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Everything posted by Williwaw

  1. I love villains, but I hate Phipps. He's a petty little monster who spends all his time bullying the weak and helpless, and laughing about it. (My favorite villains are the ones who punch up or at least across, not down. I like the tone of the game's Rogue and Villain Tip and Morality missions)
  2. ... I remember something called Freedom Force, but it's probably not whatever it is you're thinking of.
  3. Aren't all enhancements of the same type put into the same bucket regardless of level? So if someone puts up a level 2 Hami-O (*exaggeration*), and you bid on a Level 53 Hami-O and you win, you get it at Level 53? Or is that just for set IOs and nothing else?
  4. Bruising was introduced all the way back in in Issue 18, the one that added the alignment system and Praetoria to the game among a lot of other major changes, so it might have gotten lost in the shuffle.
  5. Right-click (or control-click) the City of Heroes.app file and select "Show Package Contents". You'll see the Contents folder there, and then just follow it down. Inside of both drive_c and c_drive there's a folder called coh. Move or copy drive_c/coh/piggs and drive_c/coh/updates into the place of their c_drive/coh counterparts. Admittedly, though, that's for the Cider client. I don't know what the exact path should be for the old Wine client, CoH.app. It looks like drive_c is the correct path for that, but it's Contents -> Resources -> drive_c -> Program Files -> coh. I don't use that client, because it doesn't work right in 10.10, but it might work better in anything newer.
  6. As I read it, he was only asked to "step away" from the negotiations, not from Titan itself. Stepping down from Titan was his decision. I admit, I was a little concerned about him handing it over to Homecoming, and was much happier to hear it's going to remain independent. Nothing wrong with this place, of course, but I always considered Titan a fansite for CoH as a whole, not just for one post-shutdown implementation out of the, what, five or six that are running now? I especially had concerns about the Wiki, which I *like* as a snapshot of the game when it went down, the starting point for all the Rogue Servers, not just here. All in all, though, I'll be sad to see TonyV leave the Titan forums, but it doesn't sound like he's being forced out.
  7. As I mentioned in another topic, Island Rum appears to have started updating the wrong directory in the City of Heroes.app (the Safe Mode Cider) package. It's putting the updates in Contents/Resources/Transgaming/drive_c/coh , when they should be going into Contents/Resources/Transgaming/c_drive/coh, and I have to move the /piggs and /updates folders over manually. Could it be doing that for all versions of the Mac client? That might explain the NCSoft Launcher errors (the game is in one directory, but Island Rum is trying to launch from an old directory from when the game was live), maybe?
  8. The last time I patched the Safe Mode client, it updated the wrong directory in the .app. It updated the files in Contents/Resources/Transgaming/drive_c/coh , but the files that Island Rum actually uses to run the game are in Contents/Resources/Transgaming/c_drive/coh. I had to Show Package Contents on City of Heroes.app, and then manually copy the files in the /piggs and /updates folder from the former directory to the latter before I could get the Safe Mode client working correctly. (Justin or Pineapple or whatever still isn't running right, and the game hard crashes when I try to load power customizations, but it's still working better than the 32-bit or 64-bit client, which don't open at all)
  9. That's the problem right there, yeah. KB -> KD is just a matter of reducing the magnitude of the Knockback, which automatically turns it into Knockdown. Repel -> KD involves replacing one effect with an entirely different effect. I rarely actually use Hurricane due to the endurance cost, but when I do, it's because I want that Repel / Knockback combo in there, to herd groups or, for fun, turn it on, put a boss on Follow, and then laugh as they try and fail to keep their feet.
  10. I think I would have made Bruising apply to all offensive powers rather than taking it away entirely and just giving Tankers a general damage increase (since Gauntlet was ultimately a team-focused power, while increasing damage scales is a solo-focused power), but ... I need to test these out to really say for sure. Edit: Well, hm. Created a character on the beta, crashed upon trying to enter Atlas Park, and now... Gonna make it tough to test anything :D Edit 2: I wonder if something didn't update right in the Legacy/Safe Mode client. I'm still seeing the secondary Tanker powers in the old order in the character creator, and Rage still has its old crash info, so the issue might be a conflict caused by me trying to create an "old" tanker on the new server. (And before you ask: despite what the update earlier today said, no, the 32-bit client is not working on MacOS 10.10. At least, it's not working for me)
  11. 32-bit client still doesn't launch in 10.10, only the Safe Mode/Legacy client works.
  12. I could see it bouncing from enemy to enemy, and then back to the player who "threw" it, but there's so many animation issues that would have to be addressed first that I'm pretty sure this isn't possible without some major combat engine changes.
  13. According to the ParagonWiki, you're supposed to speak to Positron about Technology heroes, but maybe that was (accidentally?) changed after the Who Will Die arc was added to the game, since it also says you talk to Sister Psyche instead of Penelope Yin. https://paragonwiki.com/wiki/Percy_Winkley#The_Origin_of_Power_.2830-50.29
  14. They started adding villain arcs like that in Issue 17, where they made it perfectly clear that the contact was working for you, not the other way around. Newspaper missions, Mayhem missions, Tip Missions, and Morality Missions also do not involve working for anyone. (Incarnate missions, as well, but you're also sort of doing the whole "greater good" thing with them rather than being a true villain, but I love that you can just betray everyone at the end of the Mot arcs)
  15. Rebirth is one of the "Issue 24" servers. They went back to how the game was upon shutdown without all the additions and QoL upgrades that "Issue 25" and "Issue 26" have added. And from that starting point, they're now starting to develop things in a different way. (Sounds like the Guardians on Rebirth are very similar to the scrapped ones from SCORE, with Assault primaries and "Composition" secondaries, whatever those are) The other main Issue 24 server, coxg, is going off the rails in its own way. We've reached a point where the game is back, but now everyone's just starting to go their own way, and soon, I suspect, no two rogue servers will be alike.
  16. That's pretty much what Champions Online does, reduce maximum Endurance instead of having an End cost per second. And as much as I don't enjoy CO as a game, I still think that's an interesting idea. I do think a change of that magnitude is not in the cards for the game at this point, though.
  17. I've read that they don't want to completely remove the effects from elemental sets, but I would like "minimal" to at least be tuned down from "a gigantic eyesore of overlapping effects". I can understand wanting to have one fire or electric aura around the character, but there doesn't need to be five of them.
  18. It was already using the current system when I started playing, which was Issue 16 (a few weeks before Issue 17). Edit: Huh, cross-referencing my e-mails and the Issue release dates on Paragon Wiki, apparently I joined two days *after* Issue 17 hit? That doesn't sound right. I know I started in Issue 16, because Issue 17 was when they updated the game's sound engine, and I still miss the way the sounds would slowly fade when you exited a mission in Issue 16, as opposed to Issue 17 until now, where sounds fade out near-instantly once the loading screen appears. .... anyway, um... yeah, I don't miss anything about the game, now that I have it back. Bring on the Layer Cakes and Defeat Alls and Orenbagen Mazes :D
  19. You shouldn't need to use your e-mail address to log in. You should have a username, shown here: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/gameaccount/
  20. One of the "Volume 2" servers just announced Water Control, which baffles me. They skipped right over Wind Control to one that, as far as I know, was barely more than a name on a list.
  21. Hmm, I see Like, Sad, Confused, Haha, and Thanks reactions, but I don't see "I Loathe You" or "You're Dithpicable".
  22. Many blast sets have some alternate animations - Laser Beam Eyes can be shot from the hands, in fact, as can most Psi Blast powers and even Fire Blast's Fire Breath — but not quite as much emanation-point variety as Champions Online (one of the few things it does better).
  23. You can do any of the four arcs, regardless of which set you want. Doing any of them unlocks all four Patron pools. You need to talk to Arbiter Rein, who will give you a quick mission (read four plaques and then talk to him again) and then introduce you to one of the other contacts I usually do Black Scorpion's arc, it's said to be the shortest. I've heard Mako's arc is short, too, but I only did that once, pre-shutdown, and I don't remember it well. Regardless of which arc I do, I also turn difficulty down to -1 x 1 and even turn off bosses to make the missions as quick as possible.
  24. I can understand the impulse — I hate those early levels, and really don't feel like my character starts coming together until somewhere in the 30s — but I really don't want an Insta-50 button. (Wouldn't mind an insta-32 button, honestly, but I don't expect to ever get that)
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