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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Never mind. I should have woke up before posting.
  2. A Hero struggling for life, all hopes in that he pulls through. We need no more fallen heroes.
  3. That will for sure happen quite often if Null grants this as an option, lol. I can easily see that happening MANY times, haha.
  4. Good deal. The reason I ask is because I simply link to the Modder Tool download. I'll get them posted up shortly.
  5. Dark Control Slight Alterations With this mod enjoy an Umbra Beast that actually sounds like a Shadow Hound from hell rather than a cute back yard dog! His attacks sound more violent and he now roars with fright than bark with glee. Furthermore your Haunt's attacks will sound like they have Dark Melee rather than a cute little paw scratching at a wood door. With this Mod your Haunts and your Umbra Beast will sound like a force to be reckoned with! Available exclusively on the CoH Modder Tool!
  6. Quick question before I add this to the front page, have you uploaded these to the Modder Tool?
  7. I agree...at least visually anyway. Maybe a Null the Gull option to do away with the visual of Stealth. I have some characters who loves the visuals and some who do not. I think that would be a great option. Let you stay in Stealth where NPC's and Players cannot see you, but be rid of the visual for yourself and team mates...perhaps.
  8. I don't think anyone here for one second just automatically accepted the statement made toward deliberate saboteurs. I think instead people overlooked that part and just helped the OP to learn a new trick. I myself was going to suggest requesting SG member's help, or specifically state that you are running a strict badge run before forming the team, to up the chances of getting the badge. Sometimes you just have to overlook people's broad statements especially in a case where very little (actually no) detail was given. Is it possible? Sure...teenagers. I was a teen once and was known to do some pretty mean things to people when I was young, especially anyone who I felt was a "goodie two shoes" or a "nerd." However, I grew up and I myself am a "goodie two shoe" and a "nerd." Life is more fun that way. Me personally, unless somebody gets a crowd up in arms to go on a witch hunt, I typically just let it roll off if I am not up to the task to ask questions and investigate the validity of the accusation. It's just not worth it IMO. Life is just too short IMO. 🙂
  9. I actually had that name for my Dark/Dark Stalker. Then I realized I was never going to play him so I let it go. If you are on Excelsior, then you probably picked it up sometime after I let it go. Good name, I just couldn't justify holding on to it since I never played him, nor intended to.
  10. OH YES I CAN!!! /deletes General Channel See! I have successfully silenced every damn last one of them! Muh hahahahaha! 😈
  11. Right you are. And a Blaster's original inherent was that the lower their health got, the higher the damage that they did. This became problematic when Blaster players loved riding on the edge of death and actually chewed anyone out who dared heal them. This was also problematic in PvP where Blasters would fly really high above their intended target, then drop out of the sky (which puts them to 1 health) and then would one to two shot anything standing. It was a great system for the Blaster, but it caused to many issues with team members on teams who would try to heal them and it caused too many balance issues in PvP.
  12. Same, I suddenly crashed the other night while ToTing, first time this game has ever crashed since I built this new PC. I'll do some ToTing tonight and see how it goes.
  13. I have created a Staff Mod named Staff Mastery Hard Hitting SFX. It's posted up on the CoH Modder Tool. Also, if you don't like that one, delete it and try out the other one listed by @Zed, if mine is not what you are looking for, Zed's might be right up your ally. At least now you have a couple to pick from. Enjoy!
  14. I'm too tired tonight, but I will add them to the front page tomorrow, thanks, man! (P.S. AM not trying to step on toes with my latest mod for Staff Fighting, it was actually requested and after hearing yours, yours is much different and damn good as well. Just didn't want you thinking I was trying to pull any kind of funny stuff, hehe.)
  15. To be more specific, that rounded tailor made stitched in and custom designed to fit the costume look, like it was built in to the costume rather than pinned on?
  16. So, we have this... So how hard would it be to take that, and add other options to get say...this... \ Or maybe one that is just a diamond stud, or a lightening bolt stud, or a star stud...the possibilities are limitless.
  17. As you can see by previous response though, any attempt made to make fights last longer and/or increase the difficulty of the game is met with torches and pitchforks. I am only trying to work within the boundaries that the players of this server have established. I don't think we should just leave things as they are either. So if we can't make the game more difficult so that Defenders, Controllers and Corruptors play a bigger role on teams, and if we can't buff those classes to give them a bigger role on teams, then what do we have left? Something somewhere has to give. Otherwise we leave Corruptors, Defenders and Controllers feeling inadequate indefinitely. That is a pipe that won't stay sealed forever, if we leave them as is without increasing difficulty of the game, eventually that pipe is going to burst, IMO.
  18. To be fair, other requests have been introduced that attempts to balance the game on more lasting battles and they always get shut down by the players. Nobody seems to want the game more challenging, so what other choice do we have? I do not see any other logical way bring balance to the game since other ideas have been repeatedly shot down.
  19. On the contrary, I'm trying to make them as relevant as the other classes in the game today. How many times have you seen people say that they feel like they are not contributing to a team unless they are involved in an AV fight or a GM fight. How many times have Defenders and Corruptor and even Controller players complained that they feel useless on a team? The direction this game has taken has created an environment where mobs and even AV's die so quickly, that the support classes feel like they are just filling spots on a team rather than giving real contribution. I don't think this is just in people's heads. I think there is merit to this and I am just trying to think of ways to improve the sets without making them stupid OP that gives the player who plays them a feeling of being adequate. At one time, the players who felt support classes were left behind in the class balance game were viewed by me as it "all being in their head and not based on anything tangible or real logic." Since then I have grown to realize that maybe there is more to it than something that is just "in their heads." I do think it is time for the data team to take a look and I think it is time for the Devs to sit and talk about this and figure out...is it time for a rebalance of Support Classes? And if so, which support classes need the rebalancing?
  20. For when it was created in conception. However, the game has changed so much since then. Back then IO's were not even invented yet. This is why I feel the change is needed...or at least a change is due to be considered and discussed over the table by the Devs to determine if a change is required or not.
  21. In all fairness, I did suggest at one point that the actual damage gets scaled back a bit to allow for the Scourge buff. The primary issue with Scourge that people are having (I see this mentioned in game extremely often) is that Scourge only seems to proc when it is pointless to do so. I would simply like to make it relevant beyond AV and GM fights. Sure, not everyone is going to agree, but those are the reasons regardless.
  22. Which is the reason I feel that Scourge needs to have a chance to proc starting with a 5% chance at level 100, scaling up to 100% chance to proc at 10% Health. And since I feel that is the buff they need (even solo this is a problem, it's not really just a team specific issue) I think the only way to balance it out is by increasing the Defender Base Damage modifier to be the same was what a Corrupter has. That way Defenders remain relevant DPS wise, they just won't get the benefit of Scourge and the extra DPS it would provide if Scourge is modified.
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