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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Sadly, they did not have the costume options that we have on Homecoming. It's kinda similar, but not the same. We Have Cake server does not have the new updated costumes that our Devs gave us here. 😞 Thank you though anyway!
  2. Video is up on my Youtube channel. You'll find it under Power Rad Mod Show and Tell.
  3. There is a video that I am currently uploading that shows in game footage with my mod...however, I had to go to the We Have Cake server to record it, so the Snipe will not be the same for Quick Snipe. I can't post the video here, so once it's up (in about 15 minutes or so) you will have to go to my channel and find the video on your own. Sorry, but with the restrictions that Homecoming has placed, that is the best I can do to help you out. However, I won't keep making videos for mods, so I would encourage you to download the CoH Modder Tool and test out mods for yourself. It takes a lot of time to put some of these mods together and the roundabout way I have to go through to make videos is something I don't wish to do with every mod I make. Once the video restrictions are lifted that may change, until then, I made this video in good faith. Enjoy! If you need a link, I can send it to you on your personal messages....I assume that is still allowed? I hope so.
  4. The only mods for MM's and their pets that I know of are the Sound Effects mods that I have for Bots and Mercs MMs. The Bots have a mod that makes them sound like Generation 1 Transformers and the Mercs have one that makes them sound like soldiers from The Terminator movie.
  5. I really hate hearing this. Life is way too short and our lives are way too fragile. That could have been any one of us. God be with him. Rest in Peace.
  6. Can't help ya there. You'll just have to download it and try it out for yourself. It's against Homecoming rules to show in game footage. Sound only, and I had to beg and plead just to get permissions to do that.
  7. Welcome to the new Radiation Blast! A more powerful version is now available to you free of cost! Watch the file video, then stay for the in game sound footage to see how it plays out. If you like it, it's now available on the CoH Modder Tool under Power Rad Blast!
  9. Oh, he dealt the same antics to Freedom as well, but they did manage to catch him out and recorded him once. I think there is a video of some people on Freedom laying it to him somewhere online. I wasn't there. I just stayed clear of the hero base when he came around. It was a no win situation since I lost my droning resist shield somewhere, lol. If I seen his name I jsut kept out of his TP distance.
  10. He played on 3 different servers, and pulled the same crap on each one. I can't remember what servers he started on, but he landed himself on Freedom server...and that is when the real hell broke lose, because that was the unoffocial PvP server, and we weren't having it. lol.
  11. I thought maybe you were a bit like me and always picked Science because the Tranq Dart Rocks for low levels. So you got stuck with something else. If that were the case, I was going to explain to you how you can switch them without switching your origin, however, since that had absolutely nothing to do with it... 😄
  12. Okay, then my thoughts on why you wanted this was wrong. Okay, sorry to disturb, I had to satisfy my curiosity, heh.
  13. Even funnier, I hardly ever run across a toxic player. Extremely rare, and my favorite thing to do in this game is PUG. I don't think there are anywhere near as many of these toxic players as some are lead to believe. And this whole tribal thing...I don't see much of that either.
  14. Hey, was going to try and work on this today, but I don't know which powers you are having issues with. Need some feedback.
  15. I was never allergic to it either, until I got it a couple years back. Apparently as you grow older you lose your resistance to stuff that you once had an immunity to.
  16. I know he/she was learning about making Sound Mods. I hope he did not accidentally change a name of one of the files in the .ogg files by doing so. In any case, like you said running a verify files should fix whatever was done. I have been thinking about doing a video guide to help people with this so that these kinds of mistakes don't happen. Might actually tackle this today.
  17. Not calling you out at all. Just having a friendly conversation. Hell, we have all said something similar before. I think anyone who claims that they have not said things similar would be a liar. So it's not like we ourselves have not been in that same spot. At least you recognize it was a bad choice of words, some people would rather just argue about it. You are still good in my book. 🙂
  18. Exactly. I like some of the ideas on the other servers and have even requested that we have customizable Master Minds here on this server based off the other servers, however, I do not have any expectations or even want to pressure HC to hurry up. I want them to do things right just the way they have been.
  19. I don't really think it was all that, I just think the OP did not have the understanding of the game to have a knowledge of how that would be possible unless the game was insanely OP.
  20. Because casual gamers who do not play to the style that the others play at don't realize the gravity of the situation. I mean, yeah, sure, share away. However, this is where guides are helpful to help people understand *why* they were able to pull this off rather than leave it to speculation. I was going to touch up on the "aspire to be comment" but it looks like Darmain beat me to it. The only expectations we should have is the expectations we place among ourselves, not what others believe we should be expected to aspire to be. I have been saying this since I was in my 20's. Too many people always telling you that you have to be this to win the game of life...you win the game of life whenever you achieve your goals, not the goals others place on you. I hear you and what you are saying though, I just do not believe that it is realistic to think that this is a goal that everyone wants to reach. Reach for the stars...if that is where you wish to go. Know what I mean? But yeah, if somebody in that group would make a guide on this, hell, I myself would love to have a peek. 😉
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