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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Funny, that is exactly what I have said about making an option for it, but you thumbed it down. So I'm confused at what the hell your problem is.
  2. I actually answered that question earlier in the thread. It's not as specific as people think.
  3. My EM/WP Tank did not fair so well. He did "okay" but the -defense always ended up getting the better of me in the end. I could stand for a while, but once those stacks of -defense started adding up, it was over. Hope you have better luck with yours than I did mine.
  4. I have ran Aeon, but I was not the leader and didn't pay attention to what difficulty it was set on. So honestly, I don't know if it was set to max difficulty or not. I do know my Gravity Controller actually felt useful again when I was running it, which is why I have said in the past that Aeon was a step in the right direction, but I don't know what difficulty level it was set on. I just know it was more challenging than your typical TF.
  5. No I have not, so that is good to know, thank you. 🙂 Hell yes, sorry, I don't stay up to date on what the Devs are doing, it kind of ruins the surprise for me. So this is great news, thank you.
  6. But isn't that a choice? I mean, I have played other games that I chose not to "kit out" Black Desert being a prime example. Since I was not interested in kitting out those characters in that game, I was not interested in the content made for kitted out characters. However, if I wanted to play that content, I would have kitted out only the characters I desired to do that content with. I mean, should we really never go forward, should we always remain gridlocked because some players don't wish to progress their characters beyond SO's? I guess the moral question is, who is this being unfair to? When you really think about it, this game is about choice. So why not make content for players who chose to kit out their characters? Why deadlock a game at SO only content? This is an MMO, MMOs should progress. In my opinion, just adding another difficulty level doesn't cut it because players seem to have a psychological need to play something that is designed to challenge them, adding more difficulty levels does not do this because it does not give mobs more powers to debuff you with, it does not grant them a substantial amount of Hit Points, it will not grant mobs Incarnate powers or even procs. All that does is raise the level and hit point caps. Not very challenging. As far as what constitutes as a kitted out build, that is completely up to the player, there is no definition of kitted out. Kitted out simply means, you have IO'ed out your character and perhaps unlocked your 50 +1. How they kit them out is totally up to them, there is no set standard. Having content made like this, will be a way for them to challenge their builds. The problem we have now is, people kit out their characters, and then they just sit, shelved because there is nothing to do with them. Having content made for this gives your kitted out characters something challenging to face...and who knows, it may introduce a way to make healers and controllers feel useful again in late game. As of right now, I for one feel useless when I play mine. It would be nice to feel needed again. So because you don't want to, nobody else can either? isn't that kind of an, "I took my ball and went home" attitude? If it is any consolation to you, I don't have perma-dom or perma-hasten either. I mean, you can't force other players to play at your pace, that's just not right and is completely being dismissive of other players who want to move forward.
  7. So my question is, where do we stand today? Are we finally at the point where we can start creating content that is strictly for players who have kitted out builds? Or do we continue with the idea that no content shall be made that doesn't include SO only builds? Personally I feel we are beyond ready, especially with all the farming going on in this game. It takes nothing to build yourself a farmer and support your own IO's. I buy IOs from the market with the cash my farmer makes, and then dump anything worth of value back in to the market so that players who enjoy crafting can use those Recipes to keep the market filled. Often if I delete a character that has been kitted out, I dump all of those IO's back in to the market at base price, pretty much, the highest bidder gets them regardless of what that high bid is, essentially selling something worth 2 million to somebody who only had to pay 750K to buy. I don't play the market, I do my part in keeping the market prices low by selling at first cheap. Having said all that, I would like to think that we are far ready for IO difficulty content post level 50.
  8. Nobody has done it with SO's only to the best of my knowledge.
  9. I ran my Stone/Elec Brute last night, it was an epic fail. I couldn't even get passed the first mob. Here are the rules... +4/x8 w/bosses and AVs. Solo No temps, no insps, no faceplants Enemies buffed.
  10. It just so happens I have a Stone/Elec Brute. I can honestly say, I don't expect he would fair much better than you did. But I may give it a shot sometime within the next day or two and post the results.
  11. This is the most likely cause. Similar to if you kill Clockwork before they release their Gears...mission will complete even though there are Gears on the map. The only way it doesn't complete is if they spawn before you kill the last enemy.
  12. I thought they had added a no FX option for that? Sorry my ignorance, haven't messed with Energy Armor in a while.
  13. Mitigation is the key on a Scrapper to buy you time to let those stacking debuffs wear off. But the difference between a Blaster is that a Blaster has nukes that can pretty much damn near one shot the entire mob. All the Blaster has to do is stay alive long enough to explode and he/she can move on to the next mob. Had he been playing something like say, SS/Regen Brute with Hand Clap included in his build along side Foot Stomp, it might have been a completely different story. Instead of telling sad tales of defeat, he might have been instead telling stories of victory. Like Bill Z said earlier if I am not mistaken, Troo pulled it off on a Regen, so it can obviously be done.
  14. If it's any consolation to you, no matter how much defense you have, it won't be enough without also having resistance to defense debuffs. You would have been better off maxing out your resistance, but even then, I don't think it would have been enough. Long story short, it's not your build. Thank you for your honesty. Very much appreciated regardless of the outcome.
  15. I never used it until KB to KD IOs came out, then I started using it, it's a nice stun and a great KD once you do that. Great damage mitigation, especially against foes you have lesser resistance to. In other words, I'm guilty of using Hand Clap. Plus I love the way it goes BOOM!
  16. You said it better than I did, thank you.
  17. It's almost impossible to achieve the stacking sounds without making them louder. I have ran many tests on my own with this, it's simply not possible. However, I like it, it adds a feel of realism to me. Without those stacking sounds I honestly don't think I would have ever lasted longer than a month with this game. It was the one thing that I said, "Oh wow, that is really fricken awesome how they do that!" and it made the game feel so real. Without it, it loses that for me. And yes, I am sure you think I am being goofy, but you have to remember, I have been a sound guy my entire life. I have been in several metal bands in my life time, I have created special effects for many videos that people have made, I have created Symphony Orchestra music in which I have created sounds for. This piece just being one small example... So sound is EXTREMELY important to me. As much as I love being on this server, I would literally walk away forever if another sound was to be removed from this game. I have kind of had enough of it, the Elec Field fading out even though I had a mod that gave it an extremely cool sound effect that was also much quieter, was my last straw. So hopefully the Devs can do this by making it an option rather than something that is forced on everyone, otherwise I already know what they will do, they will just hunt out every sound anyone has an issue with and take away the stacking effects and make everything fade out...and I do not say this as an "Or else!" but rather I say this because it's just how I feel, one more sound, and I'm gone. Really truly hope it doesn't come to that.
  18. I get you, and I have seen many powers lose that stacking affect and because of it I just can't play those sets even though I used to absolutely love those sets (looking at you Kinetics and Empathy) anymore. So I really hope they don't do that to other sets as well. I wish like hell that they would stop removing them and somehow make it an option instead. Sadly though, and I hate to say I'll take my ball and go home, but if they remove one more sound, I'll be forced to go play on a less populated server where they have not removed those sounds. That is something that I really don't want to do, but will if I must. It's that damn important to me. So hopefully, they can do what you want by way of an option instead of taking it away for everybody. This game has suffered the loss of a lot of great looking armor effects and a great deal of sound effects over the years and I just can't stand to lose anything else. I would love a server to reinstate all those sounds and stop taking them away. I don't know about blowing out speakers though, I play both my headphones and my speakers pretty damn loud and haven't lost any speakers yet, hehe. Anyway, hopefully the Devs can do this by way of option. I would TRULY hate to leave this server over it.
  19. And what I am saying, is that even without the defense from pools, I think...think...that you are more survivable than Regen can heal through getting hit with everything, not dodging a single shot with not much to speak of resistance to damage. I think Regen will drop far quicker than SR would under those circumstances. I may be wrong, but my money is on SR. Not sure why that had to be such a big fuss or why I even had to explain myself. you took a quick reply that showed my lack of faith in Regen that I didn't feel I needed to explain and turned it in to a huge mess. Congrats. Think we can move on now?
  20. Believe it or not, I'm actually rooting for ya.
  21. I'm not sure how you take somebody attaching "you have the audacity" to you, but when somebody attaches it to me, I take it the way it reads, it's like saying that you think that I know what I am saying is bull, but I am saying it anyway, in other words, calling me a liar. It's a very passive aggressive statement and I have never been one to mince words and I can't stand passive aggressive people. So if you didn't mean it in that way, that I owe you an apology, but if this is the way you meant it, then my responses stand, moderated or not.
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