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Everything posted by Sanguinesun

  1. Now, what you're describing, is just utter nonsense and tinfoil hat style word salad.
  2. We just got official licensing and people want to already push the boundaries so we potentially lose the licensure. Color me surprised....
  3. My only concern about this capsule hunting is how is it to be regulated and fair to new players for access to them? Is it only first finders keepers or if a team/proximity clicks it, everyone gets the rewards? etc.
  4. To my understanding, the multiple kronos, babbages etc spawning in different zones is a confirmed or unconfirmed event that may or may not be induced by certain powers that may or may not be.....
  5. If we're talking just concept/theme only, an insect going humanoid seems like a /poison theme to me.
  6. I've -never- had it come about as a pattern of "usually goes well". Never. Its more not so well to fails vs pretty goods. In honor of the thread, I ran in a pos1 today. Leader set to +1 to start, even though we only had a nature toon doing what little healing they could at that level. After first mish they declared they were upping it to +2. 3 of us cautioned against it. Deaths followed in the next couple missions with a full wipe at the end of the 'brega mish then again in the next to last with the first ambush. Then another almost full wipe on the second ambush. Lowest it to +1 again, everyone focuses better in the last mish with only 1 death during the doppleganger part. I'd give the run a 4 out of 10.
  7. The 2 weeks before mapserve event, I ran on 4 DFB's with the same toon trying to get the first badge. All four failed then a 5th got it with the same "badges?" style group and yes an mm too. Fail 1: Yep an mm pet. Fail 2: "Sorry I didnt know Sands of Mu was aoe". Fail 3: Scrapper just didnt listen/pay attention nor responded at all during the entire run. Fail 4: AoE from a controller that I forget. This was the worst run because(and I feel sorry for the others wanting the lost badge), someone staff of nemesis KB'd a lost in the tunnel into the wall that wouldn't come out after waiting for a long time. We had to run it again (the 5th) and the controller... didnt join us. As for Posi 1. I've been utterly shocked over the last few weeks that those have run rather smoothely. Only one had last mish door/door area a delinquent dilettante but the rest of the group knew what they were doing and we nailed it with no one wiping then and the simul's dropped fast too.
  8. During the event, I primarily 50'd up toons that I'd gotten into the 30's and 40's but parked for a while. Clear out 2 pages of those.
  9. Vinegar, ketchup, gravy or curry gravy with your chips?
  10. TK, Terrify, Nightfall, then levitate...... with Control Radial Embodiment, that's a stun too since TK is an immobilize and Terrify applies both damage and the fear so 100% chance for stun when applicable. You can still use it as a small push since its a 40m away distance in addition to the pull in so there's a short time for limited mobility in that regard. I've also been laughing at how it collects and hoists the mobs as some bunch and then rotate like carosel and others stack on each other depending on their collision boxes. And while its yes an immobilize for the most part, due to the hoisting, they tend to not fire during the movement shifts to start and drop(if levitate of course isnt enacted) from what I've been observing. And without saying much more, there have been some really interesting/creative slotting changes I've made that have made the combos with that more fun....
  11. Wasnt my first MMO. MUDs were then UO then CoH. Biggest draw for me was playing different combos of power sets, making my own character themes, and grouping with others when possible. But over time as live devs sought to extend through various means the time sink that took away from the fun of the game for me, I stopped, then would come back on a off as CoV, then Rogue launched. When it sunsetting I didnt even play but felt it was a shame but at the same time, due to the live service intended time sinks and costs, I accepted its demise. Later when it was learned of HC and how there'd be a private segment playing (keeping it unknown like a secret club) I was happy to see it back but didnt like others had enjoyed it for years unbeknownst to the rest of us. When I got on and saw that all the vet rewards were now free and exp boosts and more to essentially undo much of the live service time sinks associated with maintaining a sub, I was pleasantly surprised. Its part comfort food, part character creativity, and part ease of access/play that keeps me interested..... as well as helping new players get into playing and stick with it as we've segments of the player base hellbent on elitism to discourage some new players at times. I hope things will maintain a good direction but there are concerns.
  12. It is important to note that this along with other intentional changes 2 years ago is just part of the intentional, inch by inch sets of changes against farming. On one hand it'll be said by some making these changes that it doesnt prevent farming, sure. But that's a misdirect because its moving the needle in the direction of discouraging farming and lessening its efficacy. Thus when statements are made in such cases, its actually rather disingenuous because of the actual intent. One "small change" and they can condemn any criticism over it due to being one small change. years later with many of those "small changes" and the over all effect/agenda in those regards is seen. That's the trick of it. But also keep in mind, this method of small, gradual changes like this is not limited to farming as we're already starting to see (and were really seeing over time as indicated).
  13. A year ago? You were on excelsior just hours ago. I know multiple people who reported you for that, though not I, as I knew your name was specifically from the D&D trope referring to campaigns with an over abundance of rewards in them... but the name was a parody even for DnD of Monty Hall the game show host. You gambled on that intentionally and knew better. Then you went and made Money Mouse as a parody of Minnie Mouse with a monty hall twist. I think you're still pushing your luck and going around the moderators sanctions against you is a sure fire way to get in worse hot water. Coming here thinking you weren't in the wrong just also opens you to having more on your account scrutinized too. There's no right way to defend the wrong thing.
  14. Also keep in mind as a change that HC implemented, if someone gets a smidge of debt from a death, grabbing an exploration badge or two will remove that debt and you'll get patrol exp on top of it. Conversely, if you have patrol exp already and die, that'll mitigate that debt issue as well.
  15. Yes, we understand you're not playing with a full deck.... 🤣
  16. Best way of nipping in the bud that run off like a WoW tank silliness, is being the healer and sticking with the team instead (in many albeit not all cases). A tank faceplanting a few times gets the hint usually and if they complaint, just tell telling them how you're trying to keep the -team- alive and good and not one specific individual taking needless risks while putting the rest of the team at risk. 😛
  17. The lawsuit was actually settled by both sides and not because of that. T From the settlement, Cryptic agreed to make Marvel an mmo what was to be Marvel Universe Online mmo. That's where Marvel thought they'd gain the most financially from the settlement(as CoH even then wasn't a revenue power house. It was profitable but not insanely so. But Cryptic pretty much(and some argue intentionally) sank their efforts with the project to where Microsoft(as they were also putting forth support with it) pulled out. Cryptic then for financial reasons sold CoH to NCSoft, and took the remnants(how convenient that worked out mmm...) of what they were working on and made Champions Online from it (Grond in the desert is basically hulk reskinned for example). Cryptic divested themselves of what they felt was an aging game/IP and created a new one. Eventually of course ole Jack Emmert left cryptic around 2015 and has hopped around different game companies since and settled now with his own company called Jackalope Games(appropriate name really) 2 years ago.... then changed the name to Jackalyptic a year later claiming they're working on a warhammer game.
  18. 1. Thanks for letting the team know to check your accounts entire bank of characters for more violations. 2. Copyright character names/costume likenesses have been a generic'd thing since the game was live decades ago as well. Before HC got the license it was also enforced. Players can and will report you or game moderators also proactively at times themselves will do so. In other words this is nothing new. You've been gambling, and basically eventually you lose. You also very much knew better. Since this is part of the tos. 3. Why mimic when you can be creative and come up with something new? If you want to pay homage to a comic character and play CoH, keep it in your mind, and not in the name or costume.
  19. Recent changes to the council mobs that -100%- didnt need to be implemented but now make missions late game with them to where even a simple paper PI mission takes 40min to complete because the archons almost fully self heal 3+ times a fight and then rez all whilst hitting like and acting stronger than some AV's but found in clusters in missions, just have multiple teams that I've seen people exclaim how that isnt fun. But someone felt it necessarily to mark their territory in change to the game and some comments on that in groups slogging through those missions were rather unflattering in very colorful ways... Supporters of changes to procs fall in the same category; because some small group feels content needs to be increasingly harder and really is a veiled expression of elitism. I think already for example those calling on proc changes and tieing justification for it with the end game content needing to be easier may not realize that the compelling evidence is that already that the majority of the player base do not play the more challenging end game content. If people want more challenging end game content, ----make--- more challenging end game content, just like hardmodes were done/implemented. Let the smaller segment that want to play that enjoy that. I There's no need to neuter the existing game play in any capacity for that. Again, I point to how its not popular for the majority to play because the majority arent interested in playing a challenging end game content precept and proc changes, just like councils, affect everyone and at stages that arent considered post 50/end game.
  20. Fort fit the needs of the OP likely the most. A well built for not only can be strong and solo various content due to its extremely good defense and pretty good damage but it is as well an appreciated contribution to a team due to its team buffs.
  21. The Pos1 issue has been discussed for years and its not exclusive to new players. There are just some who want to watch the world burn. There are signs that a team will have someone do that well before it happens if you pay attention to how people handle the missions before it, not to mention how the lead handles the mission difficulties in relation to the team dynamics etc etc. Personally, I think as well its the worst of the task forces, not because the mechanics of it exist but because its the -first- and thus the first impression truly new players can have of the task forces and can put off some when things fall apart. That out of the way, in general otherwise, you can help try to teach folks but you cant make them learn, I've imparted information to many a new player over the years for their first 5-10 levels and I can usually within the first few moment know whether they are receptive to what's being imparted or simply wish to experientially learn things their way. So really it boils down to you taking a Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder) attitude from the 1971 film saying "Stop. Dont. Come back" as you roll your eyes, knowing what the inevitable result will be. 😛
  22. Alot has to also do with how the implemented free forms. It could've been done differently to not make it op tank mage style but because that was a draw and incentive to monetize, that's why they stuck with it once they more heavily started monetizing of course. Only game I've ever gotten a lifetime sub to was DC Online and I've regretted that. 2 play throughs for hero/villain side in the first 6 months and I just wasnt interested in their progression or chasing monthly currency style per diem they did later after dropped from SOE just for some new look or other such.
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