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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Scourge, although IMO needs work, works the same on or off teams. So no, I can't really agree with that without being more specific.
  2. Yeah, I mean, what I am trying to figure out is two things. A: Do Corruptors need a better version of Scourge that scales in chance to proc starting from 100% with a 5% chance to Scourge all the way down to 10% with chance to Scourge at 100%. B: If Corruptors get this buff (which in my opinion is needed for class balance, not because the game needs to be easier) do Defenders deserve to to have their base damage increased to that of a Corruptor, just with no Scourge in order to keep them relevant. If the answer to question A is a yes, then the answer to question B would logically also have to be a yes. If the answer to question A is a no, and the majority of people feel that Corruptors are fine as is, then the answer to question B would be equally apparent. That is pretty much where we stand right now. The problem with Vigilance, is that it only benefits most when solo and does little to help with team DPS. I understand it has other benefits when on a team, but IMO those benefits do not hep a team much in end game, since most built characters do not have an issue with endurance anyway. So on teams, in my opinion Vigilance is not exactly a helping passive to the Defenders. It's very useful solo, but that's pretty much the extent of its usefulness IMO.
  3. That only works solo and decreases in value as you build members of a team.
  4. You and Twixt would have gotten along great. You should read his work sometime. His thesis mimics exactly what you say here.
  5. Quite the opposite. I have stated that Corruptors get a higher chance to Scourge starting at 100% health, and also suggested Defenders get an increase of base Damage that mimics what a Corruptors is. I would not request a nerf for Defenders. I love Defenders just as much as I do Corruptors.
  6. Spiderman's webs are a device he uses, not a power. If he did not have the tech to make web cartridges, his travel power would be Super Jump. Superman did not start flying until the first cartoon of Superman came out. This was the point when Superman flew for the very first time. Before that time, Superman's only means to travel was Super Jump.
  7. Not sure why, but the SFX bite for Mask Presence no longer plays when you activate the ability.
  8. If you want to hear the sound before the game comes back up, the destination is data\sound\ogg\dog....and it should be the only file there. Just right click it and hit play.
  9. Yeah, I think we broke the server toting. Also, if that is not to your liking, let me know. It wasn't hard to change it. What I did was combine the Direwolf howl and the Ice Blaster's Frost attack with the Ice Controller's Flash Freeze ability. I personally think it sounds amazing now...you be the judge.
  10. Done. Go to your CoH Modder Tool and look up Beast Mastery Direwolf Frostbreath Mod.
  11. Sometimes, but not often in my experience. They still only seem to Scourge when they would have died otherwise. It's simply just not consistent enough for me to feel like Scourge was a very well thought out inherent IMO. I'm not saying it never Scourges, but most often it only Scourges when my target would have died regardless outside of a Boss fight on max diff, as Bill had mentioned.
  12. First let me say, that I am soooo glad that my interpretation of the base damage between Corruptors and Defenders was wrong. I am very pleased that the community showed me that I was wrong instead of just going with what I had believed to be true. Having said that, I still feel their damage output is not enough. I feel Scourge outside of AV and GM fights is near useless and should scale all the way from 100% health with having a 5% chance to scourge, all the way down to 10% health with the 100% chance to scourge. I think that would make a big enough difference to bring them where they should have always been. And this is coming from somebody who hates buffing sets in game because I find the game already overly easy. However, I also believe in class balance. Also, I believe a Defender should have the same base damage values as a Corruptor, only no scourge. I think if scourge were to be implemented as stated here, that alone would set Corruptor's damage output far above a Defender's even if a Defender's damage were buffed to match the base damage of a Corruptor.
  13. This right here. I have yet to use the new General Channel. I have absolutely no use for a channel that is just full of chit chat and has very little to do with the game. I was all in favor of that channel so that type of discussion could stop being posted on LFG chat. Now that all that ruckus is gone, I just can't bring myself to even have that channel up. When I make a new character, that is the first thing that I do is remove that channel from my chat box. Like you said, if you do not like the type of chat in a channel, leave that channel. It's really that simple.
  14. My first experience of Pac-Man was the home entertainment Atari version. Then I tried it at the arcades and played Mr.s Pac-Man, Super Pac-Man, then a few of the console games over the course of the years. In after all that time, I still prefer the old home entertainment Atari version. Same can be said for a lot of games that has evolved over the years. I speak for myself only here, but I can say with 100% accuracy that the way I miss the game the way it was (mechanics anyway and the level of difficulty and the old progression of travel at 14, cape at 20 and Aura at 30, along with HO's being the best enhancements you could get) pre i5, is the game I will always consider to be the best version of this game. The things I would add are the new costume options, the new power sets and the new TFs and missions. I'm not a huge fan of the "You wouldn't like it if you actually had it once the nostalgia wore off" argument because here it is, 1 year later and I am still playing City of Heroes now...and the nostalgia for this game has worn out a long time ago. I play it because I enjoy it, but I would enjoy the pre i5 mechanics more, heh. And before I get ripped by somebody for saying that, once again I am not pushing for Homecoming to change, I am just giving my opinion as to what some of us find to be the better version of the game and defending against the "nostalgia" argument that not only gets used here on these forums, but also gets used a lot about other games as well. 🙂
  15. Yeah, I ran a few tests on a level 11 (with zero enhancements and no resist to slow or -recharge) just to see how much difference it made against him. The Slows were barely noticeable. Like, really, the slow effect was very poor. The -recharge however was actually on par with what I had expected. I think the problem is though is that everyone builds for +Recharge which seems to negate any -recharge affect from Cold. With this, I think I am going to go rethink my life, heh.
  16. Trying it again vs a level 11 Warshade against my fully IOed out Ice/Cold Corruptor. It slows his run speed down a bit, but nowhere near like it used to. I know diminishing returns and all, but man. One difference here though is that the recharge has been reduced against this character. So the -recharge takes affect, but the -speed seems to be off by comparison by a huge amount. However, keep in mind this is vs something that has zero enhancements and is level 11, heh. In any case, I think in PvP today where people build for slow resist and +Recharge, I think Cold Corruptors or Defenders have probably seen better days in PvP. So apparently it works, I am just not so sure it is working as intended.
  17. I don't think it is working as intended then. To test further, I took a level 20 Scrapper, turned off all Shields and put him up against my 50 Ice/Cold. The results were the same as they are with a well built character of even level. I would make a video but that is prohibited right now.
  18. I had forgotten that I had modified that mod during a time that the Mod Tool was down so even though it saved on my end it did not upload to the server. It has now been updated to v8.
  19. I ran a few tests using two accounts today just to see how good my slows are. Wow, they don't do anything worth mentioning these days from what my test results showed me. I remember in the old days, my Ice/Cold Corruptor would just make a Stalker's life completely miserable. Now...well, doesn't seem to matter what I throw at him, even a low level toon with zero resist to slows or -recharge seems unaffected from my Slowing abilities. The only thing I noticed was the Jump Height had been lowered considerably, but that was pretty much it. Is that the way slows are going to remain in PvP? I was very disappointed with the results. I had actually considered giving PvP another roll, but if those results are going to be the extent of my -recharge and slowing abilities, I think I'll hang that idea up. Am I missing something here or doing something wrong?
  20. The worst I have seen is some guy in the LFG chat telling everyone how much this game sucked. Anyone who disagreed with him or asked him why was he playing the game if that was the way he felt, he IN ALL CAPS AT ALL TIMES would berate them for questioning his authority on what constituted a good game. Needless to say, it wasn't long after that he suddenly vanished even though he was on a role with his soap box. One can only assume he got the ban hammer. That was almost a year ago. I might have ran in to 3 or 4 players in the past year who I consider toxic. However, once they show themselves to be toxic, they almost always end up on my ignore list. I start and run TF's very often, daily. If somebody ends up on my ignore list it is usually because they were acting like a jerk and starting arguments with other players. I consider it their loss for making my ignore list because that is just one less player willing to form TF teams that they will not be getting in to...ever again. About the same can be said about these forums. They were a bit rough before, but a lot of us forum posters have grown to know and respect each other...so these forums are nowhere near as rough as they were when the game was first re-released. People have learned to respect one another, forgive one another and the ones that can't respect or forgive, most likely moved on to other games or other servers. Like I said though, 3 or 4 players in the past year. That is an extremely small number for an MMO IMO. Toxic community? Riiiight. I call hogwash on anyone who makes that claim. The stuff they wrote about this server...not in my experience.
  21. There is a good reason for that too. 😉 We've got Homecoming's backs.
  22. I was more specifically talking about the character creation screen where you can see the stats on the powers and scale the level. As far as DPS in Mids go, I give up using that as any source of reliable damage information. I never was naive to think it was spot on, but hell, I figured it was at least close. But yeah, if you look at my screen shots on my Mids values, you'll see where I ahd turned off Vigilance there...sadly I don't think there is a way to do it in the ability information box in the character creation screen though...which really throws off the base values for Defenders there and can be very misleading in team situations.
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