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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. File name is cold_loop.ogg for Arctic Wind and fog_loop.ogg for Arctic Fog. Path: Data\Sound\Ogg\Powers If you just wish to adjust the volume of the abilities, the sound bites are below. cold_loop.ogg fog_loop.ogg
  2. I sacrificed Regen and some Resist for Defense. The build's main hole is in that it is susceptible to end draining abilities that sap and Debuff endurance regeneration. So to counter that, I made the build have basically or VERY close to soft capped defense to All. The capped defense and high resist + the Regeneration IMO makes my Tank a VERY competitive Tank to every possible situation in game. And like you, so far as to date, I have yet to be killed. I have an SG mate who tried to test that by putting my character through some of the toughest mobs he could think of, nothing was able to take me out. However, there are a small amount of situations where popping a couple of oranges is needed...but those situations are EXTREMELY rare. My first attempt with he build focused more on Regeneration but I found myself having trouble with Sappers from Malta or Mu with Aracnos or anything else with serious end draining abilities, even with having an insane amount of recovery they were still sapping me dry and dropping my toggles. That's why I felt the sacrifice was needed to Regen and resist was necessary to get my Defense up...and so far, it was the best choice I have ever made with my build. Good to hear other WP Tanks out there kicking ass!
  3. I can't stand not getting XP, it kind of makes me feel like I am not getting anywhere. However, I would LOVE if there were an option to get the old Debt system back. It would make me fight harder not to die rather than "Meh, if I die I die" type of thing. I feel you though, man...really.
  4. I know exactly what you mean. Those other servers made me appreciate HC a bit more than I did before visiting those other servers. Like somebody previously said, they are a fun playground, but when it's time to get serious, this is my home server. I do admit, for PvP, Cake is probably the best server because you can create instant characters and go PvP with anything you thought up, but for PvE, this is the server I wish to play on until somebody comes out with a server that challenges me more than this one.
  5. Not to mention, it's a level fest on some of those other servers. You get a level with every other mob on one server, you get a level per mission on others...it's nothing but easy street where everything is just handed to you. People who enjoy power leveling may enjoy a server like that, but people who enjoy a normal level progression would fair much better on this server. In other words, the candy on other servers is not enough to make me want to leave this server. This server has more balance and still holds somewhat of a normal progression. One thing that really got me loving this game in the beginning, is that seeing a level 50 was almost awe inspiring because you knew that person played their heart out to get there (as long as they did not PL to get there) and with all the debt that used to be in game, that was saying a lot back then. Although I miss the days when getting to level 50 would take me a VERY long time, these days I can literally level from 1 to 50 in a single day without any power leveling whatsoever. This game has just been dumbed way down since the pre i5 days. So this game has already lost a lot of its luster for me in terms of feeling accomplished after reaching level 50, however, even after saying that, this game is still a much more challenging game that what you have on those other servers. Those other servers practically hand everything to you on a platter...no thank you.
  6. NEW IMPROVEMENTS NOW AVAILABLE Updated Mods listed with current versions If your version does not match, please update to the latest version If you are happy with what you have, ignore and keep what you have. Flight Realistic SFX Mod (v4) Kinetic Melee Soul Mage Mod (v2) Lightning Improved SFX Mod (v2) Psionic Blast Movie SFX Mod (v2) Slight Claws Adjustments Mod (v4) Terminator Plasma Rifle SFX for Beam Rifle (v6) Frozen Foot Stomp SFX Mod (v2) Hasten Optional SFX (v2) Merc Terminator SFX Mod (v3) OG Male Taunt (v2) Psionic Blast Movie SFX Mod (v6) Aggressive Savage Melee (v4)
  7. Like a Grav Trollers Propelled object? Hahahaha! That would be fricken funny as hell, man!
  8. No , you misunderstand. I feel if PFF would be made to be Insulation and Deflection rolled in to one for yourself, that would free a Bubbler's build up to explore many more options. To get the cap defense as it stands, I have to do a LOT of 6 slotting. If it were changed (which The Philotic Knight makes a good point that the game cannot be balanced around Min/Maxed builds) it would free up all those 6 slotted abilities for me to explore other avenues of the character build.
  9. I hear ya, man. And as much as I hate to admit it, you're right. Although even though I agree, I would like to point out that most nerfs in game happen due to these types of builds, lol. Kind of ironic. 😄
  10. This game has it's hard mobs and it's difficult mobs. Freaks, Council, Skyraiders, Family = Easy. Then you have the tougher mobs, Malta (only because of Sappers) Carnie, Aracnos, and well...that's about it. I do prefer some mobs be a challenge and others be easy. The easy ones are a nice break from the more difficult ones, I think this game needs a healthy helping of both types. In fact, I wish the hard ones were harder than they are now. Make them downright frustrating.
  11. Here is my issue with PFF. I am at cap defense already. PFF does nothing to help with that unless I am hit with a serious defense Debuff. My S/L Resist is at cap as well, which leaves me looking at PFF like the three legged dog your ex girlfriend dropped off at your doorstep before leaving you to join the Mars Expedition, lol. For me personally, it is quite simply useless. I literally take alphas with my Defender and survive them...without PFF. I simply wish to give PFF a use that lasts beyond level 50, not just something that is only useful pre level 30. I mean, I understand how difficult it is to get everyone on board with a change, so I never expected this to be easy. I just hate seeing a power that is utterly useless that I could have picked up had it been actually useful to me. Some people feel differently and probably think I am nuts for not taking PFF (I take it, I simply never use it...it's nothing more than a place holder for a Karma KB Reduction in my current build) but I feel if they were to ever play my character, they would agree that PFF no longer serves any use outside of maybe a very occasional but extremely rare boost to resist.
  12. No, you would only need the .ogg file and change the name of the file to the associated Sound Effect. You would not need Sonichit2 twice, you would only need one of each. So it would look something like this; Femtaunt2 sonichit2 ScreamPBAOE MaleTaunt2 Just make sure the files go to the correct folder and you're good to go!
  13. Real quick, making videos of City of Heroes is (as of right now) against the EULA and can get you banned. I suggest deleting the video and remaking it by blacking the video portion out so it plays sound only....this is allowed. Good luck! P.S. I like it! Be sure to upload it to the CoH Modd Tool!
  14. Then that would be everything @Blyzzard needs to complete his/her Mod. So, here are all the files required to modify the Dreadful Wail SFX ScreamPBAOE.ogg (path: Data\Sound\Powers\ScreamPBAOE.ogg sonichit2.ogg (path: Data\Sound\Powers\sonichit2.ogg FemTaunt2.ogg *For Females* (path: Data\Sound\Player\FemTaunt2.ogg MaleTaunt2.ogg *For Males* (path: Data\Sound\Player\MaleTaunt2.ogg Great minds coming together to help a fellow player out. This is what City of Heroes is all about! Thanks for stepping in, @AboveTheChemist!
  15. If you were able to modify ScreamPBAOE.ogg with silence and actually get silence in game, that means it actually can be modified, that it is not server side, and that the game uses two SFX files simultaneously to produce the desired SFX. This is good news!
  16. Yeah, I can't speak for female versions of Dreadful Wail, but for males, it has Taunt2 in there as well. I will record it after this Synapse run I am doing and post it for you to hear. Maybe you will hear something that I don't and together we can solve this mystery.
  17. ScreamPBAOE.ogg and MaleTaunt2.ogg are the sounds that are related to Dreadful Wail. However, I do not think they are the files that Dreadful Wail uses. I am almost positive that file is located server side and a file we cannot access or change.
  18. So it is a combination of these two files. However, I do not believe it uses those files, I think there is another file somewhere that has both of those sound bites together. That is the one I am searching for. ScreamPBAOE.ogg MaleTaunt2.ogg
  19. I don't think that's it. If you listen carefully, the Dreadful Wail uses two different sound bites. I am currently searching for it now. It *might* be a SFX file that is server side.
  20. Okay...how about they do like Khelds then. Several powers open up at once but since they are similar, most people only pick on or the other...but can pick both if they chose to?
  21. Or.... An optional power choice. They both come available at the same time, if you pick one, the other greys out and is unobtainable without a respec?
  22. Sadly, very few, if any, of these ideas ever see the light of day and get overlooked and/or buried pretty damn fast....even the great ideas that majority agrees on. Having said that, I still +1 this idea. I would like to see Bean Bag removed though and replaced with a cone bullet spread of 10 tics of variable damage, details below. Unload Clip: A Full Auto ability best if used when there are a few left standing, that does less damage the more targets are hit. Single targets take the full force of the damage, however each additional target shares their fair percentage of the damage taken. For example, 1 target hit is 500 (50x10) Lethal Damage; 2 targets hit is 250 (25x10) Damage; 3 targets hit is 167 (16.7x10) Damage; 4 targets hit is 125 (12.5x10) Damage; 5 targets hit is 100 (10x10) Damage; ...16 targets hit is 31.25 (3.1x10) Lethal Damage. This would be a great mechanic to add to the Battle Waffle set.
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