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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. They have a new 'gaming' one too, but the real one... If your buns need to be seated for many hours a day pushing the buttons, it's a worthy investment. The old style lumbar support was better than the new one, and recommend you get the head rest attachment (to remember not to slouch!)
  2. If we could have a boars head, I'd be so happy. And dual blades would be instant meta.
  3. Tomorrow I have a free day, and I've NEVER rolled sentinel. Is /bio the business? Is dark blast insane? Do you rad/rad in madness? Where do you say to yourself 'this can only be on sentinel'? What would you choose, what would it be, if you had one day to get hooked hard on sentinel?
  4. It's definately an improvement from an entire populace ODing on melange. All this travel without moving.
  5. I wonder to myself: why wouldn't they implement the 'skip hop' safely? (players not traveling through world but warping to destinations) Homecoming team must have thought of 'put it on ouro' or 'exit to base'. So why not functionally identical, in a way that can't result in server crash, or whatever the problem was. There, I'd ask devs to describe the design intent, which I suspect might be: we want you in the world of homecoming, we want new players to see cool veterans zooming by... maybe helping them right quick if they're overwhelmed by a spawn.. or smacking the spawn and stealing xp share, out of badness. Encounters, with other players. I've often wondered if where doors spawn is designed so to draw traveler heros across high traffic areas, making you travel along an intercept line with where others are at time of door spawn... So chance encounters are more likely to happen. They should be. It's how you can make a big map feel more crowded. Even simple things like you going to a place to level up rather than 'skip hop transit' - - it puts you in the overworld. These folks are not daft or inept people. But they do not tell us design intent for this. I can only guess that this was the team's thinking.
  6. Does the old game recorder still work?
  7. ^ immediate dmg per cruel, as opposed to a % based dot doom, is better imo. Punchy. Always punchy!
  8. This is fine (imo) as long as you lose the xp share, as with confuse. Perhaps better would be to apply a %health dot, that does the trick, and one that won't break sleep. You're so CCd, you stopped breathing / were locked in time to point where shearing force of that, when existing in space that is not, caused damage to your corporeal form.
  9. If I want to fire farm, the built and functional brute does, and has been, supplying all the munee for the fun characters. Something that provides distraction targets takes heat off of a non-armor class, so I'm sure carrion and the fly trap does well. Doms musings so far: Mind/savage: great movement, quick enough casts, good st chain. Terrify cone has reach. Good av hold capability with a Dom telekinesis base. In retrospect neither slashing nor psi are good with stupid robots, but it doesn't matter too much. Plant, thorn: was first Dom in live, 'orphaned hope' - haven't played thorn since Dom assaults got a repass. Plant: spirit tree is cabbage. The creepers are good, pet never seems to do much. Long cast times on some abils. Elec/earth: you don't even need hasten with all the kb recharge proc abils. Hits like truck, multiple auras encourage melee. Sleep patch not take Dom bonus, chain jolt is up all the time. Pets are OK. Dark: controller version of dark secondary has caused me to avoid on Dom. Exceptional primary set. Grav: too much st ranged chain overlap between primary and secondary. Lack of slotting diversity limits final build without pooling. Better in controller. Maybe melee heavy secondary would allow st chain separation. But why not just be a thorns scrap /stalker or night widow if I want st ranged plus melee. Or a blapper if I want to pick up the new tp abil in beta. Hell or a sentinel, God forbid. Fire: I have not gen fire a fair lick. Seems abusively good if you can keep them in fire patch bonfire thing via kb/kd. Control powers underwhelming. Pets high dmg, but quick to die. /Martial is neat but the kicks are undignified. Earth primary super fun, but the pet is meh. Having said that earthquake, stalig, and the hold patch are neat. Pseudo pets suffer from no mag amplification from domination. Core problem (for me) seems to revolve around: Inadequate slot diversity for set bonuses at end in several pairings. Several pairings end up with ability overlap which creates abil redundancy once you have permadom levels of recharge going.
  10. Hm. Fire Dom huh? Maybe yes! Why psi? Because your pboe'ey? Ice is good on stalkers, never tried ice assault....
  11. nononononono! Wards are good, but no one does them either. In that case they're scared! If it's not council, or carnies if they think themselves spicey, people run away! We should be robbing banks. and breaking legs... . and using MIND CONTROL on players to lure them to redside with XPs.
  12. Yes. Don't do it at all if your going to dribble out pittance. Keeps the memory alive, only causes bitter feelings. What's the design intent? Ruin community bases by removing all visit reason beyond tourism? (as to this; the paragon board of tourism should provide ae like interface for accessing bases, where there's tag based search etc. Maybe some of those help terminals get fixed up by the tourism board. Villain side, head on a puke one might suppose). No. It's to prevent instance to instance hopping. Hop into transit, hop out in target zone, zoom to door, exit world. You foster more dynamic other player encounter, the world feels more populated, if that skip hop goes away. Playerbase, deal with the inconvenient. The problem here isn't that way travel gets done changes. It's that your 'changing the rules' after they've been normalized at a level that should have never been. So you rectify the situation, or you do not. If you are to rectify it, get the shock over with, leave no half measure glimmers of what was 'misconfiguration', and proceed.
  13. I can only imagine changes to world traversal here were because of transit zones, and cross connect between zones that caused an emptying of the game world. If that is the case extracate it entirely; they've got ouro, theres long range teleport. As was, transit zones were the sole method of transit used, how training got done, and even invention tables.
  14. If you were going to make a dominator that had to meet the requirement: it has to be better than a geared out fortunata... What would you select? Where would you place the annoying, no dmg, ATOs? Would you even bother? I love Dom, play mainly Dom... But lately by comparison I'm finding Fort practically more useful in today's meta. There's no time to run into mobs, unless you initiate. Casts need to be quick, or you've missed the mark. You must be able to stand in the fire. So, what would you roll? Mind savage was alright, but again underwhelming compared to Fort. So I'm at a loss.
  15. I'd argue it's less 'I dislike cov' and more a self perpetuation of 'cannot effectively group with frequency of blue side, so I don't go there'. Again, example planetside. Why would you elect to join the losing faction, if there weren't incentive to do so. Without incentive to do so gains are quicker on the winning side. Time investment efficacy dictates 'go with winners', and a faction is effectively suppressed or eliminated. Giving people xp changes the user calculus. And wth is wrong with you! Don't you like robbing banks and stuff?
  16. They'd flock in droves if there was a game mechanic incentive to do so. More xp lvls 1-[50.veteran level 50], exclude ae... The blue/red ratio would flip overnight. Alignment aside, there's good stuff red side. I couldn't agree more about mob groups. The maps are better, the zones feel more npc occupied. It's as if it were a second iteration of CoX. Red side, the wards, even funny praetoria place. It just goes unused. People (en masse) would feel the game bigger, more varied, and enjoyable if reward mechanics would push them onto the tour bus of this great game's experiences.
  17. Not much of a hero if you insist on clean streets and order for you to deign to appear! Might get dust on the leotard?
  18. It does dilute grav unique. We don't see telekinesis replicated in power pools. However, a grav can do it more often, and with a disorient. Don't know if there's a teleport mag difference.
  19. Simple mag add seems wise. It tacks on, it wears off. With an override(!!!), what happens to stacked mag on the target?
  20. What I mean is, you can afford to be aggressive on the chances for an extra exclamation mark override to occur, especially at the low end of the scale, I'd say (eg 60% boss) . Then something big like Mega octopus boss: 1/40, 1/30, not 1/100. punchy!
  21. Whatever you advise, it needs to be mechanically: Snappy, quickfast, hocus pocus, cloud of smoke bs. 'you can't move'. There's no time! Like Illu control blind, but then it did the hold. 82971921_default.mp4
  22. I think a lot of what you suggest would elegantly, and uniquely empower and differentiate the controller AT. however, I also think simple is very good for getting things done and the key point we'd agree on is: controllers cannot control things well enough. this might be best solved by making them just apply mag bonus (or override) more frequently - and reach higher overlapped stacks of it for AVs etc. simpler is easier to implement, simple might get done.
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