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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. There is no PK, there is only NOPE.
  2. If you think you can stay alive 90% of the time, then you have never been on one of my teams. I'll get you killed 90 times a day.
  3. The animations and visuals are subpar in my opinion. Nothing about it impressed me. If something doesn't look visual appealing, I can't be bothered with it, regardless of how well it plays. It's the same reason I won't play Psionic Melee.
  4. I agree. Game after game has lost its shine due to people complaining about this or that and it always seems to be some small minority of players who causes all of these changes. Games lose more and more of what they are in order to cater to these players and then next thing you know, the only players who are left playing are the players who were the ones complaining. The ayers who loved the game for what it was has been ran off. Happens on soooo many games, the complainers win every time.
  5. Ah I see, gotcha. Nicely done, heh. Looks good I must say.
  6. Is that a mod you are working on, or is that something on Test server?
  7. I believe that was done because @Number Six took pity and felt sorry for me after me making this post, lol.
  8. I will have to look for it, but I'll send you a PM with the files once I find it.
  9. I don't know, my main has always been an Energy/Energy Blaster. I used to get kicked off teams fairly regularly just for having that as a power choice, lol. Can't recall ever being kicked off of a team for playing AR, but to be fair, I never played it very often so then there is that.
  10. That's a shame, but at the same time, if I had stumbled across something that allowed me to do that, I would think long and hard before doing it. Well, not really, that would be an instant "nope" for me, but...lol.
  11. A little throwback to live servers, video quality is crap, 480p, but, this was a hacker on Freedom server. Not sure if he was ever caught or not, but this was the most creepy thing I had ever seen in game in all my years playing it. Remember, once you hit the play button, you cannot unsee this and you will never be the same again. You have been warned.
  12. Thank you sooooo very much, if it weren't weird I would kiss you for this! And yes, I do indeed want to blow my eardrums out, lol. Thank you, Number Six!
  13. Is there a setting we should be using to hear it? I heard a single application of the hit file when using foot stomp after that change was implemented. Wondering if it is designed to play through a particular sound setting in order to hear it? Edit: Apparently I can't spell "heard" so I had to fix it.
  14. I got to say, I think very little of those who would give this thread a thumbs down without any feedback as to why, when all it is asking for is either an explanation or a solution that presents to the players as an option, yet don't have the common courtesy of saying why they thumbed it down. I have referred to posters such as this as insufferables many times over the years because to me, that is just what they are. It's as if they have no real reason to thumb it down, they just do it anyway because...well, haters are going to hate I suppose. One of which follows me around thumbing down pretty much every other post I make, so clearly that one has a personal issue with me, I just don't care enough to find out why. I think some people are just shitty people, period. There is no rhyme or reason to them, clearly since they had nothing to add other than scrolling by and sticking their thumb down at it. Sticking a thumb down at a post like this without giving a reason just strongly indicates to me that chances are, they were the ones who cried for the very nerf I am speaking of, didn't even ask it to be an option, it's their way or the highway with people like this. "It is not enough that I should succeed, everyone else must fail," would be a quote that best suites insufferables such as these. These are the same ones who couldn't be bothered to download a program, select the sound mods that would make their hated sounds go away, click enter and done...no, they would rather demand nerfs, no mention of options, just outright demand the nerf, then when I come in asking for an option to get those sounds back, they stick their thumb down at it. Sorry if I sound salty, truth is, I am salty as hell, down right pissed. Trying very hard to keep my composure, but as you can see, when insufferables such as these do the things they do, it's like rubbing salt in the open wound and kicking a man while he's down at the same time. So yeah, you're damn right that I am salty about it. I'll pull myself together shortly. Carry on.
  15. What helped for me, was having a Left, Right and Floor Model Bass Speaker. Sounds amazing. You don't get the surround sound, but it's still a good crisp sound.
  16. That would have been the better option, however, honestly, just making stacking sounds an On/Off option would have been far easier than making it do what you ask here. What you suggest would take some serious code work. Both options take code work, but the one you ask for would take much much more than just making an On/Off button.
  17. Not that I am consciously aware of. Honestly, I think the people who gave a shit quit just as I did. I remember players quitting over the shield fade effect. So little by little over a long stretch of time, players who enjoyed the sounds kind of faded out. I seem to be the last player in City of Heroes who gives a shit. I could be wrong about that, but if others exist, I am most certainly the only player left who has said anything about it. Edit: Failure of comprehension of what you wrote. You were saying that I wrote that there was an outcry over sounds stacking. Yes, I did write that. I thought you meant that I wrote that players were upset over the removal of those sounds, which to my knowledge, only a select few players have made complaints about it on the Test Server forums. I assume those players quit over it, they were pretty upset. So I don't know if they are still here or not.
  18. Honestly, making it an option would not have been that difficult. Switching it to On would simply rerout the sound command to utilize the nonstacking sound files rather than the files that do stack. They would have simply had to create a new path for those sounds that would be utilized by the On/Off switch in options had they made one. Seeing what they can do with this game since they have let others play it, I would say this was well within their capabilities. I am the firm believer in that you don't make changes like this without making them an option. People were not quitting the game over it. Otherwise people who didn't like the sounds would have quit years ago. Those sounds have been in the game for over 18 years. If they were going to quit, they would have done so a looooong time ago. By removing those sounds without making it an option, I did however quit and absolutely will not return unless that is reverted and made an option. As far as the mods go, I mean, if somebody can download this game, they indeed had the ability to download the mods. The modder tool was far easier than downloading this game. Personally I feel anyone who used, "I don't know how" as their excuse is just pure lazy, especially since the alternative was to get the sounds nerfed and screw it up for everyone else. Well, waht's done is done, now I am just hoping that the Devs either help me understand why, when other options were available, or even more preferably, at some point bring back those sounds...all of them...with options.
  19. There used to be a mod just for that, I made it myself. It was on PK's Modder Tool, I offered my sound mods up to other modders to claim as their own, so I don't know if it is on the new sound modder tool or not, since I stopped playing just before PK quit and shut down his modder tool. So it's possible another sound modder picked it up and uploaded it to the new tool.
  20. Well, before Homecoming, the Default was with the stacking sounds. As far as which crowd is in the minority, I honestly can't imagine it being the ones who don't want the sounds, but I could be wrong. As far as what can and cannot be done with the sound files, the short answer without getting in to the technical aspect of it, is no. Sound modders can quiet sounds or even change them to something entirely new, but we cannot add back a stacking effect once it has been removed. We can overlay sounds, but the outcome is just a huge static of noise, that happens even if you only hit one entity.
  21. Dear Devs of Homecoming City of Heroes, I remember back when this game came out, one of the primary things about this game that I loved was how the AoE sound effects would stack per NPC that it hit. It was completely amazing and this was the first game I had ever played that brought that level of realism to a game. It made you feel like you were actually there. I fell in love immediately. It was a level of class from a sound team that had never been done before. The sound team for this game thought outside the box and brought to this game something that no other game had achieved, and it was powerful, invigorating and completely immersive. Then came the people rushing to the forums who wanted the sounds nerfed. First the toggles would fade out, leaving shield powers feeling very bland. Then came the Cone AoE for Warshades, then came the nerf against the sound effects for Kins. It seemed that one nerf lead to a new cry for more more more, it was never enough, it was never going to be enough until every last sound in game that made that stacking effect were finally obliterated from existence. In the end, the cries for nerfs won, that battle has been lost, that battle was lost right here on this very server. However, before that happened, when this game was brought back to the players, I quickly got to work making sound mods that toned down these sounds that people took issues with, I did this for people who didn't like them, this way there would no longer be any need for a sound nerf and those of us who loved them would be allowed to keep them. Adding these sound mods for the player base was made to be extremely easy; and I will quote from a famous commercial; "even a cave man could do it." Sadly, for whatever reason, my efforts were in vain when your staff decided to pretty much nerf every sound in game that stacked, thus completely removing that level of fun that I once had. I fought hard against that nerf before it was ever implemented, was called names by certain players, told that I just liked to troll people, even after other players made them aware of my mods that did the very thing that they wanted, to nerf sounds. Imagine that, me, a guy who spent endless hours creating sound mods to tone down sound effects for people who did not like them, or change them outright, being called a troll for wanting to keep those sounds even though I made a real effort to help make sound mods that people could use to alleviate those sounds so that those of us who loved them could keep them. It no longer matters, because your team nerfed them anyway. My Mods were the one thing that players could use in which everyone was happy. If you hated the sounds, you could just download my mods, all made easy to use and implement. If you loved the sounds, I had a long list of mods that would even change sound effects, it gave another level to the game that all could enjoy. There was already an option players could use to turn off those stacking sounds. It already existed, no nerf was ever needed. I ask in the most calm way I can muster, because honestly, I sting from that nerf every single day, I have not played this game a single day since those nerfs came out, but still I muster the strength to ask as politely as I can...why? Why was this done when an option existed already? Why remove that level of fun for everyone else? Why did you nerf the sounds when there was already in place a method for players to tone them down or even outright remove them all together? There was already a system in place that made it an option instead of a forced removal. An option existed, yet you nerfed them anyway. Why would you remove those sounds instead of putting in an option for players to remove them on their own? If anything, you could have brought back the long list of sounds that were already removed and added in an option to remove those sounds, while letting other players keep those sounds. Instead, what you did was completely remove those sounds all together and left us with a game that quite frankly, I can no longer enjoy. I don't expect that you will answer this question, it's not an easy question to answer, I'm sure. However, hopefully this letter will get you all talking at the round table and hopefully this letter will lead to solutions. Thanks for lending an ear. Your once loyal fan, Kal Trail.
  22. Not the Knight who say Ni! These are the SARS Knights who say Covid 19! (That actually rhymes.)
  23. His head game is the bomb.
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