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Everything posted by Williwaw

  1. Plus... as far as I can tell, none of them work with Island Rum (and all the other launchers like Tequila and Cream Soda and Sweet Tea and Chocolate Milk and Vodka Straight No Chaser — I may have made some of those up — don't have Mac versions), so Homecoming is the only game that runs on a Mac.
  2. ... "Domingator"? There's a new character idea....
  3. This would be a mess to implement and balance, but I have to say I love the idea (especially if you had pets in both powersets - offensive pets in the Primary and defense/support pets in the Secondary).
  4. I just wish Eagle's Claw did more damage (even though I know that'd increase its recharge). How much more damage? This much more damage.
  5. I'm pretty sure that was a joke based on it being released on January 20th, 2020.
  6. I made a character who took the entire Fighting pool, and Crosspunch actually does pretty good damage if you take all three attacks, especially since it's a cone and can hit multiple targets if you line it up right. A shame it doesn't make Punch and Kick all that great, even with the damage boost. I like the idea of giving them higher damage and longer recharge times.
  7. Report on the today's Beta update: On Mac, 10.10.5 (for... reasons), using the legacy Transgaming client (i.e., the one that the game used when it was live), and I got a message saying there was an error downloading crashhandler.exe, but the rest of the update worked and the game is running fine. As I suspected, my problems with getting the 32-bit client to run wasn't the original wrapper (Paragon must have future-proofed the hell out of that thing), but with Wine.
  8. The issue is that my OS is too old to run Wine 4.0.3, so any solution that involves installing it won't work. (A secondary issue is that the Wineskin client is objectively inferior to the Cider client, for reasons I mentioned in my previous post) Let me repeat the most important part of my last post: The Cider client can run the latest version of City of Heroes. As an experiment, I opened City of Heroes.app, replaced the legacy PhysX DLL files with the ones in the hc-bin32 folder, and replaced the legacy homecoming.exe with the new 32-bit cityofheroes.exe from the hc-bin32 folder (renaming it in the process), and the game still runs just fine. This means that the Cider legacy wrapper doesn't need to be discontinued for those of us with older machines and OSs. It will continue running the 32-bit version of the game without having to have a special "legacy branch" of development. The problem I'm having is not with the new version of City of Heroes, the problem I'm having is running the new version of Wine.
  9. ... anyone? Answers? Comments? Replies of any sort? To either post? (Incidentally, I found I can run the 32-bit client through Cider with no issues, so I'm not sure at this point why the Cider client needs to be discontinued at all. Just leave the Safe Mode option on there and let me figure it out)
  10. Okay, I've installed and updated the HC Beta client. How do I get the Crash Reporter working?
  11. I'll re-post my first impressions of the Wineskin client (I've been using the Cider - aka Legacy or Safe Mode - client until now, and still am at home) and re-ask my question here, then: While I was on vacation, I installed the 64-bit Wine client on a borrowed computer running 10.14. It worked, but it worked... badly. Changing from fullscreen to windowed mode and back in the new client resizes the screen, which in turn moved all my in-game windows (chat, nav, map, etc) around, and I had to move them back every time I switched resolutions (which I did when I wanted to use other programs). In the old Cider client, going from fullscreen to windowed mode and back scales the screen instead of resizing it, so the in-game windows don't move around. The keymapping was way off as well: the Control key worked the same as in the Cider client, but key combinations involving Option in the Cider client instead use Command in the Wine client, and, more critically, combinations using Command in the Cider client can't be done at all in the Wine client (so I couldn't, for example, combine enhancements, or bring up an info window for a power, or anything else that involves a right-click, since I only had a one-button mouse to work with). (On top of that, trying to zoom in and out was a crapshoot at best. I could zoom in and out only if I did large sweeping gestures to zoom me out a million miles or all the way into a first-person view, but I couldn't do smaller subtle adjustments to put the camera where I wanted it. I had similar issues with scrolling in menus and such) All in all, the Wine client feels... looser. Buggier. Less stable (in a gameplay sense). The Cider Client feels like a complete client in its own right; the Wineskin client feels like I'm playing a bad and unfinished emulator. Is there any way to fix these issues in the Wine versions, since the Safe Mode client is not long for this world? At the very least, how do I change the keys back to what I'm used to? How do people who are playing the 64-bit client on a Mac currently cope with the lack of a right-click, or is there some secret key combination I'm not aware of?
  12. While I was on vacation, I installed the 64-bit Wine client on a borrowed computer running 10.14. It worked, but it worked... badly. Changing from fullscreen to windowed mode and back in the new client resizes the screen, which in turn moved all my in-game windows (chat, nav, map, etc) around, and I had to move them back every time I switched programs; in the old Cider (aka Legacy or Safe Mode) client, going from fullscreen to windowed mode and back scales the screen instead of resizing it, so the in-game windows don't move around. The keymapping was way off as well: Control worked the same as in the Cider client, but key combinations involving Option in the Cider client instead use Command in the Wine client, and, more critically, combinations using Command in the Cider client can't be done at all in the Wine client (so I couldn't, for example, combine enhancements, or bring up an info window for a power, or anything else that involves a right-click, since I only had a one-button mouse to work with). (On top of that, trying to zoom in and out was a crapshoot at best. I could zoom in and out only if I did large sweeping gestures to zoom me out a million miles or all the way into a first-person view, but I couldn't do smaller subtle adjustments) All in all, the Wine client feels... looser. Buggier. Less stable (in a gameplay sense). Is there any way to fix these issues in the Wine versions, since the Safe Mode client is not long for this world? How do people who are playing the 64-bit client on a Mac currently cope with the lack of a right-click, or is there some secret key combination I'm not aware of?
  13. My first Brute (Elec/Invuln) was loosely based on Black Adam, but I saw the Robot Arms in the costume creator and used that to build the character, forgetting to change the origin. So in the end his backstory picked up other elements. His actual powers are magical, while the cybernetics are a life support system, due to being grievously injured, even more than his invulnerability could prevent or repair. Since he'd been a hero, he was given crude-looking cybernetic parts meant to be temporary until the new sleek ones were finished, but the whole thing broke his mind and he turned to a life of villainy. (Then, when Going Rogue was introduced, I had him slowly crawling his way back to heroism - he was a Rogue when the game closed) He was one of my favorite characters, primarily because of messing up his Origin. I don't know why I haven't recreated him here.
  14. This was the line that finished me. I'm sending you my hospital bills.
  15. No, still only energy and fire. What they *did* change here is that you can trade out your Origin power at the P2W vendor, so you can grab the Tech or Magic Origin power regardless of what your Origin actually is.
  16. I used Form of the Soul a lot back in the day, but that was because it was Staff/Dark, and Dark is an endurance hog. :D
  17. I've wanted Knights for a while. (T1: Squires, with Broad Sword attacks, maybe Shield defense; T2: Archers, with some powers from Archery and Tactical Arrow; T3: Paladin / Dark Knight , with Titan Weapon + Willpower + Empathy powers, maybe a choice of skin - so you can choose Dark Knight or Paladin visuals, but the powers are the same either way)
  18. The problem I'm having is that the new installer tries to install and run the game through Wine 4.0, which doesn't appear to be Mac OS 10.10 compatible. If there was a Wine 3.0 installer (or even a way to select what version of Wine that Island Rum installed), then it might work. Emphasis, of course, on "might" (but it seems likely, because trying to install Wine 4.0 is where it always chokes for me).
  19. I already can't run half my Steam games because 10.10 is too new to run them (like Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People and Poker Night at the Inventory). I'm afraid Poker Night 2 will stop running. :(
  20. ... do you have Tab set to "select closest target"? It shouldn't be selecting random enemies if you do.
  21. That's the hope. That doesn't appear to be the reality. I can use the Safe Mode client, or I can go back to all the years of going "I wish I could play CoH right now, but I can't"... and soon I'll only be able to choose one of those options. (Or, I guess, there's the third option "Hope a leprechaun appears in my apartment and shits out a pile of gold so I can go buy a new computer", but that one's not very likely)
  22. ... that doesn't sound right. As I recall, you don't even get the option to have the NPCs join you until the final fight with the Avatars.
  23. Yeah, I was going to ask what OS they're using. I'm using 10.10, because CoH is not the only "legacy" program I run, and updating will break some things (most notably every single thing I have running on an older version of Wine). The version of Island Rum I'm using is the one that just auto-updated a few minutes ago, so ... 111720191
  24. More like an informal poll/survey than a question really: Is anyone else still using it on a Mac because the 32-bit client isn't working? Or is it just me? Edit: Oh, hell, I hadn't even seen Manga's topic when I wrote this. I didn't know the loss of the Safe Mode client was so imminent. :/
  25. Beasts have a bad reputation for being a weak set, but I'm not sure why, since in DPS tests, they invariably come out on top. My own Beasts/Trick Arrow character plays fantastic. Love that guy. (TA isn't great, but it's better when you don't have to fit TA attacks between regular attacks)
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