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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Yes, but, AVs tend to be 30 second fights, and AVs tend to be 5% of the content. Everyone going omg tankers were nerfed against AVs I beg to consider in what way is it worse to be buffed for 95% of the content than being buffed for 5% of the content. That's why I, and others, looks at these complaints, including Auroxis, otherwise a swell guy with which we can disagree on an argument but not have to hate on a personal level, and go UGH, even if it turns out to be a nerf and it takes 20 seconds extra to kill an AV those 20 seconds have been recouped by the gained time dealing with the trash to REACH the AV by the Tanker's improved buffs. Did I want Tanks, Brutes, Scrappers and Stalkers to be near indistinguishable? No, I've said so in the past. People are still going about Tankers and Brutes as tanks and we all have done Nth content with a Scrapper tanking everything. Mechanical differences would have been better, but let us please stop harassing CP for not finding this dream solution that pleases 100% of everyone 100% of the time.
  2. Good to know. so basically Genetic Corruptions appears to be mostly useless unless we are looking at the heal proc and the -10% damage aura effect.
  3. You still have waaaaaay too much accuracy. Why are you chasing for more with DNA Siphon and Parasitic Aura? Neither need slotting, and in the meanwhile you are severely underslotting Ablative which is your first line of defense. Look at AS for example. 146% hit chance against a +3. You could cull it down to 20% and still be in the 90% percentile allowing to slot another damage proc. I also question the choice of Agility. A bit more endurance and a triffle of defense VS 45% more damage. Well, 30%ish once ED kicks in. Why a snipe attack in a set that is overflowing with ST damage? At first glance I thought it was an AoE since StJ is a bit poor in that department. I'll post the changes I'd do, but it's your build so just see if something feels right to be incorporated. So. - -res proc in Shin Breaker and Sweeping Cross. Sweeping Cross is your finisher while Crushing Impact is recharging and Shin Breaker is a builder, so you're going to be using both, so why not -res in both? Adn while at it, a damage proc for Sweeping Cross too. Pew pew single target! - Purple damage proc in Crushing Impact, because why not add another 100 damage 90% of the time? - There is so much accuracy I left AS with zero and even so it has a 95% of hitting +3. Extra damage proc in there because why not? - Ablative properly slotted. - More recharge for BU because the insta recharge proc is nice, but it's still just a 5% chance. It's great in AoE but not going to go off nearly as much in ST situations. - Chance to placate in the purple sleep set. Placated enemies take auto crits. No idea about the chance to placate, but why not? - Even though the Performance Shifter's 2nd bonus isn't very exciting why skimp on less travel time between spawns? -Unbreakable +7.5% HP, nom nom. - The power not taken is because HD bugs out on Stalkers and doesn't allow me to change epic pools... and I'm sorry but I couldn't be arsed to re-do the build from scratch just to change the epic pool. It's supposed to be Physical Perfection in Weapons so you have more than the 4.2 recovery that can be seen and it's slotted like Stamina is. - I went for Musculature 33% for the endurance, but I'm 90% sure you don't need more endurance considering all the procs on top of the raw EPS, and can thus do Musculature 45%. I'm sinning towards overdoing it but I leave my opinion here. I am sure this could be further refined.
  4. Yes, while the effect of Barrier dwindles over time it will always give a minimum of 5% which is the last 5% needed to softcap. My choice for incarnates would be: Musculature 45% if absolutely sure we don't need more endurance recovery. Otherwise the 33% version for the endurance. I see no point in the others. Barrier, because 5%. Ageless is so predominant that someone is always going to pop it anyway. Degenerative 75%. Someone needs to run tests between all of them (the 75% chance to do a fire DoT and the 75% chance to apply -res) to see which is better, but Degenerative works best on targets with more HP like AVs since it's a DPS increase (less HP means we kill it faster (caps at -14% HP for an AV), less HP means smaller regen ticks, which is what we fight against to lower an AV'S HP, so it's a double whammy) and anything with less HP is killed dead in seconds anyway. That said it is super common a pick and it does not stack higher than five, so if in eight people three or four or more have it it's wasted since it's stacking to five immediately and not budging. So taking a more hipster choice like Diamagnetic is definitely not a bad choice since it's an added debuff. Assault. The damage buff if soloing lots (it's the bigger boost of the two) or double hit if teaming lots (less of a boost, but if we get lots of damage buffs we reach the cap and the damage buff will go to waste but not the double hit).
  5. You have way way waaaaaaaaay to much accuracy to be fishing for more of it, broseph, use my advice about regarding setting the ToHit to 38. So you rejig your slots, definitely definitely add the purple damage proc to AS, perhaps one Force Feedback to Crushing Uppercut. Or one slot to Genetic Corruption, add the heal proc and then 5 slot the purple sleep set. Or one more recharge to Build-Up. You're also missing out on a few % of S/L resistane by using a Red Fortune instead of a second Reactive defenses. Since Mace Beam seems to just be a mule why not go for the Weapon epic pool, grab Physical Perfection for moar Recovery and then maybe try to slot in exploding shuriken or something if you were after more AoE.
  6. Mechano has it right. Go to options, Configuration, Effects&Math, and then on Suppression check the boxes for Attacked, Hit by foe, Activate attack click. This will give your Hide (and any other Stealth powers) the actual numbers while in combat. You currently have near the board 40% to everything which works very well for the Barrier approach. If you want to take it a step further you can also go to Options, configuration, Exemping&Base values and then change Base ToHit to 38%. This is going to simulate the accuracy in hitting a +3 enemy (which is how a +4 enemy ends once we have an Alpha T3 or higher slotted in. Remember to click Offensive Adaptation in HD since it gives a ToHit buff. Remember to +5 the IOs in Hasten, Build-up, and the Damage/end in AS, the endmod in Stamina/boundless, etc. As fir the spoiler it's the eye icon when you're writing a post.
  7. Throw these into the spoiler tag, mein freund. As for the sleep thing, the reasoning seems to be that Stalkers have a mechanic that enemies who are held or slept get auto crits (or a chance for better crits?). Frozen Aura in Ice + Genetic Corruption can do some unfortunate things to mobs, in theory. I feel you have made too many sacrifices to reach 45% and paid for it in bad slotting, like Sweeping Cross for example where a Sup Avalanche would do you better in raw stats and not having to mule Punch. My usual advice to aim for 40% and let Barrier handle the rest rears up again. You get more bang for your buck by slottting the uniques in Health than +5ing normal IOs. Other that than that everything seems to be in place.
  8. I see what you mean. Correcting the fields did give me an 86% chance of the Hide proc triggering which seems to be about right and close enough to 90% which is the cap. Thanks for the exchange of info, Sero 🙂
  9. CoH is the aRPG of MMOs. Leave it to WoW to be super finnicky and have carefully cultivated DPS checks and etc. CoH is Path of Exile. We start whiffing on zombies and end the game clearing rooms of enemies with one skill. And just like there is room for PoE in the gaming industry I say there's room for CoH in the current MMO industry who uniformly follows the path of small four elite mobs serving as trash between the entry of the dungeon until reaching the boss.
  10. Paste bin. Just place the link your bio and people can copy and paste it.
  11. According to the link you posted AS can go up to 81% recharge to keep a 90% chance to proc Superior Stalker's Guile. Not sure if I'm doing it right. https://imgur.com/a/qvlxTw3 This is good because I have a tight rotation and I prefer losing out on PPM chance than having gaps where I wait for things to recharge.
  12. Could you link where you found this information about recharge times? HD only shows it for damage procs. I know I have my AS at 76% recharge and the Hide proc only happens... I can't really say... but one in three ou four AS'?
  13. As an European in Everlasting sometimes getting a team can be annoying. I'd love for the LFG tool to work so I can just AFK waiting for it instead of spamming the chat every two minutes. Not, not, not, not cross server LFG. I loved the faster queues and not having to spam the chat for 30-40 minutes to get a team back in TBC of WoW, but it took returning to CoH these past months to rediscover the small pleasures of playing with the same people and recognizing names, and being recognized! Cross server is good for anonymous speed play, but not here.
  14. That's not what I've been reading, but I reckon this needs testing with P2W Analyzers to have less hearsay involved.
  15. Call me mad, but only just now, months later of being in CoH, did it finally dawn on me today that T3 Degenerative (75% chance of applying a -HP debuff) is probably much better than the T4 (75% chance of applying a -HP debuff with 25% of applying a minor DoT), and that my tests on characters are probably skewed due to this. From what I have read we currently have an ongoing bug that any incarnate that has two chances of something happening will simply not happen if either chance doesn't come across. So, in this case, 75% of applying a -HP buff with a 25% of applying a minor DoT is suddenly crippling the incarnate power since first we need to apply the 75% chance of, but then we have a small 25% chance that cockblocks the first pass. Has anyone tested or knows if this particular incarnate works as it should, or if the bug applies to it, or even if the bug has been fixed and I haven't read about it?
  16. 1 - I'm not sure what you mean by Rog, sorry. Shadow meld can't be made perma to my knowledge but about 26 seconds recharge and 15 seconds duration it's close enough. If you are in a team you'll notice that Stalkers are very slippery. The slightest thing will make mobs ignore you to go hit someone else (we are basically a blapper's wet dream between the damage and aggro slipperiness). This is good (for some people, not me in particular since I both like the 'tank' role and like the enemies to stay glued to me instead of running off at 20% HP) since it means you're not going to be the center of attention when you start hitting things. So Shadow Meld doesn't neeeeed to be perma. Just pop it as you run to the pack of enemies and once it runs out, well, most should be dead. 2 - I played /Bio Scrappers and Brutes, in neither case were their success based on Genetic Corruption. Genetic Corruption is 'just' a damage aura, which incidentally does -damage. The loss of the damage aura diminishes the worth of /Bio for a Stalker (as well as Evolving Armor's -res which Stalkers don't get either) but it's far from being bad. It's still a *very* resilient set for defense and also offense. We don't get this offense/defence outside of recharge buffs from a secondary which are take it or leave it. Ablative is small heal with a good sized absorb shield on top of regen, DNA Siphon double as a heal in a crowd and regen/recovery when used with corpses, Parasitic is as good on a Stalker as it is on a Scrapper (ignoring the detail of stalkers having less HP so regen doing less for them). 3 - I'm insistent on ITF being my /Bio's weakness (on all characters, Scrappers, Brutes, even Sentinels, etc) because the defense debuffs are harsh. This is mostly solved by Barrier. Heck, munching on one purple at the right time might be enough if we are looking outside the set's skills. But that's it. Anything else, including incarnate trials are fine, and I mean deathless runs sort of fine. My one character that has an easier time is my Claws/Bio Scrapper because Shockwave recharges so fast that, combined with Spin and Scrapper crits, I keep a spawn on their butt and mostly dead by the time I decide to stop spamming those two moves. A War Mace character could do the same. So far I have not found Ice Patch living up to the hype in this aspect.
  17. That's my experience with Parasitic as well tbh. Regen is nice, but it's not going to perform a miracle like in the example I gave of the ITF. We still can't jump into the middle of a spawn and have our defense go into the negatives and expect Parasitic to save us. In that aspect Barrier is the real panic button between resists and a ton of defense that needs to be whittled down (or has DDR baked in). Genetic Corruption is also of very dubious use. The -damage is not something we will notice, the sleep hardly even does anything, and the heal from the sleep proc is nice and all but eh. The other versions of the aura at least do damage which is always something.
  18. Parasitic is a very good power and you can try to make room for it for sure, but in practical terms you may find it just gathers dust without ever coming to use. My only Achile's heel is the ITF with the cascading defense debuffs. I simply cannot face those spawns alone since they can murder me under twenty seconds. To do so I need to kite some, CC some when available, and never get cocky. 60% S/L resists simply don't keep me alive. That's the moment where Parasitic Aura will shine (mind, it won't do miracles in that particular TF). But other than the ITF /Bio is god mode and with Ablative and DNA Siphon (which doubles as a big heal if we are taking damage while surrounded by live targets (while being a Recovery tool if used on tools)) I simply don't need anything else. So yeah, try to make room for it since even unslotted it works fine, but keep an eye on how often you use it and then decide if it is worth it to keep it or not. We all have different playstyles after all. Shadow Meld could replace Parasitic for about the same end result and be up 100% of the time instead of Parasitic's half uptime.
  19. I just tested and it works for me, but here's the long one.
  20. You forgot one of the +3% defenses unique IO (there are two) so that's a boost right there. With some minimal slotting changes you can be at 40% to everything and then rely on Barrier for the last 5% ignoring Shadow Meld in the process. If you split Superior Stalker's Guile in half you get 10% to S/L instead of just 5%, and if you use five Superior Blistering Cold you end with another 5%. So you can easily get it to 40% down the range. Don't forget to +5 your isolated IOs for some extra oomph (right click the IO, for example the ones in Hasten, then place the cursor over it and press + five times before choosing it again. You can buy Boosters in game for this, but it's a level 50 thing). I have a build I never got around to try since after making it on HD I looked at it and wasn't enamored on how Jacob's Ladder was sort of needed and Thunder Strike is such a loooooong animation, and Lightning Rod's damage is a bit heh considering the long recharge, but you can take a look and maybe get some extra ideas. Relying on Shadow Meld isn't a bad strategy either. Your ST rotation is probably going to be AS (fish for Hide procs), Chain induction to use the Hide proc (If Jacob's Ladder doesn't auto crit from Hide as ST skills do. Chain Induction isn't a ST target but technically I think it passes as one due to the slotting), Jacob's Ladder, and then Havoc's Punch. Rinse and repeat. In AoE situations try to use Thunder Strike instead of Chain induction so it can make use of the Hide proc, which is going to push everything back so much you probably only need Chain Induction before AS has recharged.
  21. I get what you mean, but that's melee talk, not ranged. A ranged character doesn't really need massive resistances since they aren't in the thick of things, especially an Archery one that has no PbAoEs like Fire's Inferno. Still, sure, why not? I find the heal Destiny might be more useful since a SR is there blocking damage and with scaling resists helping but once greens run out that's that.
  22. Why would you even take Barrier with SR...? Go for the heal, I guess, you won't need Ageless for sure. Did some tweaking. It honestly could do with more because you have too many attacks ( Blazing, Stunning and Perfect shot are enough for a complete attack chain with Aimed Shot tossed in once in a while to keep Defensive Opportunity going, which would open a slot for something else, whatever, a travel power?). You had a *ton* of extra accuracy EVEN without Tactics on. We're talking something like 140% accuracy when it softcaps at 95% (against +3 which is where we end once incarnates kick in, and before incarnates we don't usually fight +4 anyway). So I dialed it back down. Even now it's still a bit too much for many attacks but Rain of Arrows and Fistful of Arrows were hurting so I added the Kismet back in. So in the same vein if you turn Tactics on it will be grossly over the accuracy but I let it stay since it's your build, although if there is one power that could be removed for a travel power (or whatever) this is it since it's not going to add anything. You also were over the softcap. Since SR doesn't care about defense debuffing this was adding nothing, nor was it enough for incarnate content, so I tried to dial it down a bit but it's difficult with Maneuvers and Weave in, which leads me to.... You took Maneuvers and Weave, which makes four powers just for those two, which is something SR has no need of to reach the softcap. Since no fancy slotting was needed to reach softcap thanks to those two I just went ham on recharge and Hasten is now almost perma and will be in 90% of the gameplay since Exploding Arrow with the Force Feedback will make sure of it. There is no real reason for the Force Feedback for Hasten but it will make Rain of Arrows/Aim recharge a bit faster. On the same vein of since-you-took-Maneuvers-and-Weave and no fancy slotting was needed I also went ham on damage procs to help with the damage. Due to the fast animation and fast recharges they won't go off often, but hey, why not? Due to the lack of procs we can slot in (basically only the toxic proc) I didn't see the point of doing the same thing I did for Blazing Arrow. Blazing Arrow, taking two damage procs and with the new slotting, goes from the previous 278 damage to 407. Now there's a reason to use Aimed Shot with the ST rotation becoming Blazing Arrow, Perfect Shot, Stunning Shot, Aimed. Snap Shot is a mule and not used, but it could be kept for when exemping down and needing a filler. Better resists. Native 21.5% S/L instead of zero. Native 14% negative/energy instead of zero. Once losing HP SR's scaling resists will add to the IO's scaling resists. Worse Recovery. Down from 3.32 EPS to 3.18. But, I personally would remove all the extra slots (leaving only the Panacea and the Performance Shifter's procs) since the Sentinel's Defensive Opportunity does the job all on its own, but s'up to you. Offensive Opportunity does not add all that much. Things you could do would be removing Maneuvers and Tactics (I would leave Tough + Weave since Tough allows for the slotting of uniques SR otherwise couldn't use) and take Aid-other + Aid-Self. Some minor rejigging of slots would be needed but you'd have a self heal and not need to rely on greens. You could also take Fly and Afterburner since you already have Hover.
  23. Oof, yes, good catch on deciphering cential as sentinel.
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