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Everything posted by honoroit

  1. The debuff/buff (debuff as specifically favored, players expected to use insp/self buff/io set except dmg cap kin) argument aside, there's some realities of play I would consider. If you're a support, and the group is dying, it's a horrid feeling when you can't actually heal them. I get this every time I'm on a sonic res, or force fielder. Having more than a pbaoe heal is refinement, emp/paindom/thermal have spot heal capability. Emp and pain Dom have two levels therein. If your eyes are the kind that can glance a party window, where bars are dropping, and from that pick best course to return to health or survive what's being encountered... Then having a toolset to actually heal feels more true. I do prefer pain Dom to empath, word of pain is good and packs a res shield. Anguishing cry works well with dreadful wail (sonic)... and the set is visually superior.
  2. Bribe. The. Players. Bribe them. They'll flip red in a heartbeat. Red ONLY enhancements! RED force locked open world pvp. We're all souls like over here. But rly.... Bribe them with an xp boost... Inf... Super p2w powers... Ya, make p2w only work for red.... Anything. The mobs are better, the music's better, it's dark and gloomy better. Red is better.
  3. That's wonderous news! I'd been away you see, super obsessing over pathfinder:wotw
  4. My fashion is obviously the Supreme, no matter the entrant riff raff that would show themselves to challenge that. Sometime, I don't win. Nepotism, or spite. That's what that is. (sometimes there's a some great stuff... Like a guy who I thought had a HUGE bug head... It was the missing head, and enormous bulby shoulders. Looked properly like a bipedal fly. - - but then there's the rainbow splat clown, who gets 250m inf. Outrageous.)
  5. I'll see if I can load up soothing aura and post pictures of logs. Hopefully the !DRACONIAN! mods won't ban me 😜. I'm still frightened after I got a telling for innocently using twitch.
  6. Panacea certainly combat logs: as granting proc with numeric values, to other named players. The defender ato for the absorb proc does this too, if I recall. I've used this and noted shields going out on a rad pbaoe heal, for example.
  7. Some good ones (imo) : Controller: dark/dark. Use the rez offensively. Party is dmg immune. If they hurt you, use a massive pbaoe heal. Give massive recovery. Controller: elec/elec affinity. It's a wow shaman. Corruptor: fire/kin. Don't look back. Literally karna. Defender: Pain/sonic. It's a lot better than I thought it'd be. Sentinel: elec/elec. Spec into end drain. Kinda fun. Support!
  8. So panacea works in soothing aura. Itll extend the +HP/end to people within the bubble. I presume the others do too (miracle recovery, doctored wounds regen, numinas recovery)?? Not sure about preventive medicine as that seems to be a global proc that goes of whenever you lose health, even if you never ACTIVATED something to give it a chance to. But ya, pain Dom / sonic my new fav healer. On another note... Why is electrical affinity thought to be bad end game?... Because no strong debuff?
  9. Feeling moody for PvP? Itchy, skin scratchy to find someone as the buzzer thing counts down? Secretly you want to tear up paper, bite your nails, pull your hair, roll upside down on the floor? - - then you should play ???/???/??? powerset! 173772450_2968519083384351_2722190618682687667_n.mp4 For you: *** if there was a server that was: open world, all the time, auto tagged pvp, this is what you'd be ***
  10. Note to self: do not cage with other animals. Edit: (and before it responds thinking itself clever, it seems the sort that does... yes, decidedly 'free range')
  11. Does it stay obscene? I've tried fire / kin corruptor, beam/ta, ice/cold Dom corr... water/elec blaster... None had the oomph I crave, until... The damage on fire/Fire... you end up approaching mobs in group situation thinking, ok I can take this down for entire team, what's next? He's low yet, 23, and cauterizing aura is very nice as a tick to recover... Doing posi/synapse/yin, it feel like you could solo it with only a few midgrade sets. Does it stay this way? I hope so.
  12. High turnout, strut and preening, a policeman and a dog telling people to turn off auras, and winners on a steam punky, fish kinda vibe for no theme. Admit it, you love the glamor. The spotlight. Walk speed to the center for the finals. Nothing is quite like the AP costume contest. mmo cosplay. You always see something new, clever, unique, or worn well.
  13. Do you remember? Was pretty crazy, audio and music way ahead of its time. Like wasd controls, but... better, you could lean. Always up for another dance with the true machine mother. (meanwhile, at ghost story games, they know, she'll never let go.)
  14. It'd have to come with a bribe. Unique costume pieces (they'd enrage, hehe he), or something tangible... enough to have them swallow their immortal, unstoppable, mememe leisure me time me relax me only ever me feeling me Supreme me time mode. I don't know what that reward would have to be, other than empryion merits.
  15. Open pvp, in steel canyon, and all paragon city! No one can touch you unless minimum lvl 10, with +/- 4 or 8 depending on zone. Aggro Lazer bots /arachnos arbiter things will kill you real good if you engage by a trainer, or a transit area. AE mission doors now throughout town. - AE invasion system. - gather vertebrae shackles for miss liberty - engage in jolly cooperation. The only non open flagged pvp zone, mercy island. That'd fix everything!
  16. yt1s.com - FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 55 Death Unto Dawn_9747.mp4
  17. Yes they did!... to cause a scene... and a bottomless curse on the BASTARD that schemed it so. I'm not interested in afk farming, you should be dcd after mins inactivity, or repetitive macro'd action loop.
  18. Some BASTARD jacked winter pack prices to 21.5 - it's deeply disturbing and causes political fallout! So... Spines / fire ...OR... Rad / fire I got a spines fire, but it's so passe. Some people do rad / fire, I guess for the -def on plus fours? Certainly not for the aoe, unless that 32 pbaoe skill beats out fling thorns cone and spine explode (tho that one has longer than it should cast time)... So for max cash fancy splash, what's your preference?
  19. Yes, you can level your famer brute in ae, though it may be good to do task force to get the badges in 'accomplishments' that look like Roman numerals I-VI, to get an accolade power. There's another similar easy one that involves some explore, killing vampires + werewolves, and rescuing a fortune teller. Worth the effort. How much you can farm while leveling will depend on your slotting, but find something like -1/4 and work up from there. You can set your difficulty from an npc, or more easily from bottom right speech button menu in the chat ui. For which farm to do, look at powers > combat attributes and find what your toughest against. For defense and resist. Then just dive in. Fill your inspiration inventory with purple inspirations, buy them from the ah, they are cheap.
  20. Git gud? do what eq2 did, you exemp down to engage, or you cannot engage. Supress / lvl curve the enh, strip powers not available at exemp'd level. You'd still be twinky, but not aoeing ap to all hell like some angry god.
  21. Scrappers of Paragon - need some advice. Simply cannot decide on a scrapper (1st) to take to fiddy. I always play stalkers, but its time. I'm torn between: Dual Blades / Energy Aura - Lady Maria Street Justice! / Willpower - WILSON FISK (no relation) Titan Weapon / Ninjutsu - Nectobo Are any of these power set combos that stand out to you experienced scrap-folk?
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