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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. And the change to the rocket board and etc seems... pretty damn awesome? Am I correct in reading that EvM and Fly will work together with the rocket board and such? So we can use those travel powers as honest to god customization! Pity I can't have the disc power animation for Hover to fight on, sniff, but still, shweet! When does SS get the motorcycle of the Thugs' bruiser?? 😄
  2. Only for muling purposes. Even on a WP character you might want to push your Smash/Defense up and four slotted with Kinetic Combat it helps getting there. Later on Follow-up, Focus and Slash is all you need.
  3. I tried that one once. The rikti boss was +4 and its bar sat unperturbed until it was defeated.
  4. My money has been sinking with all my alts taking TT and the new teleport that also costs 10 mill. Then I put them to the side. Good inf sink. Even earning money back it's still an average of 25 mill ish per character between all the teleports, the travel powers, the ressurect and etc.
  5. Come for Ice Patch, stay for Frost (and Freezing Touch). I re-made a new build for the Fire/Ice tightening things and even ditched Frozen Aura (I don't like it. I don't know why I don't like it. The numbers are similar, animation time is similar, but I don't like it and dat it) and I'm re-leveling a new character with it. Instead of, you know, respec the old Fire/Ice... but that's crazy talk. <_< >_>
  6. Spin is. Martial Arts may be the better all rounded combo but nothing beats that *crunch* sound of Spin doing a super hero landing and HP bars depleting all around me.
  7. This is lovely to have. My biggest thanks for adding this to the tools available for players, Carni!
  8. Oh, you're one of those who believes that the moon exists?
  9. Fire/Ice Melee tanker. Made it in the past, found it pretty damn good, posted about it. Then I moved on to the next thing. Now that I am trying leveling through arcs and finding myself in the same low level bracket for a good while I have 'rediscovered' that combo and how nicely it plays freezing and melting things with a decent AoE (Frost is one of the few cones I am happy about), Build-up, -and- Burn, all available by level 18 so that I can tackle those really early arcs.
  10. I read people snarking about speeding through without their written consent. And then I consider Synapse, yeah, where as the usual leader in one of these I will announce I will throw a TT before the end of the mission, will ask if others have it and assign the next person, will encourage people to split up 'as long as you're able to survive, otherwise stay close' or go find the glowie or boss while I stick to the squishies and keep on defeating mobs for the XP while the hunt happens. I've been in rare Synapses where we had a lack of AoE and experienced players and it took close to two hours, and I've had experienced players chaining TTs and splitting leading to a record one hour on the dot, but on average with my pushing it is usually done in an hour and ten and change. What people seem to miss is that mobs are infinite. They are not a precious commodity that needs to be husbanded. Not there when the team started to defeat enemies? So what, enemies are endless and more will spawn next mission. Someone speeds through and hunts the glowie so the map is not cleared while looking for it? So what? More mobs will spawn the next mission so time not spent in -that- particular glowie hunting mission will be spent in the next. I don't like speedruns and I don't join any TF announced as so, ever. But if I'm running a TF and a mission pops up saying it's to find a glowie or kill a boss then I don't see the point in slogging through every enemy of the map because... you've heard it here, mobs are infinite! It's not as if there are 100 mobs in a TF and if I leave 20 behind it's 20 less I'll never be able to get back. Next mission more mobs will show up. But, the enjoyment of the thing is important too. If they want to take it slow it's valid. I just want to be clear it is better to form a team and be clear about what the goals are (no speeding, group stays together, etc) which people will join if they agree to the terms.
  11. At level 10 Brutes annihilate all competition since they have a huge damage boost thanks to Fury. By level 22 this difference nearly disappears. My advice is to stick to Tanker since the damage difference is minimal and the toughness is much better. My own take is definitely an Electric Armor/War Mace if wanting to stick to theme. Too many electric based powers and effects (and FX) from the armor to ignore, and it ain't Thor if there is no hammer. It can be any other god of thunder and lightning out there, but it won't be Thor. That said Invuln/WM could be fine too, and just add an electric aura in the tailor. No other AT will really serve. Brutes are squishy to be a Thor, Scrappers even more so, and I cringe at the thought of a Defender/Corruptor Thor getting randomly one-shot due to the squishyness of those ATs.
  12. I have mentioned this a few times already but it has been glossed over. I personally make some difficult decisions over a single IO and don't see myself dropping slots into travel powers. To be completely honest, and I am not saying this in a snarky way, this change favors a lot the casual players who randomly slap slots semi randomly all over their build. The only way would be for travel power IO sets to be reworked to give significant bonuses that would allow them to be alternatives. I have several builds that have Brawl and Boxing slotted with Kinetic Combat for the S/L defense, powers I am not going to use. I would happily allocate these slots to my travel powers if I could get the same bonuses there. I often try to disperse those muled slots from Brawl to other powers that I will actually use. Even if the end result is the numerically (or a bit worse) I prefer those slots augmenting power I do use, even if it's just, for example, a few % more in To Hit (when I'm already at the softcap to hit +3 anyway). But this may be the next thing down the line. We were given this, which exposes the weakness in the travel IOs. So maybe they will work on that part next. Or maybe not and we are to rely on gimmicks like the jump pack.
  13. On the other hand if I agro two packs the world should not end as many in this thread seem to be indicating. And what happens if I agro two packs is part of them wandering off to pick at the team.
  14. +5 endurance reduction (Ok, ok, radiation armor sweats endurance). Toggles are terrible places to place procs. -res procs are something that very limited use outside of pylon tests and then on a toggle where they only have a chance to go off every 10 seconds means that if people that slotted it so were to sit down and test it they might notice no numerical difference between it existing in the build or not.
  15. Hasn't this been going on for ten years or so? When it finally comes out we will be using VR sets and threadmills.
  16. Tbh If I did take SS I would not use it inside most maps. Athletic Run would be good enough for mobility between enemies. That said I would do the same with SJ. Or teleport. And in all three cases I'd keep a flight pack to navigate cake rooms. CoT caves are the worse to navigate at any given time but trying to speed or, heaven forbid, -bounce- inside them is headache inducing.
  17. Give it up, my dude. We have said our piece repeatedly. The devs aren't budging or when they do they make it worse as this newest iteration compared to the previous. It's not like SS doesn't have jetpacks, or even back on live I had a simple macro that with one click made me autorun, auto jump, and move forward so I could AFK moving to a distant location on super-jump. Anymore is just stop being about presenting feedback and facts and just trying to shout the other side into compliance. Their server, their rules. If they wanted to make Fly do pink bubbles when used they could, and if they want to make a case it's the best travel power they can and needs to be slow they can. If we disagree we can make our own server and make Fly faster. I've personally said my feedback, pointed the flaws in the reasoning, and I'm not going to grovel or repeat myself any further. But at some point I'm going to assume that the devs no longer actually play the game and instead just mess with spreadsheets. Me, what I'm taking from this all, is that perhaps -I- should be the one adapting. I've always loved to use Fly, but why not use SS then? What bothered me was the inertia and with the ability to stack running powers that's solved. I can still take Hover for combat mobility but use SS to reach a mission. There, solved, that's what we are being pushed for anyway.
  18. Edit: Nvm, I'll just delete my reply. I've said all I wanted to say and I'm neither going to repeat myself nor steal Snarky's snarkator's place. At this point just roll the patch out.
  19. Burn takes to procs like a fish takes to water. A proccd out approach of slotting two +3 Hamis, one Eradication proc, one Scirocco proc, one Armaggedon proc, one Obliteration proc, has an average of 83% chance for the regular procs to go off and 90% for a purple proc. Plus the damage of Burn itself which at 80% fury is at nearly 350 damage (according to mids, clean build with only Burn taken and slotted). With all the procs it goes up to 692. This is without BU + Gaussian or Fiery Embrace muddling things, but, again, burst damage is king so with BU and Gaussian this goes up to 756 or with FE instead it goes up to 747. The pseudo pet also brings its own second (lower) chance of all the procs going off again which muddles the waters a bit since it's no longer that 90 and 83% chance but still increases damage further. Since it has a very low endurance cost of 5.2 it does not require endurance reduction and even procced out and with no recharge slotted it is back in about 10 seconds. To compare it Rad Melee's heavy hitter Devastating Blow takes nearly 3 seconds to animate (Burn is 2.3) and with a full five purples and a second damage proc it does 614 damage with a much much lower chance of 46% for the purple proc and 36% for the regular damage proc. In a full build it will recharge in about 5 seconds ish which puts it ahead of Burn for ST (since two can go off for each Burn), but Burn will hit five enemies, not even to mention how a reliable 83% minimum is, well, more reliable, than a minimum 36%. Everything else you've said is correct but a Brute generates agro and jumping into a pack and unloading is still a lot of bursty damage that will be available the next pack. Or even twice in a pack if not in a team at kills a whole pack of enemies in 6-7 seconds. Your concern about the DoT has value though even if I feel you're exaggerating a bit. Looking at Mids' power data Burn will do an immediate 60 damage front loaded followed by 13 ticks of 3.3 damage. To clean the math I remove Fury and look at the base damage of Burn which is 103. This jives. 3.3 x 13 is 42.9 and the front loaded 60.06 makes 103. That means roughly 60% of the damage is front loaded followed by 10 seconds of DoTs. With just two +3 Hamis and Fury at 80% the damage goes from 103 to 347 (I'll round it up to 350). 60% of that is 210. With procs added the 350 goes to 622 which is a near 78% damage increase. 78% added to 210 brings it to 373. So, ignoring the DoT component completely Burn will do 373 minimum, more if the pseudo pet activates the procs a second time (again, much lower chance from the pet than the activation of the power). Radiation Melee's second heavy hitter is Radiation Siphon which with Fury at 80% + regular slotting + two damage procs does 363. But both damage procs only have 33% chance of going off. It has roughly the same activation time of Burn, but, Burn will hit five mobs. Anytime someone is to click on Radioactive Smash or Radiation Siphon they can click on Burn instead and do minimum as much damage as using those skills, and will do double the damage if hitting at least a second mob with it, triple if hitting three mobs, etc, and 40% more of that if the DoT has the time to run off.
  20. But that the moon landing was fake and made with CGI. 🙂
  21. One account has something like 600 mill plus a lot of stuff in the tables, plus two or three fully decked out characters. The other account has something like 100 mill atm, plus three or four decked characters I don't even play, plus what's in the bins. I basically strip characters when I stop playing them until I realize I'm close to a billion inf, then I stop bothering with doing so and leave them decked out while making new alts until my money runs out, then I start stripping and re-utilizing the IOs again. Since I don't make use of inf sinks it just accumulates but is turned into capital instead of liquid assets.
  22. Oh wow.. Tossing out Burn... Why bother go Fire Armor then?
  23. For someone who advocated Tankers having Taunt reworked into what basically Fold Space is you might think I would have been all over it. But no. I need to pick two useless powers to get Fold Space. No build of mine has three spare powers. Maybe if I took Teleport as my trav-.. eeh eh... hehehehe... HAHAHA! ...no. So I can only watch enviously as others get to use it.
  24. Fire/MA spoiled me for other combos and ATs.
  25. Considering you can run SF/TFs at -1x1 most of them are very easily soloable up to the last boss which will be an AV. If a meleer it will not really a problem IMO (just take some purples with you) and at most you just need envenomed daggers from the P2W. Now, I'll be honest with you: -waiting- for someone to form a team for some thing you are after can be a dicey proposition. It is much easier to go '/lfg Mortimer Kall SF LFM. Minimum level X' and invite people as they whisper you.
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