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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Yes...we do. You may think that is ridiculous, but you gotta understand that those of us who "want that back" find the current state of the game equally rediculous where everyone has everything handed to them up front with no effort at all. That's just not everyone's cup of tea.
  2. @Greycat It's not really the file itself, the file is technically there. It's just that the program that had the Fulcrum Shift access the Blind.ogg file is either A: No longer active and needs to be reactivated or B: has been deleted and new code would need to be written to direct Fulcrum Shift to use the .ogg file as a hit file. So basically the only way to get the sound back that a lot of us seem to miss, is to either have a Dev, A: Write a new command to use a new .ogg file upon hitting the friendly targets, then make sure it can stack with multiple targets and then make that .ogg file silent; so that it can't be heard by any players unless they chose to use a mod that would be customized by the players (me) to bring back the sound it once had, or B: Have them turn it back on (assuming it has only been turned off and not deleted) and then get it to use a new and different file that is silent and thus again, can be customized by the players. The technical file was the Blind.ogg file and it does still exist. However, the game no longer accesses that file so the hit function of Fulcrum Shift no longer exists....simply put, there is no hit file for Fulcrum Shift anymore which is why when it hits the friendly targets, it makes literally no sound, it's just pure silence. The only sound you hear now is your character casting the power, but there is no hit sound associated with it ever since they nerfed it back on live.
  3. Yes, but the game no longer directs it to use that sound. So if they could give it it's own file to refer to, then make that sound silent, I can get it and put the sound back in to it and give it to everyone who wants it. But yes, same sound. The game no longer uses it.
  4. @Captain Yesterday, I just created a thread over on the suggestion forums in an attempt to bring that file back. It's the best chance we have of getting it back right now, so if you don't mind lending the support, head on over and explain how much you miss that sound and why you support bringing it back. Thanks in advanced. The thread is below.
  5. Out of all the requests I have ever made, this is the request I am most serious about and hope makes it through to the Dev Team. I could really use your support on this one, people. Before the game was shut down, it would seem after some ruckus on the forums over Fulcrum Shift and many other powers, the Devs decided to just remove the hit codes that activates those files all together. If memory serves me correctly, there was a thread that was made in where a player was getting headaches over those sounds and requested that the sounds be toned down. Some people were okay with this, but requested that this be made an option so that others who enjoyed the sounds would be able to keep them. Sadly, instead of toning them down and giving us an option, the Live Devs just removed the sounds all together. So now when you use Fulcrum Shift or other abilities that used to have an AoE Hit Sound Effect, those powers no longer play a hit file and has become pretty dull and not all that exciting from the caster's point of view. Due to this, I and others like myself have even stopped playing a lot of power sets after the sounds were nerfed on live, and after creating some of those classes here, I just can't get into them the way I could before those sound codes were removed. I know that may seem petty, but I and people like me are HUGE sound buffs, sounds are extremely important to us as well as the graphics, animations, visual effects, the whole nine yards. Sounds are literally 1/4 of the game. Without them, to us, the feeling of the game is not a complete experience. I tried to bring the sound back on my own by creating a mod that would allow us to hear the sound again on our end only, but...sadly, because the code associated with playing those hit files were completely removed, I have no way to bring those sounds back without the code being in place. Here is my suggestion... Bring back the missing or turned off codes that also utilizes the stacking effect, but give the .ogg files that are associated with them unique file names that are specific to the powers they pertain to, but make those files total silence...all I need is the file and the name of the file for each power affected...it does not matter what sound the file has, so they can just make those files silent so that players who would prefer they stay the same will still hear nothing when those files activate. If we can do this, the sounds will stay the same for people who felt it was too much and negatively affected them, and it allows me to manipulate the files and bring back the original Sound Effects in the form of a Mod for those of us who want them back. It's a win/win for everyone and gives the player the control to have what they want. Players who hated those sounds will still have them the way they currently are, while players who just can't get into playing any of those power sets anymore due to the silenced Hit Effects, can once again have them back in just the same way that we had them before the sounds were nerfed. So far the list of Hit Effects that I have discovered in which has been removed from the game are as follows... Gravitic Emanation Healing Aura Fulcrum Shift Warmth Radiant Aura Nullify Pain Can we PLEASE get the code reinstated? Thank you in advanced.
  6. Bad news. The original Devs (I am pretty fired up about this) removed the hit file all together. As in it no longer exists. The only sounds you hear are coming from you now. So instead of removing the stacking effect, it would seem they might have gotten an attitude and just removed the hit file all together. I guess when the Devs got tired of hearing people who wanted the Devs to tone down sounds in game, they just said screw it and removed the file all together. This is a huge shame because by them removing the stacking effect, I stopped playing Kin because of it. I did some serious testing and that sound is just...gone...with no way for me to return the sound. This is why the ability is so lack luster now. I even tried giving it a stacking effect from the player's perspective, but it was just too distorted to be even worth it due to the sound being multiplied on one bite instead of that one bite being played simultaneously but separate to prevent distortion. That was just a real crappy thing to do, man. Whoever was in charge of that decision was just being a complete ass about it. Sorry man, but that has me in a real shitty mood right now and I am going to stop there before I say anything else that I will regret later.
  7. It honestly never bothered me since it didn't take that long to do. In the early early days it was difficult to solo though because they mobs were set at a certain level. So there was that.
  8. AGGRESSIVE SAVAGE MELEE! Aggressive Savage Melee Mod is now available exclusively on the CoH Modd Tool. This gives Savage Melee a much more aggressive sound effects that pulls from Dark Melee and Mako along with some random animal growls to boot. This mod may change a tad in the future and will be added to the list of Mod versions in the near future!
  9. Hahaha, are you kidding me, man? There are people who would actually fight you for that title.
  10. Looks like she got caught sleeping and somebody played a bad prank on her.
  11. Unfortunately no. That is done on server side and we have no control over that. They did the same thing with the Healing abilities on Empaths and on Pain Domination. It really irked the hell out of me how they took away the stacking SFX. What I can do is possibly produce a mock sfx file for it that is stacked and has the Siphon Power effect with it, and then stack them myself. The only issue with this is, it will sound stacked like that even if you only hit one person/npc with it. I tried doing this with the Pain Dom and Empath heals, but since they share the same file as Kinetics Heal, it made the Kinetics Heal EXTREMELY LOUD! So I had to drop it back to the original file. The OG Devs really did a number when they removed the stacking effects without making it an option and really pissed a lot of us off over it. But yeah, if you don't mind the stacking effect every single time you use it regardless of how many players and NPCs it hits, then I'll put one together for ya at some point in the near future.
  12. Oh wow, that is strange. I guess once deleted, it's still actually there just not accessible. That is the only way I can see the database returning the older version. And I updated that a long time ago, which is even more strange.
  13. Yeah, same here. Just went to upload a mod and got the same thing. Is there a new version we should be downloading?
  14. Funny, I was just talking about this in Frostfire today.
  15. I believe in optional settings. So I am right there with you. I absolutely hate when something gets changed and it's not optional and then I am stuck with the change, so trust me when I say, I'm right there with ya.
  16. I get where you are coming from, I personally preferred the pre i5 days with the enhancement system, the no limit aggro system, the harder to kill mobs and the fright of getting around in the Hollows before the revamp with no travel powers till level 14, no capes till level 20 and no auras till level 30, the old Debt system in place, the ambush mobs that we no longer have in game, pretty much everything the game was pre i5. I would love to see a server like this that ports over all the costume options and new powers and new missions and I would be happier than a pig in s**t. Sadly for us I think people like me are either rare or have moved on from the game when the game was made to be easier to play over the years, so there doesn't seem to be enough of us left that preferred the game pre i5, so most requests like this one get shot down pretty fast. And since there are not enough of us left, I don't think there will be any hope of having a populated server if somebody were to make one either. And I crave the population, so I wouldn't be able to play an old school server like that unless there were plenty of people to hang out with. Not to mention, I have grown a certain attachment to a lot of people in this game, hell, I even have a certain kind of fondness to a lot of the people who post these very forums...you kind of get used to them and actually start liking their smart asses, lol...so it would be hard to leave either way. But just know, you aren't alone, we are just a dying breed is all.
  17. Rework the chat bubbles to look more like what we actually have in comics. I understand this would take quite a lot of work, but man it would sooooo be worth it to me. What gave me the idea is that as of yesterday, I have been playing the game with the experimental graphics and the game just looks amazing with the comic book style graphics instead of the "realistic" graphics. It's given me a whole new love for the game and it's like I am playing City of Heroes 2. The only thing it's missing is the comic book style chat bubbles.
  18. As long as they aren't doing "The Duck Lips" while walking "The Duck Walk" I am perfectly okay with it, lol.
  19. I didn't want to make a macro or bind for it so I looked at the options and found an option to toggle it. By default there is no bind for it though, so you have to bind a key to the toggle, I used insert for mine.
  20. If it defaults to Screeshotui 0, is not Shift+ PrtSc = Screenshotui 1? I can't remember how to get it to screenshot with the UI now.
  21. ...meanwhile, elsewhere in the world, somebody just had a very GOOD day! Well crap, took a screenshot of it, however, I forgot to screenshot it with the HUD option, so it didn't post. However, I feel I should tell the story anyway. There was a Luck of the Gambler that was selling on average for 8 mill. Somebody made the huge mistake of buying one for 85,000,000 Influence where I am SURE they only meant to attempt 8,500,000. I seen it, took a screen shot of it...but damn it, only got this instead. Sorry folks, it would have been so much more interesting if I had the hud up. 😞
  22. That is just creepy. As a huge fan of Hell Raiser I and II that is just truly creepy, lol.
  23. He went all Hell Raiser on us! I love it!
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