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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Yes, before starting I tell the team I set as +1. I don't try and trap people. However, I also don't appreciate speed runners joining and trying to force a speed run on our teams. So that courtesy goes both ways.
  2. Other way around. If you want a speed run, say so. I dont feel obligated to tell you that I will be running +1, give me a break.
  3. KB to KD in Gale works wonders. I get the pain of mobs getting knocked everywhere and your target getting moved right as you cast, knock back is a major pain for me when players use KB recklessly. However, changing these powers IMO is simply not needed, especially with Fearsome Stare since it has a WIDE cone, big enough to allow for some screw ups. If these powers were target location instead of target, you would still have the same issue when mobs get knocked back. I can't tell you how many time I drop a target location power and somebody knocks them all back out of it. If Fearsome Stare were changed to targeted AoE, then when the mobs leave that AoE the fear would also stop. I'm just not for that, since Fearsome Stare comes with one hell of a To Hit Debuff.
  4. That's cool, but wasn't my point, man. Doesn't matter how you got to 50, the end result is still the same. Like I said, was not trying to rain on anyone's parade, so please don't take anything I said personal. Regardless of how a player gets to 50 or why, the end result remains.
  5. As silly as it may seem to others, I have done this exact same thing. I have come up with the perfect costumes that fit white masks, and after seeing it the way it looks as white, I woudl change the colors so that the mask can be something other than white, lol.
  6. /sad rant 😞 I chose a global difficulty increase by any means necessary. I hate to admit it, but the leveling process is far too easy and if I try to increase the mobs beyond +0 or God forbid +1, people complain about it and act as if it would just destroy their days to play at anything higher than +0. This game has lost its flavor for me because everything is steam rolled with little to no challenge. Lower level Task Forces are being steam rolled by level 50's who chose to skip all the low level content for whatever reason, but then return to conquer the low level content with their IO'ed might. No offense, I am just telling it how it feels to me, these players are honestly killing the leveling progression for me. I miss the days when this game took teamwork...all this steam rolling reminds me too much of DCUO where low levels just chase around the high levels in low level content because honestly, the low levels can't keep up. I don't want to leave this game; but honestly, if things keep going the way they are, I am eventually going to get bored with no challenge in the level progression (which I spend the majority of my time doing) and will find another game that is still fresh and has not been overrun with the steam roll power creep thing we have today. Sadly, judging by how most of the players have voted, it would seem nothing is going to change to my liking anytime soon. It would seem the majority of players are perfectly happy playing the leveling content on easy mode. Yes, I know, I can find like minded people who feel as I do to level with, however, I even made a thread on my server to try and find such people. I got crickets. I got a couple of curious questions, but nothing came of it, not even one single player. So it would seem people like me are a dying breed and MMO's have been taken over by players who prefer it the way things are today, as this is mirrored on many MMOs. IMO and from my point of view, when computer MMO gaming was young, it drew the attention of players like me who loved the challenge, but as popularity grew, the MMO worlds have seemed to change to give people instant gratification instead. Once upon a time, if you seen somebody with a cape, you knew that player had to work for it and achieved something that player worked for. Once upon a time, if they had an Aura, they worked for it and earned it. They were milestones in your character's development. Now, it's all given to you at character creation and honestly kills the fun in progression even more for me. Yes, I know, I can chose not to wear capes until level 20 like in the old days and I can chose to wait until level 30 like the old days, but come on, let's be real with each other here, it's just not the same. And before somebody accuses me of wanting the world to bend to my way of things, that is not what I am trying to say here...what I am actually telling you is that I admit defeat and I give up the good fight. Now, I can only hope and pray and dream that somebody comes out with a Vanilla server for people like myself. One reason I was so turned on by MMO's was because they were not easy, they were not meant to be easy. They took teamwork and synergy. Somehow over the years it was changed and made easy. These days MMO's are not a reflection of what they once were and honestly, I am starting to lose my taste for them. I promise, I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade who prefers the game as is, but you have to remember, before all these changes that came along that made the game the way you like it, I was the guy who liked it like it was BEFORE all the changes came along that made it the way you like it. If the game started off the way it is today, I would have never played it for longer than a couple of weeks. It was how it was when it was new that attracted me to it and has held me to it even after all these years. That is lost now. As silly as this may sound to you, it feels from my perspective that the game was taken from me and then it was customized to fit your liking. Meanwhile, my preference for this game has been over for a very long time, and I keep hoping for some type of change that will bring the feel of the game and the way it was in the beginning back...but as I can see from how players have voted, I can either live with it how it exists today, or hope to God that somebody comes out with a Vanilla Server, or I can leave CoH forever...and honestly, that kills me inside to even think the latter thought. /end rant 😞
  7. Ever notice that if you use a White Mask on your character, it looks more like white paint that is wearing off? There is a lot of bleed through when using white masks, parts of the face of your character bleeds through the white color, causing your "mask" to look like worn paint instead, most notably around the cheeks. I figure I might bring this up and hope that a fix will be quick and easy...hope.
  8. People actually complain when I go +1. I say too bad, lucky I'm not going higher than that. I go +1 as a compromise. Otherwise I would go +3 or +2, depending on mob type. Vahz being a +2 for sure, heh
  9. Sentinels. Their damage is sub par and some of the powers are exactly the same as others in the set, while some toggles have no animation at all, they also have no snipe which I frown upon. They are an unfinished class missing a snipe and low DPS. No thanks.
  10. I would like to see a version of Hollows pop up that puts it back to what it once was. The one that currently exists is just pure easy mode.
  11. @jubakumbi Not what I meant by that, my man. Like, not even close. It was simply a tongue in cheek comment showing that you often have a differing opinion that steps outside the box. I think you are just used to me getting in to it with you, this was not one of those times. @VileTerror Sorry my post confused you...again.
  12. You soooo need to rename yourself to Devil's Advocate. 😄
  13. There are lots of things in this game that were considered an exploit by the original Devs that the current Devs don't seem to share the same opinion. However, you are correct, last I heard the Devs will be getting rid of it when they come up with something that they can give us that can't be used irresponsibly.
  14. Honestly, I seriously doubt anyone outside of PvP is abusing it in that way. I mean it's possible, but I haven't seen it happen yet.
  15. I set my FF missions at +2 or 3 (depending on close I am to leveling) and play old school you are all gonna die way, lol. It gets easier fast and is good xp for those who can keep it together. The reason I do this is to keep the mobs from being green leveled by time we get to the 3rd floor.
  16. I'm the same way. I will join a Frostfire team anytime I see one advertised unless I am tied up. However, I won't rush the end and finish it. That style of playing truly ruins the experience for a lot of players. I do hope you put 1 star above his head and placed him on ignore to avoid him doing that to you again.
  17. Just to add a few points here, I use Ouroboros quite often and find it far from obsolete. For example, it's the perfect place to zone in to the last mission for Positron 1. It puts you closest to a Monorail in Talus for quick leveling and quick monorail transportation to certain contacts who are close to other monorails. If you need to get to the Atlas Paragon City Hall, it puts you right next to it. There are many advantages to using Ouroboros.
  18. Super Reflexes used to be Godlike. My main PvP character, Wraiven back on live was pure frustration for almost anyone without a defense debuff. This was a short video I made of him back in the day that was supposed to be a Trailer to what was to come. However, the girlfriend I had at the time who was supposed to be my partner in crime, we ended up going our separate ways, so I never made the video to go with the trailer. Here is another video of a good friend of mine who used to play this game, he was feared on the protector server...this was all pre IO's, so Stalkers were a nightmare to deal with in those days. Both videos feature Spines/SR Stalkers. The top one was a mix of Spines/SR, /Nin and /Dark, but primarily /SR. The second video, Slyfe only had one Spines and that was /SR.
  19. I have checked out your build that you have posted and adjusted it to fit my Mercs. So far, Mercs/Time is working pretty good for me. Better than everything else I have tried. I'm rerolling Ninjas/Time next. Looking forward to it and very appreciative of your input.
  20. SR used to be godly, not so much these days IMO.
  21. Heh, yeah, I seen that too, but I knew what he meant. 😄
  22. This topic has turned in to nothing but a bait and catch thread full of insults and off topic anyway. The original question was answered long ago. The thread was about one guy, who was charging for PLs. It turned in to everything but that and is now a running joke with a squad of people chuckling and making jokes about the players who don't particularly care for *new* players being PLed, but they have straw manned that comment and turned it into, "anyone who PLs." So I am pretty much done with this thread as its only purpose at this point is to insult people and bait them in to biting when they insult. So I will leave with this being my last comment here in agreement with you... People charging for PLs is not very common. Most certainly not common enough to be an issue. And if people want to be stupid enough to pay somebody for something they can get for free, then by all means, knock yourself out.
  23. I am not the best MM player. If I was, I would not be here, heh. So, I have tried every secondary I could think of in terms of survival for several different types of MM's. Out of all the MM's I enjoy Mercs and Ninjas the most. I sat and did the math, and Mercs benefit from Sonic Resonance due to Mercs having a natural resistance to Smashing and Lethal. Stack Sonic shields on them and it makes them even more resistant. Yet, Bosses will still one shot them pre 50, post level 32. Constantly calling my Mercs to battle gets frustrating. Ninjas seem to do "okay" with bubbles, since it stacks with their natural defense which with SO's, grants them 31% Defense to Ranged, Melee and AoEs. However, NPC's have mad accuracy and seem to hit them constantly, thus again constantly one shotting my minions. So I tried Kinetics, and wow, amazing the DPS of Ninjas under SB, and the heal works nicely since the minions are melee anyway. However, I am left with the same issue of my minions being one shotted by bosses and those bosses just rip through them like paper. So after doing the math, I did what should have given both Mercs and Ninjas the best chance at survival, yet miserably failed. I was shocked that Mercs went down so easily since they were buffed pretty good with resists, but it's simply not enough, their hit point are just way too low. Not to mention, they are fighting at -2 to me, which means they are going to have a tough time against pretty much anything I fight at +1 or higher. Even with the Medicine pool power, they still go down like a nun in church. So tell me, at level 50, after you have all the MM IOs and a decent build, do you still struggle to keep them alive? Is playing an MM pretty much a never ending battle to keep your pets alive long enough for the Call Minions button to recharge? I really hope playing an MM gets better than this. It's hard for me to have fun playing an MM if all I am doing is struggling to keep them alive more than I am actually playing the game. And nevermind about my playstyle. Whether I am a good MM player or a bad one is not the point, what I am trying to do is focus on keeping my pets alive beyond a one shot from a boss here. I even tried using taunt from the presence pool but sadly, that doesn't last long at all. I can taunt and within just a few short seconds, the Boss will one shot my minions again, and this was with taunt having 2 recharge and 2 taunt SO's. Please tell me it gets a hell of a lot better after IO's and I am not just wasting my time?
  24. I agree. If strawman arguments didn't exist, these forums would be very quiet.
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