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Everything posted by Sanguinesun

  1. The people that maintain mids also have a discord. Perhaps ask for support there?
  2. As you should know, how a toon "feels" varies as you level 1-50 and even post 50 too. Given how easy it is to level toons, I suggest simply leveling them both and deciding once 50 which has seemed to grow on you the most. Alternatively if you're unsure how they'd be to 50, hop on to the beta server . You can instant 50 a toon giving it all the best enhancements and stuff for free and then test it out on some missions of your choosing from there too. When it comes to concept toons, the driver(you) really are the subjective judge of what is going to work . That all said, I think too for your concept considerations, Bionics sentinel suggestion would be a more conceptual match for a deathstroke.
  3. I recommend that you take your build to the beta server and try it out. You can instant 50 a toon and take all enhancements and things for free there allowing you to test any build you please. Then you can find specific AV missions to try it on that would give you an idea of its effectivity. Most cases most folks are taking down AV's on teams though so someone being an "av" killer is more or less really chalked up to being "just one of many" on the team doing the same for effectivity. Afterall, even a healer lobbing envenomed daggers bought from the S.T.A.R.T vendor is going to help effectively outside their healing for the team. 😛
  4. Not a ridiculous question no but a loaded one because not every mission is the same and not every mm with varying primaries and secondaries can handle things the same. Its a very vague goal, really. If you're just looking for raw damage on paper, people will tell you taking /storm with primaries that have the multiple mob summons like necro, thugs etc for example.... however then you're not going to be very resilient and more team centric with others for your survival needs. Also, clearing fast is also relative. People will think for example that +4/8 fast clearing is the goal but for MM's that not necessarily the optimal consideration in all or many cases where a +3 is going to be more efficient because of survivability and capabilities (due to the pet level disparities to what you're fighting). You're essentially wanting a cookie cutter answer and like with -any- AT discussion section, there is no cookie cutter answer really to give because there are too many dynamic variables that have to (or arent able to) be accounted for. So consider more your specific play/post 50 goals, look over the mm section, take a build someone has or one you make yourself that you think matches closer those goals, then post and then let others give you feed back.
  5. Im not sure anyone mentioned it but Incarnate-Hyrbid Support Core Embodiment's boosts -double- in strength for pets which is sometimes overlooked by some mms (dam/acc/def) and its of course stackable up to 5 times with other people who take support core embodiment. Often, people take other hybrids which can be fine but that doubling for pets is really often underesitmated.
  6. Indeed. Typically, for most of the time for months now, it is cheaper to buy standard IO enhancements from the AH...... within certain level ranges..... than crafting them. Since IOI's % values never change, some opt to just simply use level 30 io's (or some 25 but the % value is lower than an SO really). The costs to constantly upgrade SO's over the course of leveling to 50 then is -much- more expensive for a player and it an unfortunately common way some folks lose considerable money. Then, at 50 if someone decides to play that toon beyond 50 and fully give the toon Set IO's etc, they can simply switch them out on a respec and then mail the 25's or 30's to their global account, thus recycling their use for another toon, saving even more money in the long run. However, if someone is deadset on only using SO's there's also another way to get them for relatively free by running AE missions for Architect rewards(tickets). SO's I believe are 75 tickets each which is pretty small when you can earn up lots a tickets in 1 run(capped at 1500 btw). This too can save money then. So for new players, I never recommend buying SOs or upgrading them as they're losing money in the long run.
  7. Mathematically, a tank is going to do more damage(and likely kill more time wise) overall due simply to their ability to hit more targets in their aoe radius fights farming wise for -some- powers found in typical farming set. However the clear time differences of influence per hour between a tank and a brute of same power sets, enhancements, etc it really is such a small difference that predominantly, people still also play brutes. The changes that happened years ago didnt have necessarily all that many people switching from one to the other since they can still effectively farm. If anything occured that the changes did more dramatically, it was to have farmers change/create different farm mishes to accommodate some of the other changes that all occurred at the time. Bottom line, its the driver's choice really.
  8. I'll message you some build suggestions later today when I get the chance so check your DM's later.
  9. What is your end game play goals for this post 50 build? Your expectations from how you've built seem to indicate you're trying to do multiple goals/do it all and that is of course affecting the results of the build. 1. Your build still has many slots not done yet as you acknowledged of course. 2. You've not added your choices for incarnates. That plays a big end game factor to your results in terms of both damage and defense/resistance depending on choices made. 3. Your procs in hibernation will only benefit you when you click and go into hibernation which limits their helping your toon as you fight in general (since you'd be stopping what you're doing to freeze yourself to reup) .... think on it like a bigger numbers rest. 4. Don't judge your defenses by having evasive maneuvers enabled. The second you do any combat its defense benefits are lost. 5. Don't forget how water's combo's play out. 6. Your endurance "cap" point you made is because you had hibernation enabled. Again, it's not what you're running with at all times. Your build with this blaster has you needing to be in melee plenty. If you're going to actually prioritize being in and out of melee, not only did you skip some powers that may benefit your being in melee more but you also would need to make more considerations for melee range positional defense(and general defense) and better resistances, perhaps. If your intent is to instead remain at range though, then you need to make other power choice considerations that could include not even choosing martial as your secondary as martial is a very melee focused secondary.
  10. The point was that even though you felt there is an "issue", that really there isn't one, except your attempting just to contrive one.
  11. Someone else also made a post in another thread running down just a smidge of the math on things timewise too:
  12. Are there people who play as you do and like playing as you do? Yes. Are there people who like to play completely differently, and don't like playing the way you do? Yes. Are the majority of the player base playing as you do? No. Im failing to see the issue here other than perhaps indirectly saying you feel others should play as you do?
  13. 1. Go to the utilities subforum section and download and apply your current characters build/sets to the mids version, then click drag the build file from your comp to upload here to the forums. This way we can more readily look at the stats more effectively and expeditiously. 2. Sometimes less is more. If your goal is damage, then maximizing simple attack chains that you can readily do without cool down gaps can be better in various cases than taking over a dozen attacks that you'll never be able to pull off in most encounters. This then can leave you with the capabilities to take other powers that can either augment your damage and or your survivability and other things as well. 3. In relation to point 2, Energy has a alot of options for slotting and using FFback procs for +recharge to make your attack chains faster and do more damage. 4. From the look of your build as well, it seems your just primarily playing rather casually and there's not much of a need for min/maxing if so. You're not looking to be running in hardmode 4 star content after all. If you are, then you even more so need to change your considerations.
  14. I recommend you read up on the post 50 Starred Hardmode content, the typical team compositions looked fo,r and such builds that those teams for those AT's/power sets they generally opt to take(ie not every AT/powerset is well received for such) respectively. As Seraph also pointed out, presenting a build for others to look at tends to fair better than asking for builds, especially because there are some variations on builds that people do once you get into trying to be min/max thinking. Alot also has to do with the -team- you work witth making sure that your build supplements and compliments the team's dynamics. So again, there's no cookie cutter -this is it- build to speak of.
  15. In terms of your interest in thematics, it is of course perfectly fine. In terms of why people in general may not necessarily take those powers, school has a long activation and narrow cone for similar damage that other faster activating aoe's in other epics provide and Jaws is similar. If you're wanting to get creative in your thinking, changing colorization on sets etc, then various other epics could offer you alternatives that would perhaps have more effectivity in combat terms. Invariably, its all up to you.
  16. Tis a shame that stats after all these years still lack transparency.
  17. There's a certain amount of irony with the articles that Massively has done over the years with all that, especially once you know how they were involved with it.
  18. Ugh that sounds rough. Glad to hear you're on the mend though.
  19. Anything. But keep in mind that for some AT's/Power set choices you're going to have to reduce difficulty on various missions to be able to handle the content. Essentially no different than were you doing hero or vil content.
  20. Electricity isnt really a stretch since it is a thematic motif in related stories. Color it blinding white for example. Sonic could also be a potential blast option due to trumpeting angelic herald sort of thinking. Dual Blades and as well Claws can be if you use the energy related versions and shade white. Doesnt have to be a sword n board. Even kheldians could be an option(especially when you start to get more into the early angelic mythology and how very alien angelic creatures were described to be, or running a kheldian as a human form only. Basically its going to be less about the AT's and power sets and more about the creativity and interpretations you find agreeable.
  21. I've pretty much made the choice to not join the ones run from SG bases for that reason(and others since its 2 specific groups that tend to do this nonsense).
  22. Likely not the case but could it be patrol exp? I've noticed in various situations for a long while now that there can be exp inconsistencies at times; and just attributed to the layers of noodles of the spaghetti coding that have gone on for 20 years. Not dismissing it away but just saying there are lots of.... "anomalies".
  23. There are evidently competing communities of playersr.....
  24. 1. Im saying that over the last 2-3 years, the price changes being up and down have remained relatively the same(except for the consistent downward trend of prismatics. Daily, weekly monthly and seasonaly. 2. I never said in my original statement that the recipes/enhancements are an extremely small segment of the player base. That's a strange sentence you've created there. I said, "PVP motivated reasons for purchases though is practically a non market as, quite frankly, due to it being an extremely small segment of the player base." It being pvp player based motivations, ie that pvpers comprise of a very small segment of the player base. This has been the case for a very long time on HC to the point that HC devs allowed isntant 50's for pvp zones and still people beg(one guy on excelsior I've seen even tries to bribe when I've popped on there(as recent as yesterday). Reasons pvp sets get purchased more often are due to, as you partially pointed out, procs, but its also related to set bonuses(non pvp wise before you make an erroneous assumption otherwise) primarily but other reasons as well. 3. I've seen yes, as recent as in the last 2 weeks Converters going for 57k in the last 5 sales listed. Begging off for me to show you such a screen shot I'll try to catch but Im not going to obviously sit there and do so (I've billions myself so its not really a need but next time I see such, I'll try to grab a screenie for you. Obviously I cannot give you a screen shot from months ago as I've not been in the habit/need to take screen shots of such for some sort of challenge presented purposes. 😛 As for prices for LotG prices, again, it, like converters and much all else on the market goes up and down. I never in my statements said prices are consistent in that 1 fixed price remains constant. That'd be inane for any of us who observe/use the market regularly to make such a statement. What attempted to have you understand was that the market remains relatively consistent in the ebb and flow of it. That the -spectrum- of prices depending on items' day week season etc contexts. 4. Your personal observations as you point out with your retort regarding mine as well are quite simply, yes personal observations for either of us. Perhaps another way of putting this is if I listed 100 enhancements from sets crafted today for an hour n change effort (no not from flipping or post 50 farming, or merit redeeming mind you either...), that I would not see a difference in the revenue earned from it that would mirror your worried observations. I'll likely not do 100 today though since I did about 50+ on Monday :P.
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