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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Just out of curiosity (and, I think I may know why you want this, but just in case I am wrong, I'll ask anyway) why are you wanting this implemented?
  2. If there is some way to implement Ambience Volume Control in the not too distant future, I would be very appreciative. Sometimes the ambience is so loud in some zones that it almost drowns out the sound of your powers. This can be problematic for me when testing out my sound mods before releasing them openly to the public. Thank you.
  3. I never got over the nerf, so I was compelled. My main Tank on live was an Invuln/Energy Tank. Once Will Power came out, I rerolled my Invuln to a WP/EM Tank. I shelved him after the Energy Transfer nerf, but I had to make him here again anyway. I have always been a fan of all the Energy Classes. In fact, my main Blaster is Energy/Energy, so go figure, heh. Once the ET nerf is hopefully reversed, I will be right as rain and Energy Melee will no longer be the "meh" child of CoH, lol.
  4. Yeah, I can see a Plant Dom, or any other Dom/Controller with AoE Confuse really do a number on them, heh. All those debuffs be it Defense, To-Hit, -Perception, -Recovery or even -Damage can all very quickly work in your favor, since they seem to unload all of those abilities up front. That would be fun to watch sometime. 🙂 As far as Vanden goes, yes, he can be a bit snarky sometimes, but overall he's a good guy and very helpful. So I cut him some slack. One thing about Vanden is that he will have your back if he agrees with you and point out why he does not agree with you when he doesn't. He doesn't play favorites or doesn't seem to click up with groups, Vanden is just Vanden doing Vanden's thing. He was the same way on live, and one thing I do respect about him is his consistency. You never have to guess what type of guy he is going to be from one day to the next. And no, I don't "know" the guy persay, but I have seen him post enough over the many years to get used to how he posts. 😄
  5. Not sure why you got the confused face without some type of response why the poster was confused. It implies that they disagree with your assessment of Arachnose. I for one would like to know why they disagree with it. I do know that the Queens are not the ones that do this though, it's the Lieutenants after level 40 (41?) that do this. The Toxic and the Mistress. Probably the two of them stacked reaches -36% Defense Debuff...the numbers I don't know for sure without testing. However, to add to your comment, the other main issues players have, even players with high Recovery is Mu. Mu can sap you dry in no time flat if you do not have cap defense to either ranged or Energy...and with that -36% defense debuff, well...that debuff opens you up to a heap of trouble. Especially since the soft cap to defense is what...43%...45%? Either way, that doesn't leave you with much after being hit with a Defense Debuff, therefore I believe you gave good advice.
  6. I don't think he won too many hearts with it, we'll leave it at that. 😄
  7. This right here. Look, I am ALL FOR MAKING THE GAME HARDER! All day every day, it's just too damn easy and many AT's take a back seat due to the power creep in this game. However, if you want to use an example to help support your case, please do not use group who has min/maxed builds, have a down pat strategy and execute that strat with perfection, or use a single group of players who broke the barrier. Personally, I don't find them very clever at all....they should have kept it to themselves because they should have KNOWN that it would create a ruckus on these forums....but they didn't soooooo...
  8. Yeah, I have my opinion of him as well, however, I chose to keep that opinion to myself since I was trying to keep the conversation relevant. One thing for sure, nobody has to agree with him, but it does remain a good read...even if you don't agree with it.
  9. That is actually on my list of things to do. I personally enjoy the sounds, but I know particularly Hurricane drives people nuts. Was that your main issue is with Hurricane?
  10. Just to be clear, for anyone unfamiliar with Twixt, he conducted a social experiment using CoH as his subjects for his experiment and then wrote a thesis on the subject of how players form their own rules, and then expect others to abide by those rules, even if they are not any real rules or restrictions of the game. Just so everyone knows, this was not a call out against the player known as Twixt, it was simply relevant. As far as I know, Twixt is not currently playing this server and it is questionable as to whether or not he is even still alive, as he was in his 60's I believe when he played during live and if memory serves, he quit playing the game long before it shut down. If you wish to read up on his work, all you need to do is cross reference CoH with Twixt and the information is an easy find. Even if you do not agree with his views and how he conducted his experiments (the way he went about it stirred quite the controversy) the read is quite interesting nonetheless. I just wanted to clear that up in case anyone unfamiliar with Twixt felt that I was calling out players. That was not the intent.
  11. I'll bet John Nash could find the hidden code in this message...
  12. Terra in almost any language that I can find translates to the word land. If this is true, then that means a specific sky in a specific land. If we assume this is accurate, then I think we can logically say that whatever it was he carried to the groove, is something that was overlooked, or hidden in mystery. It could also, like someone has pointed out, be a metaphor.
  13. I did that on my own yesterday, however there is still missing information there. For an example...what was it that he carried to the groove? It would help to know the literature that it was pulled from...if indeed there is any such literature. Until we know this, I think I think however improbable, it is yet still possible that this may be code just waiting to be decoded.
  14. I think it is code of some kind. I'm willing to bet that there is a way to decipher it.
  15. Wow....I had to do some research before responding to this, but you are absolutely correct. So, Domination...the most powerful inherent in game by far. It grants status protection, it grants a full bar of endurance, it grants DOUBLE the mag for CC's AND adds 50% to their duration. And what did Defenders get? Ha! That is just mind blowing. 😞
  16. I could be wrong, however, I believe it intends to prophecy the return of UniqueDragon! Else we all be "Gone to the Americans!" while they are "dupin rares!"
  17. It translates to... The blacksmith in the back of the mocha race to the dawn toast the terra sky and carried it to the groove. The back of the fire passed on and you got to it, always proudly winding the word that the wolf's blood was flowing. You knew who to keep and they kept us together while we were in trouble.
  18. I have tried playing Rad Blasters a few times, and this conversation has me trying one yet again. However, all the other times I have tried playing them just left me feeling "meh" about the whole thing. I always felt the damage was subpar at best and it was a major reason I wasn't impressed playing it. So I wouldn't be upset if it got a Dot added to the set. I might actually stick one out if it did have a DoT with it.
  19. Does Domination double the affect though? For example, a Dom's Single Target Hold is Mag 3, however, I believe when activating Domination, it simply brings it to a Mag 4 hold and then increases the duration by 66.6%. I'm not saying that is any better, but I just wanted to clarify that it does not double the Magnitude of the Hold power or the duration. However, increasing the Magnitude of the power by a factor of one is the reason you can hold a boss with a single application of a Hold Power instead of having to cast a hold twice, because you need a higher Mag than 3 to hold a boss. Same with locking down Wolves which has I think a Mag 7 resist to Immobilize (I could be wrong with the wolves resistance factor, but not by much) since it takes my Controller 3 attempts to lock them down before I actually get passed their resist to Immob. Having said that, the only issue I have with this is that until a day comes where AV's and GM's become more difficult, I don't believe making AV and GM fights easier by allowing a Controller more power to hold them is the answer. AV's and GM's already go down so fast with the exception of Reichsman and Lord Recluse of course. If the Devs ever buff the AV's and GM's though....I would be all for this idea.
  20. The Topic and the Original Post has been edited to show an updated and more comprehensive version of what some of us are asking for.
  21. It looks like we can add Warmth, Healing Aura and Nullify Pain to that list as well. I have to say, not having those sounds as an option (that used to be in game) is just really depressing. For me, it really steals from the pleasure of playing almost all healing classes. This is my 4th attempt at rolling a Healer and the 4th time I just can't do it due to the sounds being gone. Those sounds were a big part of what made those classes fun to play. 😞
  22. Yeah, we'll just have to wait and see just how deep that rabbit hole goes once that nerf goes live.
  23. It's worth a try. Let me know if you end up with it. That would be amazing if nobody took it yet.
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