some levels on mine. Too many alts.
  24. This ignores one being a controller and being able to mez mobs. Also, corrs get scourge so they definitely are going to do more damage. They just have less in terms of how to mitigate incoming damage.
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