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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. I disagree. I never see SG spam on there...like ever. But whatever, agree to disagree and let's move on.
  2. I offered a valid suggestion. It would be beneficial to everyone if we had an AE channel to help alleviate the clutter in LFG chat. I would love to take all these people off ignore, but until the LFG channel can be freed from the constant request for fire farms, I have no choice but to shut them off with the ignore function.
  3. You do realize there are people handing out free pl's right? Like, almost all of them. Also, clearly you have not read the things I have said about PLing, otherwise you wouldn't be trying to engage with me. Way to bulldog your way in there though!
  4. I did have one that died early, but just one. I always buy the same type as well. Has this bad QA and quality been recent? They used to make some damn good gaming mice.
  5. I'm the same way. On the rare occasion I farm, I purposely will pick people who aren't begging for PLs. I'll send out a broadcast and however many take me up on it, is how many I let on. I have a LOT of players on ignore, pretty much anyone I catch begging for PLs on LFG chat. It has wracked up a LOT...and I still catch 2 or 3 a day to ignore. It's almost never ending. But, I do not mind inviting people to help out a few levels if they have some cooth about it...IE, staying off of LFG chat with that nonsense. I do not ignore players asking in Local at the AE building, I feel that is being cool about it and I have respect for them. But yes, I pretty much feel the same way that you do about it.
  6. Heh, that's rich. That's exactly what I was thinking about you.
  7. Ah man, I am sooo tempted to answer this with a vulgar response that includes a bottom. 😄
  8. It's also a presumption to assume that all these people who have no idea where to go or how to get there don't know for all these innocent reasons. I'm willing to bet my very life, and hope a truck takes me out and my heart stops beating and say that more often than not, somebody who does not know how to get to PI at level 50, doesn't know because they were PLed all the way to 50 and not because they simply just never went there. That is how sure I am that a majority of players who can't find their way as level 50's is due to them being PLed to 50. And I am also willing to bet, despite how people on these forums are responding, that the majority of players in the game would indeed raise an eyebrow when a player who is level 50, says they can't find PI. You always bring up this rare instance of things being the opposite of what people are saying on these boards. Yes, people are generalizing here...and they are rightly doing so. I'm pretty sure every single person on these boards know that not everyone who can't find PI as a level 50 is a Power Leveled n00b. However, since we are generalizing here, I am willing to say it's a safe bet that a good 75% of the players are indeed n00bz who were invited to a farm team, they got hooked on the free door sitting extreme XP, and couldn't pull themselves to leave the AE building until somebody else PLed them to 50. I challenge you to go to the AE building in Atlas Park, and look and see how many lowbies are in there begging for somebody to let them in on a fire farm. Several of them, standing around, not doing anything, but hitting Enter, Up Arrow Key and Enter, "Anyone have a Fire Farm I can join! 🙂 " with the cheesy smiley face. You would be hard pressed to find a time when there are none. But yes, we are well aware that there will ALWAYS be those instances where a player is new, leveled normally, but for whatever reason the game never took them to PI. I have also seen level 50's who join my Positron teams, ask me how to get to Steel Canyon...
  9. Well, because it's you, I'll try very hard not to be the asshole. 😄
  10. I prefer the Razor Basilisk. It has the usual DPI adjustment buttons and you can also slow the DPI for finer sniping or whatnot on command with another button. The only other buttons are the two side buttons (too many end up being a pain for me) that I typically program to Shift and Ctrl which is insanely helpful for me as well. If you don't want anything too complicated but insanely eficiant, I suggest the Razor Basilisk.
  11. I don't like the fact that your name is Macskull, but yet your avatar is that of a smiley face. Change it. Skull. Now.
  12. Oh yeah? Well my Anti-anti-resist is going to resist your anti-resist and anti-resist your resist into a resistance oblivion! On top of that, I see your resist and raise you a double anti-resist and I call!
  13. You could have just said that instead of hurting my head with all that math! 😄
  14. n00bz... Nobody plays to 50, they just sit in LFG chat begging each other to PL them to 50. Maybe if you got of your high horse and took one for the team, PLed these n00bz to 50, they might stop begging for PLs in LFG chat and they too can know everything about the game. Because PLing to 50, helps n00bz learn about the game, right? Pssht, who am I kidding! Nobody needs to play the game to know everything about the game, all one needs to do is visit these forums and let all of these know-it-alls tell them all about the game and how there is no such a thing as a wrong way, much less a right way. Then, all these PLed n00bz can have knock back festivities! No need to learn about the game, let's just PL to 50 and add knock back enhancements to everything! 😄 Starting to sound like the Idiocracy Movie.
  15. Because then I could 1 star people based on player experience rather than whether or not they PLed. Also, I stated that I understand that not everyone who PLs are new players. So you are kind of taking what I said out of context. So yes, I would like a more effective way to be more selective as to who I ignore, rather than ignoring anyone and everyone who begs for PLs in LFG chat. I appreciate you asking about that, it gave me a chance of clearing up my motivations.
  16. You want to PL, go right ahead. I just can't stand seeing the influx of players begging for somebody to PL them in LFG chat. And since I do not have the power to stop people from begging in LFG chat, I am left with ignoring them as my only option. And my ignore list is racking up fast. At this rate I will have half the server ignored by the end of the week. I wish the Devs would create a PL channel for each server to help cut down the chatter on LFG. If they would do that, I could unignore everyone and everyone could be happy.
  17. If I remember correctly, you have stated that you love to knock back enemies on any team you join, even if the team is not sharing your love of Knock Back because you believe that teams should adapt to your playstyle and should not be telling you how to play. With this logic, what you are actually doing is forcing others to reroute how they play based around your playstyle. So instead of telling others how to play, you are instead forcing others to play differently because of how you want to play. I honestly don't see the difference. You don't like others asking you to play differently, yet you force others to play differently through your playstyle. It's really no different. What I am trying to say is that you are no better than those who request you to play without scattering mobs. Both parties are just as guilty. This is why my stance (partially due to conversations that you and I have had) has changed a bit on this subject. I think everyone needs to learn to bend a bit on teams so that everyone can play well together. Everyone should adapt, not just you and not just the players who hate knock back. It should never be your way or my way, that is selfish for both parties involved. The team should evolve and instead of things being played 'my way' or 'your way' it should actually evolve and become 'our way.' This is by no means an accurate math here, but... 50% of players hate knock back with a passion 50% of players love knock back with a passion 100% compromise should more often than not = 100% fun for both sides.
  18. I was a bit harsh. I'm sorry about that. I just got a bit worked up, lol.
  19. Well then judging by what you say here and judging by what you quoted in the post above that one, I must say you and I have a VERY different idea of what makes MMO's fun. You seem very content with facerolling everything as if this were some console game set on easy mode. I stopped playing Console games because I found MMO's were far more challenging and required teams (hence MMO) to work together and share our strengths to form a unified powerhouse. Then along came IO's. Now nobody needs anybody, this might as well be DCUO where it's practically a one player game. This game required everyone to pull their own weight and bring on their A-Game when this game first came out and that is why I believe most players loved this game so much. No matter what class you played, you made a noticeable contribution to the team. You felt needed and important. Players would actually go out of their way and thank you for your heals. Players would praise your bubbles, players would complement the Tanks and players would be more than happy to have a Controller bringing order to chaos. Now, players honestly couldn't be bothered with having a healer on their teams. "They are not needed and teams are fine without them" as some have been quoted saying. Once upon a time, this game promoted team play in a way that no other MMO offered with the classes involved that made a symbiotic relationship. Sure, some games had Tanks and Healers and Ranged and Melee DPS classes, but controllers set this game apart from others. Plus...it was heroes, not some boring dungeons and dragons copy paste. This game was unique, required a well rounded team and had a wow factor unlike any other. Now...not so much. Now we have one man armies that can faceroll just about anything and Defenders, Controllers and the likes get put at the kiddie table and feel completely useless. So I am glad you feel this game is now better with IO's and you are completely happy facerolling content with little fears, nothing to really put you on the edge of your seat; all the while feeling that there is nothing fundamentally wrong with a Troller soloing AV's. However, keeping everything that I said in mind, I must strongly disagree with you. In my strong opinion, this game went from being the absolute best game ever created, to a decent game that fell from grace almost overnight with the implementation of IO's.
  20. The fact that you have recognized that it was funnier in your head, actually made it funny. 😄
  21. You avoid the Hollows? That's sacrilege! You and I cannot be friends...
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