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Everything posted by TungstenShark

  1. I have an elemental-themed character (not very original, I know) who I might try to play as a Blaster. I never had a Blaster back on Live as they really do not suit my play-style, but I figured I'd take the opportunity Homecoming has provided and try all of the ATs. Are there big differences between Ice/Fire and Fire/Ice? My other question is survivability...how best to build one to get at least some semblance of passable defense/resists?
  2. Love the updates, but I do not understand what this means? Who is Derek Brown? Are these costume sets, or just color patterns?
  3. My first toon back on Homecoming was a Stone/Ice Tanker. I stopped playing before IOs went live so I had no idea what I was doing with slotting. Eventually I am going to want to IO out the build...how are folks slotting Stone? Do you just slot Granite and only run that? I enjoyed being able to use whatever toggles I needed while leveling depending on the content and not locked strictly in to Granite. What is the best way to slot to offset Granite's slow movement speed, and is it worth the slots to do so?
  4. @Veelectric BoogalooTo make sure I am understanding...you are binding your clickies to your attacks? I have not started using any binds...that seems like a neat trick.
  5. @Kruunch How do you feel about having your Status Protection on a clickie as opposed to a toggle? That is the only thing holding me back from trying this type of build. I cannot stand being taken out of a fight and am so used to Scrappers who have their protection always on in a toggle.
  6. Almost every secondary has a minimal fx option you can choose (like Bio).
  7. Really I was asking in the context of, should I turn exp off once I max Incarnates? I'm still going to play him regardless. I don't care about badges and I doubt I'll change any of my Incarnates now, but I guess Emp Merits are worthwhile.
  8. Once you get all six Incarnate skills to T4, is there any benefit to continued vet levels? You cannot use Incarnate salvage on other toons on your account, right?
  9. TungstenShark


    I would suggest taking those same builds (@Veelectric Boogaloo has a great one floating around somewhere) and just slotting lesser enhancements. The concepts are generally sound regardless of the quality of the enhancements in them. The performance won't be the same obviously, but will probably still be sufficient to do lower level farms as you work up. The purples will give you something to shoot for, but the build will "work" before purples. It'll just work better with them.
  10. I play in Fullscreen Mode. I switched to Windowed Mode...screenshots at character select still do not show up in the Tequila folder BUT I can use Print Screen and paste in to Paint or something similar and it works (no more full black screen). Weird.
  11. When I try this, nothing happens. When I take screenshots in-game, they are saved to the screenshots folder in Tequila. Not so when I try from the character select screen. I tried Print Screen and copying to Paint, but that gets me an entirely black screenshot. What am I doing wrong?
  12. Ah ha, this is helpful, thanks. The Incarnate debuffs do not stack, correct? So in the case of Degenerative it is the ability to keep the -2.5% health debuff up for the entirety of a fight, constantly re-applying, right? So is there any consensus for Scrappers as to which the best Interface choice would be?
  13. Starting the Incarnate process on my TW/Bio Scrapper. I need a better understanding of how the Interface Incarnates work, specifically Degenerative. I have several -Res procs slotted in to my powers, so Reactive is probably less useful. Paralytic seems nice to make the mobs easier to hit, but may be unnecessary once I am fully IO'ed out. How exactly does Degenerative work? Does it just take a chunk of hitpoints off a mob? What is your choice for the Interface slot? Maybe I am overlooking better options.
  14. Am I crazy? I thought Defenders did NOT have access to Flame Mastery?
  15. So this is one of those things that did not exist when I stopped playing live: farming. I can make decent influence by playing the AH and just grinding, but it's pretty apparent from comments I hear elsewhere that farming is the far superior method of accumulating influence. Given any decent build requires 600-800 million to fully slot, I may have to bite the bullet and make a farmer. So is there a guide posted somewhere? Not necessarily for specific builds (though a cheaper starter build would be helpful) but more of, where do you go, how do you set it up, etc.? I assume it's through AE, which I have never used. So yeah, pretty clueless on the farming thing. Any tips?
  16. I want to try some powersets I have no experience with (on an AT I have no experience with, as I left before Brutes came on the scene). War Mace looks like a fun, straight-forward primary with a nice mix of single target and AoE. Do either Energy Aura or Radiation Armor pair better with it? I was leaning Rad, but I am still fleshing out the character concept. Any thoughts, feedback or comments are welcome, especially as it pertains to slotting (IOs also did not exist when last I played live). Thanks!
  17. The other Incarnate slots I think I'm good with, but I am having questions regarding my Alpha slot with this build. Is Musculature more valuable than Agility if you are already perma-Hastened? Those are the two I'm going back and forth over, but maybe there is another I am overlooking.
  18. Bring it out, bring it out, bring it out! And post it too. :)
  19. For those going the Time/DP route outlined here, what Incarnates are you choosing and why?
  20. I would be interested as well! Neither TW or Bio existed back when I stopped playing on live and seems like a good chance to give them both a go!
  21. Some really, really interesting costumes here. It is amazing to see what folks can come up with. @AkuTenshiiZero had a hero a few pages back (Silver Skull) and the head was really good, using several different pieces together to create a great look. I am always so...symmetrical I guess ("matchy-matchy")...the gloves and boots almost always match, the legs and chest almost always match, patterns always match, I use limited color palettes (though I'm color-blind so it's harder for me to see what looks good together), definitely never more than two colors, etc. Seeing how folks think outside the box and create neat and unusual looks by mixing and matching...very cool stuff! The hero creator really is amazing in its depth and complexity. Never seen a game with better and this game is over 7 years old.
  22. Oh I fully expect to get flamed for being "too uptight" or "it's all in good fun" or whatever. But if no one says anything, no one is held accountable for examining their own actions. It's a free country (last I checked anyway) so the poster is free to play as he sees fit in whatever manner brings him joy and amusement. Just reminds me too much of when I played on Live back in the day and some doofus named a character Spina Bifida (spines scrapper naturally) which seemed in extremely poor taste. You have been given this bright vibrant world with a darn-near unlimited character creator, yet gay jokes still get a big laugh. @jubakumbi has one gay friend who thought it was funny, so it's fine. Carry on.
  23. Hey look, someone else who uses homosexuality as a punchline to mock others. Very original and job well done! You should make fun of handicapped people next. I mean, the only thing funnier than the gays are the cripples, amirite? >:(
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