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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Now this is one hell of an idea.,..thank you for that +1
  2. I feel that many of you are missing the point of this thread as the majority are asking for a quicker recharge where as I am asking for more staying time. I understand that we can close to perma them and honestly, them being perma is not even something I strive for. What I do strive for is that when I click on the ability, they last longer than 60 seconds. Since I do not want to throw an imbalance to the game by doing this, I am offering a sacrifice of some kind in order to allow them more staying time. The sacrifice however is the tricky part, because that will be the part that almost nobody will agree to. I am not asking for faster recharge, I am asking for longer stay times while re-balancing the recharge or in some other way to compensate for more staying time.
  3. One thing that slightly bothers me about Phantom Army, is that it reminds me of the Elec Pet on a Blaster...you know, the click and point pet that doesn't last long, moves too slowly and requires you to summon it way too often to be much use for me personally in today's game? Yeah, that pet. Phantom Army comes pretty close to giving me that same feeling. You summon them, but they are gone pretty fast and don't last very long. For me it is borderline if they are worth taking at all...although I do admit, I take them. I am also on the other hand one of those people who hates the power creep that has taken place in this game. I find the game to be WAY too easy now and really miss the days when the game was actually a bit of a challenge. So when I ask for a buff, I do so in a way that I hope does not bring even more power creep to the game. So when I ask that Phantom Army last longer, I do so in asking that we also increase the recharge time, or slightly nerf their DPS...or something. I don't want to see anymore power creep in the game, but I would like the QoL change of them lasting long enough that they do not turn in to a constant click and point power. I would rather summon them and forget about them and know they will be there to help long enough for me to feel like they were helpful beyond a single mob. So first question is simple and should garner simple responses: Should Phantom Army last longer? Second question is not so simple: How should we implement changes to where if they are given more staying power, they are balanced in other areas to allow for this WITHOUT pissing people off who do not wish them to be nerfed in other areas to compensate? What changes could be made that people would be okay trading for more staying time?
  4. Exactly, you are a God Send, my man. Much love to ya for that, Knight. 🙂
  5. MaleTaunt6 is the only taunt file used for males in game now...no other taunt file is used anymore. There used to be different files usedd based on what type of character you had. Extra Large males used to have a different taunt than normal sized males. Not anymore, now they are all the same. The file you pulled that I was able to make a mod out of is no longer used. That is why I could not find it in the pigg files...it wasn't there. What you seemed to have tapped in to is a storage archive bin of some sorts that had the unused file. It's all good though, I simply used the original taunt bite and changed the name so that the game would use it instead. Correction: MaleTaunt4 is the only file used for male taunts now.
  6. I can also change volumes if that is your main issue with the sound bite? Otherwise, trust me, I will do the power justice. I'll put something together that will make it sound appealing to listen to. I do like it as it is, but I can see how some could be annoyed by it since it is pretty loud and popping, heh.
  7. The Taunt Mod is now on the CoH Modder Tool! Thanks so much for locating that, Knight. Absolutely fantastic!
  8. The taunt has been posted on Solarverse's Consolidated List of Mods and is now available via the CoH Modder Tool! Enjoy!
  9. I don't currently have a mod for that, but keep checking back. Any time I get bored or get a wild hair up my rear, I check this forum to see what requests have been made and I make mods if possible. One day you will look at this thread and find your new mod for Hasten! 🙂
  10. I'm almost certain the Elec snipe activation is server side. I could be wrong, but that is another power I can"t alter.
  11. Could it be the file is located server side? If so, can we get others fom server side that no longer exist?
  12. I will be making that mod as soon as I get home tonight.
  13. Holy sh*t, where did you find the 4th one down? I went through all of those taunts! The 4rth one down is it!
  14. I went through all of them except the city named folders. It's nowhere to be found.
  15. Just to reiterate what I said on another post so others will know, that taunt file no longer exists and I can't find it on any other mirror sites either. If I ever stumble across that file, I will be all over it. 🙂
  16. I have tried. That taunt file no longer exists and I can't find it on any other mirror sites either. So I came up with lion and panther growl taunts instead. If I ever stumble across the original taunt sound bite, trust me, I will be all over it.
  17. I use this mod myself. It works fine for males as well IMO. Great mod. I can add it to this list if you like?
  18. I'm surprised this thread went the distance. I had bets on this thread being locked by page 8, lol.
  19. ANOTHER UPDATE: If you have downloaded my mods manually, the Modder Tool will not uninstall those files. My suggestion is to delete all Sound Mods from me, then use the Modder Tool to reinstall them. This way you can install and uninstall at will and you do not have to figure out which file goes with which mod. This is especially helpful with the Lightsaber Mod due to those files being used in multiple ways in the game. It's annoying seeing a Ninja Pet whip out a sword and you hear Lightsabers instead of swords when you are not playing your Lightsaber wielding character. So it is helpful to be able to install and uninstall the Lightsaber mod depending on when you play your Duel Blades/Katana characters. Also, anytime a mod gets updated, it is much easier to uninstall those mods and delete them, then reinstall them to get the latest versions if you have them all installed from the CoH Mod Tool instead of if you installed them manually, since updated versions are not available to install manually. So if you have not done so already, please uninstall any manually installed SFX mods and Download @The Philotic Knight's CoH Modder Tool and download all the mods directly from there. It is an extremely useful program and does all of the work for you, while making it easier to install/uninstall at will. If you know of anyone using these mods, please help them out and make this information available to them and spread the word! Thank you!
  20. I'll give you a like for that. Especially for your last statement. I did back you on that though on my last statement as well. So all good. 🙂
  21. One could also say that not everybody wants to rush to the end. Some of us prefer to fight our way there instead of skipping everything, even if we are already level 50 and even if we are just there for the Badge/Merits. So in my eyes, if you want to skip everything, be ready to port me around, because I am not going to be slotting my characters to skip mobs. Unless it is stated up front that the mission/TF is a speed run, you can't expect your team mates to be set up for speed runs/mob skipping. Now if you do broadcast that it is a speed run, then in that case I would agree with you 100%. A player had better come ready to speed run and not require a babysitter.
  22. I agree, seeing the icons float around my body does tend to retract from the immersion a bit.
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