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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Yeah, was not thinking about that point. Well, I have said my peace on it, I'll kick back and see what others think and see how the community feels about it over all. Right now I am on the fence here.
  2. Radius of an AoE is important though, especially as a Tank. And with this proposal we are suggesting to swap a radius of 15 feet Hand Clap with a 7 foot Hurl. Then we are still left with how Hand Clap will be moved to a place in which will for sure make that power the unwanted power in the set, since people will now have to wait until level 35 to pick it up. Where as before, Hurl had that unwanted spot that most players (at least I do) skip. Hand Clap as it stands serves a far better purpose at the lower levels due to the need for that extra damage mitigation since it comes with the stun. Yes, the stun is best for minions and only half of Lieutenants, however, at low levels when a Tank has many holes in their resistance and defense, that is a very welcomed mitigation tool...especially against Vhaz and all that Toxic Damage. If you could implement these changes without moving Hand Clap, you would have me at a far better position to back you on this. As you can see, the move of Hand Clap is pretty much my only issue with your proposed suggestion.
  3. Yeah, but only 7 feet? Hand Clap not only has the knock down (at least it's knock down for me because I put a KB to KD in mine) but it also has a nice stun effect. It's the Fault of Super Strength. And if we moved it to T8, what use would it serve at this point? It's the same exact power, no suggested changes, you simply lose out on your best damage mitigator in the set in place for a smaller radius knock down, that also does not stun. So in one hand, you make a power better, but you utterly kill the other power and make it pointless to put in to the build. Now, if you wanted to make Hand Clap do AoE (perhaps a small DoT?) Damage, make it require a target, and give it range (much like Fault has Range) and THEN move it to T8, I think that would completely justify the change and the move to T8 with Hand Clap.
  4. Trust me, I get it. There are just certain sounds in this game that I wouldn't touch because they are just way too epic. That "hum" sound effect for Peace Bringers that was recently removed was one of them. Thankfully I was able to bring them back on my own, or I would have been a VERY sad panda. 😉
  5. Done, check the CoH Modder Tool for "Quieter Storm Powers"
  6. Working on this one now. I should have it finished within the hour. Stay tuned!
  7. Come to think of it, I seem to recall seeing this issue once before, but in that case it was due to a lower end graphics card? I am going off of about 10 year old memory here, so I could be very wrong on this, but that's all I've got on the subject that could be of any help at all.
  8. You wouldn't get any complaints out of me!
  9. That is an easy remedy if that is the only thing you don't like about it. Just once you download the Mod, go to your Data\Ogg\Sound\Powers folder and remove the Proton.ogg file from the list, and you are good to go!
  10. I would rather see Build a Snowbeast added in some way as an option in the Lore Incarnates.
  11. I agree. Changing damage types will do nothing to help.
  12. Correct. Even though I personally do not feel that Blasters need a "safe" secondary in today's game. When the game was actually difficult, sure...but today? Nah, I just don't think a safe secondary is justified with the power creep we have these days.. I would like to see a complete re-haul of the Ice Secondary if it were up to me.
  13. Why not just make Hand Clap an AoE Knock Down instead of changing Hurl in to one?
  14. He can also try the Terminator Plasma Rifle mod for Beam Rifle. They can both be found on the CoH Modder Tool.
  15. I have no idea. Check the modder tool to see the creator of that. If memory serves, that's @The Philotic Knight's baby there.
  16. I use Hand Clap as my damage mitigation while leveling anything SS. If it got moved to T8, it would be useless by that point. Not a fan of that one particular idea. The rest is fine.
  17. I try to keep this thread updated for a reference card. As of now, the modder tool does not notify you.
  18. Damn it, Jim! Oh well, I'll bet that was a lot of fun though.
  19. What server is this? I am assuming not Excelsior? I would have loved to get in on that with my Archery Blaster.
  20. Showing off a bit here, I know...sorry, couldn't be helped. But this is the character I use on Homecoming Servers. Sadly, We Have Cake just does not have the costume options that we have on this server.
  21. Damn, now I feel like an a**. Thanks for pointing that out, man.
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