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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Yeah, even in my last post, I am starting to think those numbers take Vigilance Solo in to account and sadly I do not see a way to shut down the Vigilance being automatically applied to those base numbers. Assuming my assumption (that is a lot of assuming at this point, especially since I am trying to make a point, that is one assumption too many) I think I am inclined to agree with you all. Solo, Defenders wins the cake. But on Teams, it's still Corruptors for the win. Okay folks, thank you for your input...this was very helpful and educational.
  2. Okay, so some of you alerted me that Mids does not show the true values for Corruptors. Oddly enough...and I do not understand why those values are terribly wrong, but those numbers are indeed incorrect. So I went straight to character creation and compared the base values of both Corruptor and Defender and here are my disappointing, but nowhere near as disappointing results. Defender Base Values at level 1 Ice Bolt 9.30 Ice Blast 15.25 Frost Breath 13.02 Freeze Ray 20.46 Ice Storm 12.15 Bitter Ice Blast 21.20 Bitter Freeze Ray 25.67 Blizzard 43.50 Corruptor Base Values at level 1 Ice Bolt 9.50 Ice Blast 15.55 Frost Breath 13.30 Freeze Ray 20.90 Ice Storm 13.68 Bitter Ice Blast 21.66 Bitter Freeze Ray 26.22 Blizzard 53.20 Personal Conclusion Although my first statement is inaccurate, even after seeing these new numbers, there is barely any base value increase with most abilities. Blizzard gets credit, but outside of Blizzard, those numbers are way too close for me to justify rolling a Corruptor for the extra damage considering how much more powerful a Defender's secondaries are (not to mention the longer holds and the more powerful secondary effects of the attack powers) over a Corruptor, even taking Scourge in to consideration. And I believe those who would make fun of Defender players and ask why would anyone ever want to play one...my answer, even after standing corrected with my original inaccurate math would still be this...have you seen the numbers? Does the minuscule base damage Corruptors have over a Defenders plus the Scourge as it sits today truly give Corruptors an edge over Defenders? Is that tiny bit of extra damage really make them worth it? Or do they at some given point in time require a looking at?
  3. So using this formula, Scourge on average gives 30% more DPS on AV's and GM's, because Minions, Lieutenants and Bosses die too quickly to make a significant difference; something that is even mentioned on the Paragon Wiki page. So even if we take the 30% on average in to consideration, if the base damage for a Corruptor is 28.5, and the base damage for a Defender without Vigilance is 36.15, that gives the Corruptor an increased base damage value of 37.05 damage per activation, but only for 30% of the Corruptor's attacks. That is just completely mind blowing for me. Source below. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/wiki/Scourge
  4. I personally see the difference on teams as well. Even looking at the stats with the damage bonus off, the Defender still has a far superior base damage than a Corruptor with most attacks. Pics below. The first is with Vigilance and built, the second set is without vigilance and built, the third is no slots and with vigilance, the fourth is no vigilance and no slots.
  5. The title sounds a bit of a bash toward Corruptors, but it's not. If anything it could be taken as a "Corruptors might need a buff" statement. Having said that, here is what I have noticed. I can take two virtually identical builds and my Cold/Ice Defender shows a higher DPS than my Ice/Cold Corruptor all day every day. This is primarily due to a Defender having a much higher base damage than a Corruptor. Yes, Corruptors get Scourge, but can we be honest for a moment and realize that by the time an enemy's health is low enough for Scourge to kick in, they would have died with your next attack anyway; even without Scourge? AV fights and Bosses that Self Heal or pop T9's at the last moment would be the exception to this observation. However, just between you and I...personally I don't play Corruptors just for the AV fights at the end of a TF. It has gotten to a point that I honestly can't even bring myself to roll a Corruptor anymore and I have shelved the ones that I do have. What I find hard about this is that I actually love Corruptors, in concept, they are a solid archetype. However, as far as I am concerned, in actual real time game play they pale in comparison to Defenders. My attacks hit much harder as a Defender and I get way better stats from my primary than my Corruptor gets from his secondary. Yet, even after this observation, I still from time to time watch in chat some guy or gal joking on Defenders; like Corruptors are so much better or something. I don't bother getting in to that conversation, but I read it and think to myself...have you even compared the stats between the two? First, in my opinion, Corruptors are so undesirable, the only way I would play one at this point is if the Scourge chance scaled all the way from 100% Health and the chance increases to Scourge the lower the health gets...all the way to 100% chance by time the target gets within 15% Health. This would honestly be the only way I would ever personally play a Corruptor again. I think a Corruptor's base damage is fine, maybe even lower the base damage a bit to balance out the higher chance to Scourge, but I would make Scourge much more useful and worth playing a Corruptor from time to time. But as of right now...no. I feel Defenders are far superior to Corruptors in every single way...up until a target reaches 1/8 health anyway....when I play a character, I don't want to wait until my target hits 1/8 health before I start to feel better than a Defender in damage. As a Corruptor, my secondary support is inferior to a Defender...which is fine, that is the way it should be. However, when my damage is also being out classed by a Defender as a Corruptor, I begin to feel very overshadowed. In saying all of this, I am open to the possibility that I am just playing a Corruptor wrong, or maybe building them wrong...however, at this point I do not believe so. My character building skills are unreal...it's one thing that I am extremely skilled at...which leaves my play style. So I am willing to hear a Corruptor player who favors them a chance to prove me wrong....in this case, I literally want to be proven wrong. Otherwise, I feel as far as damage and support is concerned, Corruptors are simply taking the back seat to Defenders with the way they stand now...and it just shouldn't be that way.
  6. Hello fine folks of the CoH Community. Mod issue has been resolved as Knight has said below. Just a further update, I will be posting a tutorial video within the next couple of days that shows how to upload and adjust mods if you are a modder and would like to learn how to use the tool. It will be an easy to follow video and hopefully help any of you avoid some of the silly mistakes I made while getting the hang of the tool. Coming soon™
  7. The list of mods has been updated! There is also a new video that shows how to download and use the CoH Modder Tool for anyone who wishes to learn how to install the wonderful mods this community has to offer! Enjoy!
  8. To back up Vanden, it appeared to hit more like a Truck because it was easy to chain behind the combo of Total Focus + Bone Smasher + Energy Transfer. You add all of that up on a geared up build and you just hit for 2536 damage in less than 5 seconds. That's without Build-Up and that's on a Tank. Add Damage Procs and Build-up to that and you will hit for a hell of a lot harder. With it currently as it stands now, you can do that same damage, but it will take 7 seconds instead of 5 seconds. And in a battle, those 2 seconds feel like an eternity. SO yes, as Vanden stated, it still hits like a truck, it just feels like les damage because it takes longer to dish it out. On a side note, I am in full support of returning the old animation to ET. I just wanted to clarify Vanden's point.
  9. I feel as though we are powerful enough. I feel the enemies need to be harder, that being said, I understand this is not what the majority of the players want (I'm that special case odd ball, lol) so I support this thread.
  10. I think it has more to do with heavy auras than anything else. I'm sure if I ran a character with no aura that I would notice it pretty fast...however, my auras cover it up.
  11. THE MATRIX RAVE POCKET D DANCE MOD! Yeah yeah, I know...you are probably thinking, "say waaa?" That's right folks, there is a new mod for the music you hear in Pocket D based on soundtracks from the various Matrix Movies and it is now available on the CoH Modder Tool! The description of the music in the file is there as well, so go check it out and read what songs are there and for what rooms! I may be increasing the volume of the songs tomorrow, so if you DL it tonight, check to see if the Mod version does not change between now and tomorrow night, otherwise, enjoy! The Matrix Rave Pocket D Mod is now finished with its final version (v3)
  12. Do you want it dead or do you want it toned down. I can do either one and have it ready for you in a day or two.
  13. The only mule it can really take is the Stealth IO...almost certain of that. There is no reason why it couldn't be wrapped in to one power and given different options to SFX styles. It would work just fine as long as the regular sprint remained a stand-alone...and of course with all due respect to @Starforge, make the dust cloud optional with that as well. Edit: The reason I feel the original Sprint would need to remain a Standalone power, is because I am one of those people who mule Sprint for my Stealth IO, while using one of the other Sprints for my regular Run Speed IO.
  14. Well, I say trolling, but more like people being jokingly funny. I mean, I have seen plenty of threads where people are purposely trying to be funny. Nerf Regen anyone? We see plenty of similar threads like that. I simply thought this was going to be another "Nerf Regen" type of thread. That's why I am trying to get Starforge to understand that I am not coming at him in a mean way...although he seems to have taken me that way. I mean, after all, he gets bonus points from me just for his name. Anything cosmic related wins a spot in my heart. 😉
  15. I'm not saying that in a "to each their own" way, I'm all for your request, man. I hope they add the option.
  16. Don't take it personal. I see people troll with all sorts of things on these boards. Sprint being requested as a minimal effects option is something that a troll would actually request. It wouldn't be unheard of.
  17. Oh I am not against the idea, I just couldn't help but laugh at myself by my own surprise that the request was actually real. I literally had to stop and ask myself, "Does sprint even have an effects?" Before this thread was made, I was completely oblivious to the effects on sprint, heh. If the OP is actually being serious and not trolling us, then it's fine by me, won't get any arguments here.
  18. I'm sorry, but when I read the title of this thread I truly laughed out loud, thinking somebody's got jokes. But then I read it and I'm like, "This guy isn't joking!" Hahaha!
  19. @Tath99 Heartbeat for Endurance Crash and Out of Endurance SFX Mod now available on the CoH Modder Tool!
  20. Hmmm, that could be interesting. A heavy Heartbeat in place of the current crash sounds like a huge improvement. I think I will work on that tonight.
  21. and @Snowsarn About the only thing I can think of would maybe be the sound of a whistling pole, like what Neo had going on with the courtyard 100 Agent Smiths fight?
  22. @Bolt of Purity That mod for Jacobs ladder is finished. Look for Jacob's Ladder SFX Booster Mod on the CoH Modder Tool! Enjoy!
  23. I am sorry that I missed this, I have just seen it. Yes, you will need a sound folder, however, with the new CoH Modder Tool you won't need to worry about it. if you use the Modder Tool, it will put all the files you need into your CoH folder for you.
  24. That may happen soon. I made a Terminator Plasma Rifle SFX Mod for Mercs, so now that I have all of the files for them, I may put something like this together. In the meantime, I suggest trying out the Terminator Plasma Rifle Mod for Mercs and see how you like that, you might just decide you like that better.
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