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Yash, hi! ^_^
Art/Commission Sharing Thread
Crystal Dragon replied to Midnight Blue Mage's topic in Art & Multimedia
The captain and his siren. I have been a bit busy lately with trying to practice and honing on my lines and coloring with watercolors. I should probably ink this one, but I'm waiting until I can afford some decent pens that won't bleed into the watercolored sections of my work. -
Writing Prompt #19: What could go wrong, does go wrong
Crystal Dragon replied to Crystal Dragon's topic in Roleplaying
"Here, hold this, I'll be right back!" Crys' looks on in confusion as a hurried fellow in a two piece business suit shoves what looks like a black plastic shopping back her way, her arms quickly wrapping around the bag as soon as the handles started to rip from the weight of what was within. And off the man bolted, whatever was his issue? Bad enough she had a rough morning, and was given the short straw to pick up the hospital staffs morning brew at the Starshucks down the corner. Next thing she knew, a pair of cops come rushing past, shouting after the dude, leaving Crys' confused and uncertain of what she was holding onto. It took a bit of shuffling with all she was already carrying back to the hospital to take a peek in the bag, and to her surprise it was full of wallets, big ones, little ones, some shaped like parts of the body with zippers attached, some looking like pouches for retro candy she'd seen marketed in nostalgia shops around the city. "Huh...well, that's one turn of luck that I needed." Instead of waiting around for the cops to return, or the thief for that matter, she made a bee line to the hospital to drop off the staffs coffee shop orders, and headed for the bank. Except one problem, she had a tail that was not her own. One of the cops had doubled back and was trailing after her, not exactly successfully blending in either. "Uh, Miss Dragon? That bag you were carrying, what did you do with it?" She'd only emerged from the bank a few moments ago when he approached to question her, and she immediately put her hands on her hips and gave him the sternest glare. "What on earth do you think I would do with it? I gave it to the bank!" Not that she was going to lie, but the cop gave her a look that suggested that he wasn't too certain to believe her. "Go ahead, check with the bank tellers. I've nothing to hide." She proclaimed and started back to her original planned route, to the hospital for her rounds. The cop however had other plans. "Uhhuh, no ma'am, you are sticking with me until we get the evidence back." Crys did a double take. "Wait, evidence? I saw the wallets and stuff in there but I did what I thought was approperate, banks do handle the city currency yes?" The beat cop tilted his head in puzzlement. "You don't know?" "Know what?" "Banks hold cash for other people, not just for the city." "Oh....well, teller #5 has the bag, do with it as you please, I need to get back to the hospital, sir, my rounds should have started twenty minutes ago." -
Happenstance can be both good, and bad. You are given a list of stops to make on your way to the coffee shop down the street from your day job, but today seems to be unusually unlucky. A black cat crossed your step, you stumbled under a ladder, and cracked a mirror that was being delivered into the apartment building next door to your day job! What else could go wrong! Note: For those new to writing prompts, these are purely situational concepts to help new roleplayers build a logic or mindframe for their characters. Some of them ask critical questions, while others pose a situation, like this one does. I encourage you to add your own writing here, I'd love to see what type of craziness happens to your mind babies! :)
Art/Commission Sharing Thread
Crystal Dragon replied to Midnight Blue Mage's topic in Art & Multimedia
issue 27 Issue 27, Page 4: General Feedback
Crystal Dragon replied to The Curator's topic in [Open Beta] Focused Feedback
From what I read in the patch note so far, I'm really pleased to see these changes, both for aesthetic purposes, but for roleplayers and players both. Not just the map changes ( A huge fix there I bet with the geometry.) but the repairs of things that the old team from the original lifetime of the game had left out of "It's not broke, why fix it" attitudes. Thank you for continuing to listen to the player base and rounding things out further with the game, seriously. I'll be on brainstorm testing things out once the update finishes on my system. Look forward to seeing others testing things out and getting a feel for the changes and adding further feedback. :) -
You can find a lot of them on the Pride event thread, right here dear puppy. Pride 2022! It'll be great to run into you and your characters again. I saw the new Canadienne in LFG and General last night and had wondered about that, haha! I guess I'll learn about whats up when we run into each other again. ^^ Thank you for the kind reminder, yeah I know I'm not as frequent of a poster on the boards as I used to be. I'd been around for a while though, lurking and poking at threads occasionally. But yeah, a ton has been going on in the US and I'm just doing the best I can to survive it all.
I'd been taking some personal time away from the game and the community to deal with a few issues that I needed to work through. I missed you guys, but I do plan to be on for the Pride events on the 25th and the 26th. Please, if you are looking to snag me up for RP, be gentle. I've had a lot going on and am still trying to work through it all. A very big heartfelt thank you to everyone that has been waiting for me to get back to playing on Crys, and my other alts - the positive reinforcement and support has been helping a lot with working through my issues and I can't thank you guys enough for being such supportive partners.
How does your character carry things in RP?
Crystal Dragon replied to Andreah's topic in Roleplaying
Let's see...well, I have maybe one or two characters that actually carry weapons on them. Most of my characters are magical aligned, so they use void spaces "pocket spells" as a means to transport weapons, belongings, emergency goods like medic kits and so forth. Everyone kind of does their own little "purse" or "wallet" sort of deal. That one's just mine. /shrugs/ -
Do you have nicknames for posters?
Crystal Dragon replied to The_Warpact's topic in General Discussion
A few, but none I care to repeat in text. -
Thank you, will do!
Can we get information posted for whom to donate to in-game? Also, I made a thing.
This exactly. I mean, a lot of the onus in regards to poor roleplay is very much the players fault in lack of communicating intent and clarity - like any media format, clarity isn't always going to be 100% because perceptions change and shift from person to person reading it, but providing an open means to talk over the idea before launching into it is always a bonus because that leaves an open means to question, add, or subject from the scenes provided in active play. You gave a really good example there, Dee, thank you for that. Footnote: When it comes down to very basics in breakdown with the example you gave, contact launched into a field that probably could have provided a long term story line to develop into a possibility of a cure, but player rejected the idea of a cure as it's a core trait - which respectable makes total sense. The cornering of the hypothetical player however would have been a dick move however, as you so stated and could have been framed in a better and more polite manner while giving the player agency of choice. But I do understand the point your making with the hypothetical, and yes, this is a consistent issue in many players on the server which is something I try to address and help work past with the newer folks with @McSpazz. I can't handle teaching in groups anymore, but I can handle one on one lessons and guidance to those that ask.
This right here, nails it all on the head.
When it comes down to powers in general, it's not necessarily a matter of how strong your character is versus another that makes much of a difference in the RP. It's what you and your playing group agrees to as the limits as a base line and sticking to that like glue. Even with Psi, there's a limit on how far you can go with that before it becomes too much for another player to deal with as a roleplayer. Finding that fine line and staying on it can be at times extremely hard especially if the fellow players your interacting with aren't open to discuss what they consider too much as a limit and can at times create more trouble than it's worth. This is the same thing I suggest with tech/sci/magic/natural powers. How you depict it IC is entirely on you, but if you are amping your character up to seem godly, or influencing the people around you intentionally without their expressed consent, then there's a huge problem there that needs to be addressed. Every roleplayer is different, has different limits, or extremes they are willing to work with/around. The clear point that needs to be made is simply asking OOC, but not too many of the newer players do that, or even realize they should as a first step to start anything with another player. I get we have some folks that prefer freelance all the way, hell I'm a freelance roleplayer myself but what I do isn't something I teach to newer players because it's contains more layers and tool use (Yes, I use die rolls for specific actions and specific events, kind of the inward DM there still living and breathing in the game.) but I suppose I fancy myself more a story writer and let everyone else play their characters along with the story that's unfolding and taking that into account with each line I put into my characters story. A collaborative effort if you will. But again, everyone does this differently, and for some it's less complex than how I run my stories. My point for the TL;DR section of the community: Just fucking ask, there's no harm in doing so if you are trying to find an opening for RP, or a lead to hook into. Just don't take over the other characters responses and reactions and let them have say on how things turn out. Otherwise, it's less RP, and more writing a one sided story for you.
This is actually something I do recommend for folks that run into a bonkers story that needs cross checking. It's not even a matter of being a bad writer or roleplayer, but just a means to have a clearer understanding of where the story bit is going and analyze what effects would take place with the characters involved. And in group settings that everyone has agreed on terms, works quite well. I suppose the one question to ask here, is what do we consider a "god" in power level, or scaling in character play depiction, but everyone is going to have a very different aspect of view to this, so I guess it's always good to check with your fellow players in your group to see if they share the same view points and are able to uphold to them in story play. But while I do not suggest playing a god character, or even a demigod in this type of setting for folks unfamiliar with group/team story line play, it is something that I've seen happen in-game on multiple different characters and to multiple different players. How that aspect is presented is so bloody important, but remembering to keep that character firmly grounded in the game world we are playing in is super important too. It's easy to slip into the mind of someone consumed by unlimited powers, it's a challenge to find the balance between that power, and what good or evil that might do while maintaining solid footing with that role within the groups or circles you play with. There is good forms of godmoding, acceptable even but there are also egregiously bad forms of it too.
Oh my goddess this thread took a ride, didn't it! Well, I think it's safe to say that yes, Magic origin characters tend to be rather off the wall and sometimes using lawless abilities can be both creative and stunting depending on HOW it is depicted in use and practice. I won't say all magic character players know what they are doing, some fly off to the depths of space in breadth of how their magic is used and effects the world around them, but the mention and idea of different dimensional rules, universal rules similar to science has seemed to make sense to me. (Yes, speaking from personal experiences here to share a bit in context, keep reading, I promise it's worth hearing me out.) The idea of formulating baseline rules behind HOW that magic works, and what it does effect wise is pretty important and given the number of new players we've had entering the RP scenes recently, it's safe to say that some are literally writing right off the cuff. How my magic works, may not be the same for anyone elses magic origin characters, and that's totally okay. But again, a base line in limitations, side effects, or backfires wouldn't be a bad idea to include for suspension of disbelief, and immersive quality. A joke character can very easily become a serious character if time and serious thought it put behind it's play, and background as well as use of whatever powers that character has specifically. But this isn't about joke characters, this is about over powered characters that lack a clearly defined limit either in the context of the content we are playing and immersing ourselves in. I'm not saying globally we need this, but having a rough idea and putting it together from the community's say so based on what lore we do have in the game that explains some of the magic types used - probably wouldn't be a bad idea to compile as a collaboratives effort for creative definition. @Seed22 Something I wished to point out here. Claiming to be a god is not entirely okay. Demigods, no matter how weakened the line is, is still a powerful role to take on that doesn't break the whole idea of mortality with unexpected strength and powers given to them by their deity parent. Not to say that they are all powerful, but liken to Hercules, Achilles, and Jason of Argonauts for examples here, they are deeply flawed characters based on the myths of that time and era, yet were still highly regarded as characters of power to follow the paths of. Each one had their own trials, triumphs and failings. Not one of them claims to be immortal, or a god themselves, just at home with the mental idea of strength and cunning. Now, I'm not advocating for some of us to collaborate to formulate a baseline of what is acceptable "god play", every group, every circle I've ever dipped into had it's own ideas and concepts of what the limits really were and how far things could go. But asking people to have a close idea, or a note of reminder for themselves of what limits this world has for the character themselves and the reality of those limits for that character would be recommended advice. Something else I'd like to add to this, is that every single character I've run into has been unique in concept and background, we have a few fallen gods, celestials and netherworld sorts but many of them are not as powerful as even the mythic heroes I mentioned before. Just because they are that specific character type, doesn't mean they are all that powerful, and yes, it is entirely possible to bring an RP scene to a screeching halt by simply calling out the overpowered antics and asking them to explain how they are doing this act given the world limits. Shit, for example? Crys here has seven AT's rolled, every single one of them are HER in the core, but are not at the same time. They are not separate characters but the same one with a different hat on. She's not an expert in the AT she's training in, but her willingness to learn, adapt, and modify her own practices to expand her understanding of the world she now calls home. This is something that most folks just don't do.
Name: Ṭirākaṉ Status: Active (However, endangered.) Location: Fifth Dimension, Horsehead Nebula, Pellean Star system. Physical Description: Appears to have multiple different draconic features similar to Earths legends and myths of dragons. Even hybridized forms containing one to three versions of dragon types recorded in legends and myths throughout human history on Earth. Some are an amalgamation of different dragon types known to have been drawn, painted, or written about in Earth's historical documents and myths of the ancient civilizations of man. (I.E. Quetzalcoatl, Loong, The Standard Western Dragon, Wyvern, Hydra, Ryu/Tatsu, Druk, Ayida/Damballa, Gaasyendietha, Vishap, to name a few of those varieties.) Affiliation: Pellean Human Conservation and Preservation Initiative (A.K.A. Scions of Everlasting.) Idiosyncrasies and way of life: The Ṭirākaṉ are perhaps one of the most varied types of dragon-like aliens you'll ever run across. Each type have their own culture, ceremonies, rites of passages but each one maintains a strong connection to the rest of their species through what is known as the Aether. These beings are capable of taking ley energy in it's purest form and using it to communicate with one another over extremely long distances, even from one star system to another by what appears to be the plucking of a stringed instrument. There are larger and more threatening Ṭirākaṉ, considered kaiju by the native refugees currently residing on Prime, but very little information is shared about them except the extreme threat they pose to the rest of human kind if allowed full freedom from their star system through the dimensional gateways. Ṭirākaṉ tend to take on the aspects of the base elements that they are born to, and each clan of Ṭirākaṉ are different from the next. The harder to study Ṭirākaṉ are the gem toned, only a few have fled to Earth for unknown reasons, one such stated that the monstrous kaiju and some of their own kind were working together to tear their home world asunder but little other information was offered up upon interview. Most of the Ṭirākaṉ that had been spoken to about their ways of life stated similar points. They are heavily environmentally conscious, careful of disrupting the delicate balance of life in Prime Earth, but also seeking to ensure the climate and environment remains stable for humankind to thrive. When asked about their tenants of faith and religion, Ṭirākaṉ refugees refused to speak of these aspects, deeming the subject too personal to discuss, or not important enough to enlighten others of. Most remarkable tech hallmark: Ṭirākaṉ are remarkably well attuned to working with magiteck, a form of technology that is powered by pure ley or Aether energy, it's sources a closely kept secret to the Ṭirākaṉ themselves, and the construction of such objects tend to be also well hidden from observation. It is told by the few Ṭirākaṉ that had found their way to Earth that there are older technologies still hidden on their home planet that they were uncovering and rebuilding to benefit the remaining people on their planet however much of their efforts had been put aside to focus on restoring their population and retrieving their wayward refugee's on Earth. (Player Note: Currently in progress plot. This may get updated in the near future as things evolve and reveal.) Cultural Progress Level: Interdimensional travel, dimensional colonies exist however little information is offered from the Ṭirākaṉ refugees that have been interviewed at this time. Space travel seems to be a lost art to them, but a few of their kind are capable of traveling through space without the use or need for air, or a suit for their physical needs. Other forms of cultural progress seems to be in the clans the Ṭirākaṉ claim as their own people. Each one has specific talents, skills, and functions in their civilization, some of the gem-toned are suggested to be fairly talented as artisans, and others are more skilled as entertainers, singers and poets, given the data FBSA has received from the refugees in Prime Earths residency. History: Ṭirākaṉ claim to have been born WITH the planet they were to protect and guarded humanity since the dawn of time in their dimensional plane. Over time the clans evolved and spread, some were deemed special due to abilities and skills that emerged among their species that were not seen in any other of the clans among their kind. When humankind evolved on their home planet, they were instructed (This information was quite vague, the refugee spoken to was near exhausted when the interview got to this question.) to keep a watch over humans and their civilization as the Ṭirākaṉ society and people continued to evolve and grow along side them at this point in their history. Roughly 1600 years ago, Earth time, Ṭirākaṉ had to eliminate several clans that were producing extremely powerful, and highly dangerous kaiju-strength level Ṭirākaṉ that bared a close resemblance to Godzilla in power strength. These kaiju, as they had adopted the term for these massive beings, were 'tamed' as the refugee had described, their "rage" removed and placed to work on rebuilding what the kaiju had destroyed in it's rampages. Humans at this point in their history were at risk but had frequent wars among themselves, bickering over resources, greed of rare metals and gems, and later on, for territory. About 100 years ago, mankind was wiped out when one of the kaiju had slipped the watch of the Ṭirākaṉ clans and ran rampant, tearing through cities, ripping apart metropolitan regions, and laying absolute waste to what was left of humankind in this dimensional plane. The Ṭirākaṉ refugees that were interviewed about this were deeply grieved with telling of this part of their history, assuming that they themselves felt guilt for the loss of life on their home world. Several of these refugees assumed names and titles to protect themselves from being hunted but also to assist human kind in this dimension to persevere, and flourish where their own human kind had been driven to utter extinction. Current Agenda: The preservation of humankind, it's peoples and allies of Prime Earth and Ṭirākaṉ to live in harmony and thrive. (And yes, there is so much more to this but I didn't want to stay up until 9am after a full night awake, simply writing. Want to learn more? Feel free to ask me, I'm always willing to talk about the Dragon Wars* of Pellea, and the Pellean society currently refuged on Prime Earth and any other information about the tirakan that has not yet been shared. If you decide to roll one, please let me know, I'd love to help flesh out the characters background information and connect them with other Pellean characters currently holed up on Prime. ^^;)
Everlasting RP scene! Characters of Magic Knowledge AND a Heroic Hero
Crystal Dragon replied to Munkar's topic in Everlasting
Hello, and welcome, I'd love to help with this. -
Creating a "Virtueverse-like" site for Homecoming?
Crystal Dragon replied to Archiviste's topic in Roleplaying
Fantastic idea, I would love to have a page layout for Alien races, worlds, and directories on the wiki! -
Art/Commission Sharing Thread
Crystal Dragon replied to Midnight Blue Mage's topic in Art & Multimedia
Pretty little onyx dragon lost in a world full of humanity. Astrovist the Weaver, everyone. Do say hello, she's not as scary as she appears, I assure you. (Updating cause she's gotten better renders illustrating her human-ish form.) (And yes, commissions are open. Hit my beacon link in my signature. 🙂 ) -
What plant manipulation and what primary to go with it?
Crystal Dragon replied to KaizenSoze's topic in Blaster
Oooh MY BAD! XD -
What plant manipulation and what primary to go with it?
Crystal Dragon replied to KaizenSoze's topic in Blaster
Depending on AT but I quite favor my Plant Manip/Kinetics controller, Quilynn Jen. I have a build that you are welcome to play around if you like, courtesy of @AustinSmith and another friend for the slotting choices. Viagra_Fertilizer_-_Controller_Plant_Controller.mxd -
Pretty much. And there are ways to differentiate good players from them, but the most telling is their bios. How they write about their character can be the most telling detailed red flag waving over their head or it will be blank of anything suitable to detail them from a regular casual player.