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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. To top it the thread is not even looking at Concentrated Strike from the viewpoint of the non-crit ATs. Sure, for Stalkers and Scrappers you use CS, maybe get your crit, get your BU reset, etc. But what of Brute and Tanker? No crits, and no changes to CS either. It gets all the downsides of CS but no reset to the BU meaning what point is there to use it? I've tried it several times and have a KM of each AT at 50 leveled the old fashioned way and though it begins fun while facing mobs under level 20 with the chainsaw attacks it quickly falls off. Burst can do similar things to Dragontail to speed a build up but the ST fails to catch up. That said there is no need to make a big seven headed hydra out of this. It has not been tuned up because it just hasn't passed by the dev's hands due to several other things having been done instead. Once it does it will be good. They have a good track record of tuning lagging sets into becoming actually desirable.
  2. Now that you mention it I'm not even sure that Ninjutsu has it. That would narrow it down to just two.
  3. Nay, Stone has no agro aura for Scrappers. I Mids-d up one for Tankers but felt it would just be more of the same. Thanks for the kind offer though o/
  4. Been messing with Axe in Mids since I've been wanting to play a Scrapper and be damaging. My problem is that I like being tanky, and I like being tanky early which is why I stick to Tankers with whom I solo at +1x8 from level 15+ onwards. Scrappers have never quite been there for me in that aspect. So I have this Axe/Rad. S/L/E resistances get capped with Barrier's 5%, there is a nominal 33%-ish defense to S/L/M so that a small purple puts those three at softcap for a bit of extra survival (no big tradeoffs for it). In the past I have found resistance based Scrappers pretty terrible as they are squishy, but Radiation Armor has tools for survival. Radiation Therapy heals, makes endurance problems a joke, AND hurts the enemies, Ground Zero does the same. Particle Barrier is a substantial alpha eater tool too. I like the premise of wandering into a group of enemies and unloading four PbAoEs (Pendulum is pseudo PbAoE). Axe Cyclone takes very well to procs (70%) so it's triple procced. Everything smells like it would make any spawn have a bad day the moment it walks in. Scrapper (Battle Axe - Rad Armor).mbd Axe/Ninja is a staple. Softcapped defenses without Weave, crit from stealth with Shinobi-Iri (maybe worth investing a stealth IO to be completely invisible for setting up the initial crit), mediocre resistances, good endurance and heal clickies. To be honest it is petty but the clickie CC resistance is what is holding me back since it's always a nuisance to remember. Terrible DDR but kill-before-being-killed suits Scrappers. Three free powers to do whatever with. Scrapper (Battle Axe - Ninja).mbd Axe/Energy Armor is as basic as it gets. Also softcapped without Weave (including negative), same mediocre resistances, toggle CC instead of a clicky. Slow recharging heal because of the end discount that, honestly, is not needed in a set that has such a fast recharging Energy Drain. The extra defense from ED is just fluff as even catching 10 people in it will only give 3%. Mediocre DDR that won't stop cascading, but same as above. Two free powers to do whatever with. Scrapper (Battle Axe - Energy Armor).mbd
  5. I only played Blasters a few times, and the best ways I remember were going into a group, NOT use Aim and Build up and just use the nuke and all AoEs. Nukes are so ridiculous that they don't need the help. Then the next group while the nuke is still recharging, DO use Build-up + Aim and unload the AoEs. Backed by both Aim and BU and Gaussian the nuke is not needed to wipe the group.
  6. I just built one as a Scrapper since I wanted to go ham on damage. On a Tanker there is nothing bad to point out. Axe is an endurance guzzler but Rad handily takes care of that. A procced out Radiation Therapy heals and hurts the enemy, ditto on Ground Zero, and then Axe's two PbaoEs means we can start a fight unloading four PbAoEs two of which heal.
  7. A bit unrelated but Axe having so many powers that are good is a 'problem'. Well, the real problem is Cleave. Cleave's awkward recharge forces a 4th attack to not have gaps. I'm sorely tempted to ditch Cleave, blasphemous as it might, to free a power and make the attack chain more relaxed. Otherwise I only have Fly at level 30 since there are too many good picks.
  8. Feed me a taunt aura! And no, 50% uptime incarnate is not it 😛
  9. Again, signature, Turtle, leveling (and final) build 🙂
  10. Yeah, it can do about the same as above with Fire Armor while also being tankier. Firey Embrace and Burn are replaced by procced out Radiation Therapy and Ground Zero, both of which the FF procs from MA help with the recharge times and both roll offense and defense into a single click. I tried this combo in the past but it was drab to level to 38 to get Ground Zero. Having it now at 26 helps a lot for leveling and pacing.
  11. You can check my Fire Armor signature. The build you're after is the Turtle. It has a leveling build if I'm not mistaken but boop me if you need further help.
  12. There is a lot of variables and most have been brought up already. Just to make a few things clear(er): - The -res procs don't stack. If someone else has them slotted then your own are doing nothing other than maybe adding in the uptime. - The lower the level of the enemies the better the -res procs are. The higher the level the less useful. This is why they are so overblown in this community since the usual target for tests is a +0 pylon. At +0 having two -res procs in your build adds rough 25% more damage. At +3 this goes down to 4-5% (tested against AVs using damage procs and then swapping them for -res procs). - The 'huge' gains of 25% don't mean you'll do 25% more damage in short fights. Normal mobs have very little HP and first you need to hit them, get the -res to proc, then keep hitting while doing extra damage per hit. Between chance for the proc to hit and actually hitting the enemy there is a good chance it is already dead. A damage proc would just do the damage upfront instead. - If you're solo you're killing more slowly, so you might appreciate the -res. On the other hand you might prefer the upfront damage to help burst mobs faster. I can't answer this for you so it's your decision. - If you're in a team (and no one else has the -res procs slotted) you might help with everyone doing 4-5% more damage which multiplied by 8 is still decent. If you find AVs to be more than a speedbump it's something that you can do.
  13. Man, you show interest and passion so I don't want to be negative. But the previous posters were right that no one will watch an hour long video of prep and random flying around. But you got the good building block to edit into an easier to swallow 3-5 minute video, maybe even including your explanation blurb into it for context?
  14. The (near) immortal build in my signature gets you an early start. It soloed all the AVs as I did my leveling at +1x8 once getting and that was on the exemplaring/leveling build using Scorch. Switching Scorch for Incinerate will be a damage boost making whittling the AVs faster. Most of the advice in this thread is perfectly on point, but I will add my own opinion that it is better to sin by oversurvival than overdamage. Overdamage is fine for a good chunk of the game until we hit the really tough situations and then we are dependant on inspirations of which we only have so much room for (we can mail them and take them from the mail mid-fight though). Oversurvival means surviving at all times and for most things the damage is enough. When we hit a super hard enemy, well, we can whittle it down stubbornly (the way I did as leveling but between being a Tanker and still using Scorch it made things like the AV at the end of Numina's TF a 15 minute fight but I was perfectly safe during that time) or using Envenomed Daggers (which would have taken a large chunk out of those 15 minutes and which we can carry 300 (if I recall correctly) of). You can also have both (in a manner of speaking) by doing things like a Fire/Fire Tanker which will muller large spawns of enemies with triple PbAoEs (another thing it takes playing for a while to appreciate when we can skip cone AoEs and take PbAoE instead and how much better the second one is) and is still high up in the stratosphere in terms of survival compared to most other ATs (I soloed the ITF at +4x8 with enemies buffed and inspirations disabled with no deaths allowed and only died at the last boss when it stunned me and made me drop my toggles, so 'Fire Armor is squishy' is relative). ... now I feel like leveling another Fire/Fire, it was good fun the first time around. But the Stone/Fire Melee was definitely easy mode compared. Reiterating what I earlier said the agro aura is also lovely to have but it will take solo with and without to give it the proper appreciation, but it's not a huge deal until getting jaded and cranky *cough*.
  15. Check the prices before buying stuff with merits. A normal ATO + a catalyst can run you to 10 million in the Auction House where 100 merits used in the ATM can be worth around 15-16 million. Check my newbie guide in the my signature. Don't feel bad about not having much to do, it's common in the end game with mobs being squishy and players having so much damage. Just keep hitting the bosses and let the lieutenants and minions die from the AoE. Running out endurance tells me you're not slotting DNA Siphon properly. Try having a Theft of Essence proc in it and possibly 5 Synapse Shock, or the Theft of Essence and two recharge and two endurance modifications (though Synapses are cheap so I'd just go for them).
  16. Carry purples. Do warn people about the door because we are heroes. But after that keep your finger near the inspiration tray keybind once the door inevitably opens before people are ready.
  17. I leveled a Fortunata once. I don't like nukes. Everything feels like we're just making time until the nuke is ready because the nuke is so much damage. Sentinels are better in that aspect since 25 seconds is enough to do one spawn and move to the next where 40-50 seconds is territory to be half finished with the second spawn. But those are niggles. The Fortunata was easy to play with loads of defense. I did the mistake of wanting to play the role of mobile passive buffs and loaded on Leadership which was a nightmare with all the toggles and zero endurance aid. Then I tried to Hami and it ignored my defense and two shot my squishy ass a couple of times and I parked it 😄 I REALLY dislike having to spend the first 24 levels as a substandard class before playing what I actually set out to do but it's as easy as powerleveling the character with a second account, but ,I can't stand soloing anything without an agro aura anymore.
  18. I don't think you're wrong. But I don't see the fuss. The game is not new. Everything has been documented extensively be it on forums or the (several) wikis. Anyone googling (as I sometimes do) comes across those reddit posts, forum posts, wiki pages, where the correct bind syntax is explained. So I'm not seeing the fuss with the changes. 97% of players won't even notice that they are there and will still keybind whatever to whatever button that they care about, and if it's not available through the menu they will google it and will copypaste and it will work. I'd understand the fuss if the changes had altered something fundemental and now bindings required new syntax or whatever, but it does not seem to be case. Anyway, not putting your concerns down, it's just I don't see what is the problem other than the lack of transparency in the text file.
  19. Anything with an agro aura. My last Sentinel run fizzled in the 30s as my desire to play got worn down to a nub from enemies running all over the map, which, usually, I'd ignore, but it was consecutive kill all missions so I could not leave them to wander around the map. A Tanker can kill anything. Anything can solo and kill AVs though especially with Envenomed Daggers. So a Tanker who can already solo AVs will just solo them faster with those. But as the others said it depends on what you want. I like Tankers because I can start very early doing x8 missions. But does that matter? Even with good AoE x8 takes a while especially when we start doing kill all missions. If you're not into taking it slow then perhaps x4 suits you better. Once at x4 you can do anything with everything. Even Scrappers that are not the sturdiest early/mid-level. Something that starts being girthy is the (near) immortal build in my signature. Level 13 and we're already near immortal at near 40% defense. One Build-up + Gaussian + both AoEs kills all the minions in a group leaning lieutenants at half HP, which is acceptable for me. Pretty much anything can solo depending on what difficulty setting you choose. At base literally *any* AT. It's only when you want to increase the difficulty that things get spicier. Even then it depends at how early you want to go all out. My Sentinel soloed Posi 1 and 2 at 0x6, then Yin at +1x8, and it made a much shorter work of the AVs than my Tankers usually do, but by Citadel I could not stomach mobs running away and all over once I had used my nuke and AoEs. I spent longer chasing and defeating them than my Tanker does just continuing to unload AoEs to their face while I'm working on the boss. So my initial advice stands until the detrimental fear code is punted out of this game: anything that has an agro aura.
  20. As Seraphim said you can be very creative with slotting on pretty much all resistance sets and achieve 45% to melee/ranged/AoE if pairing with MA. Is it worth it? Well, kind of. Are you a resist set and being debuffed to heck and back because you're meant to eat all attacks, even those carrying debuffs? Are you weak to psi? Watch yourself ignoring psi if it's tagged as ranged attack. Are you being hit with -recharge or -tohit? Ignore it if it's tagged as either melee/ranged/AoE. Where the defense fails is against defense debuffs since without DDR it will get whittled, but even then having a 40%/45% buffer goes a long way against that happening with as little as a small/medium luck, because even resistance based armors that are not trying to build defense fear being defense debuffed into the negatives. But the whole 'reach 45% defense on top of 90% resistances' is mostly my baby and a niche thing, it's in no way the normal way people slot or build. There is not a lot of point in pairing MA with defense sets (IMO) because defense sets reach high levels of defense thus the extra 10% is just padding. It is good if aiming for incarnate content where defense should reach 57% (or was it 59%?) but incarnate content is not particularly common, and with the constantly spamming of Destinies I never felt lacking. Take this with a grain of salt. But the 10% from MA can also help ease off slotting for defense sets, or even not use Weave at all so it's still a valid pairing. One thing to consider if soloing is that MA's AoE is weak. It animates fast, recharges fast, and the FF proc we can slot in it makes it even speedier to recharge. But it hits for low numbers. For this I found the Fire Armor/MA variant particularly good as the synergy was amazing. Dragon Tail providing with soft CC and speeding up every cooldown in the build from Build-up to heal to endurance to Burn, and Fire Armor complementing the AoE damage for MA. It's also a really early starter. You can Posi 1 with Dragon Tail and Burn. You can even suffer a very modest damage loss and trade Crippling Axe Kick for Cobra Strike to have both AoE AND the ST chain available by level 20. Honestly it's one of my best all-rounder builds to move around at all level ranges.
  21. Mediocre = bad numbers. It has the girth but lacks the sta-... the damage numbers to go with it.
  22. I know that there are coding problems with this combo. But, with the rework 90% of players don't even pick Granite Form anymore and the other ATs even get the better version in Geode that fixes Stone Armor's lack of a heal/endurance clicky. I'm not arguing for removal of Granite Form and get Geode instead (in a perfect world we could choose which like the Sentinels got for SR) but it's drab to not be able to pick Claws when the reason not to is because of a power that is now seldomly picked in the first place. Even if the reason is because the claws spawn inside the Granite Form and are not visible and there is no way around it it would be fine to punch things with Granitey fists using Claws animations.
  23. As Zemx pointed Staff is pretty but needs an urgent pass from the devs. We whittle the enemies and despite having a lot of AoE it is all mediocre AoE. Still, it looks so very cool that we don't mind as we slap bunches of +1 enemies. It's when we are down to a boss and hitting it for five minutes (hyperbole) that we start feeling the drag. But, welp, we can't always stick to Fire Melee 😛 The Dark Armor pairing does not actually get Melee/Ranged/AoE defense (Guarded Spin only grants defense to Melee and smashing (or was it slashing?) It's Martial Arts that can make any resistance based Armr having 45% to Melee/Ranged/AoE ON TOP of 90% resistances). 90% on a resist base Tanker is not hard to do (the ATO accounts for 14%/20 % all by itself after all). What the pairing DOES do is brutally mitigate the Dark Armor endurance consumption thanks to one the Staff forms. Dark Armor suffers a lot from endurance problems (having obviously been made to be used with Dark Melee... that has an endurance recovery clicky) so Staff fixes that, enjoy your obscene heal every 15 seconds 😄 Consider Fire Armor despite not being in the list. The lower damage of Staff will appreciate the assistance from Fiery Embrace and Burn though Radiation Armor achieves about the same though in more indirect means.
  24. Put a Gaussian proc in Psychic Focus instead of Terra Firma (in Terra firma it will fire at random, in Psychic Focus it will fire when YOU want it which is before using your nuke) and two recharges and take it earlier so you can use it in conjunction with Psychic Wail. Three slots nets you 3% E/N res using Adjusted Targetting. Psychic Wail should be triple procced. It's your nuke after all. It won't need accuracy since you will use Psychic Focus first which will take care of that so the other three slots can be +5 damage/endurance/recharge. Triple procced it will go from 439 to 636. Using Psychic Focus it goes to 734. With a Gaussian in Psychic Focus it goes to 890. Swap your slotting between Earth's Embrace (which will hardcap your HP coupled with +hp accolades using only an endurance reduction IO in it and you don't even need the Unbreakable Guard unique) and Rooted, your actual source of regen (you're slotting for regen bonuses while having your Regen toggle barely slotted?). There is really little point in six slotting Kick or slotting 5 Blistering Colds in Mind Probe, you're already well softcapped for S/L (you're actually barely slotting Rock Armor but still aiming for S/L through bonuses?). Psionic Tornado is a pseudo-pet and those are notoriously bad for procs (30% in your current slotting). Might as well 5 slot Bombardment for the bonuses if you want to slot the FF proc, otherwise 6 slot Bombardments for the bonuses, or even put one of the full ATOs in there if not caring about the FF proc. That would free one of your attacks (Psionic Strike preferably) to have 5 Decimations (don't slot the build-up proc) and a damage proc (57% chance so acceptable). It's not a huge gain though, it would just go from 529 to 545. Terra Firma does a lot of heavy lifting in terms of global accuracy so you can ditch the Kismet and put the slot somewhere else and then rearrange your slotting slightly to still hit +3. There are some other minor things such as Performance Shifter procs being better in Stamina, but with Geode it does not really matter much as Geode is the clickie for HP and recovery which is something Stone Armor lacks otherwise.
  25. Evasive Maneuvers in the same pool as Fly already makes Hover very mobile, and it slots another LoTG. But as others said Fire/Bios galore in this part of the forums. If it's been a while then consider Elec instead of Fire as it has risen to new heights thanks to a pass it got a while back. I'm currently playing an Elec/Stone. Very sturdy (solo 0x6 Posi 1 and 2, +1x8 Yin at level 30), almost no clicks, and it devastates a path through a mission. I just can't be arsed dealing with runners but no particular complaints about the damage. The Voltaic Sentinel is a definite damage boost but keeps getting lost and it breaks stealth when wanting to initiate with a nuke from stealth.
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