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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. NEW MOD VERSION UPDATE If your mod does not have the current version listed below, please remove the mod and uninstall it and install it again to update the version. I suggest creating a backup of your current zip file just in case you dislike the newer versions that way you can always replace the new back with the old. AGGRESSIVE SAVAGE MELEE (V6) FLIGHT REALISTIC SFX MOD (V4) FROZEN FOOT STOMP SFX MOD (V3) HASTEN OPTIONAL SFX (V2) KINETIC MELEE SOUL MAGE MOD (V2) LIGHTNING IMPROVED SFX MOD *NOW WITH ZAP* (V4) MERC TERMINATOR SFX MOD (V6) NO FADE ORBITING DEATH SFX MOD (V3) OG MALE TAUNT SFX MOD (V2) PSIONIC BLAST MOVIE SFX MOD (V8) SLIGHT CLAWS ADJUSTMENTS MOD (V5) STALKER OG SFX MOD (V3) TERMINATOR PLASMA RIFLE SFX FOR BEAM RIFLE (V7)
  2. Quick question. I have updated a few mods during the down time. Will those be automatically uploaded to the server now that the Mod Tool is operational again or do I need to re-upload them with the latest versions?
  3. @The Philotic Knight Works like a charm, damn good work, man. Thank you!
  4. @The Philotic Knight Okay, I have updated the Mod Tool (I see there is a version update to v1.6) and this is the new error that prevents it from populating the Mods. Hope this is helpful to you.
  5. So, I finally found that file for Zap. I added a new SFX to it, but I won't be able to update the mod until the CoH Mod Tool comes back online. So keep your eyes out and I will post back when it is uploaded. @damienray Okay, it's uploaded. Enjoy your new updated version of the Lightning SFX with the new Snipe SFX! Sorry it took so long, that file was hidden pretty good.
  6. Does anyone remember why Metallic 2 was not ported over to the Huge Males and Females? Was there some type of graphical issue that caused it to never be ported?
  7. Yes it is. Knight will have it fixed once he sees his inbox.
  8. I would never expect Homecoming to do this. Just hoping a bunch of old school know-hows come along and create one though on their own, heh.
  9. @The Philotic Knight I guess that damn file reared its ugly face again. Is there anything that I can do on my end to correct this? Maybe make a new version even if it stays the same?
  10. This right here. We have all worked collectively to get his Mod Tool mainstreamed in to the community. The idea behind it is to be the one stop and drop way to load and unload all mods the CoH Community has to offer and it allows people not comfortable with tinkering with the CoH Folder the freedom to download mods using a tool that does the job for them. I highly suggest downlaoding the CoH Modder Tool and uploading that to the database.
  11. Oh come on! You mean the Devs did not join the Nemesis to conspire a new plan to bring City of Heroes to the ground in a repulsive, evil Nemesis plot?!?!? How disappointing! >:)
  12. I would not want to lose TK. It's extremely useful when used correctly...and that power is so iconic that it would be a damn shame if they removed it.
  13. I have mentioned in previous posts that the perfect server for me would be a server that had all the goodies from today, costumes, bases, zones, story arcs, and the works, but in a setting with the old school mechnics and difficulty. I would happily give up IOs and set bonuses for that experience. 🙂
  14. @Greycat Honestly, as you described the original Hollows experience, I was foaming at the mouth. Like, all of it. I rather enjoyed the whole thing. Each QoL change made it less enjoyable for me. That may sound insane, but it made your heart skip beats when you were close to death because you knew what you had to go through to get back if you died and nobody had a heal or TP. The sudden mob spawns were intense as well. I miss that, "Oh shit oh shit oh shit!!!" *DEAD* panic the game gave me, lol.
  15. Looks like the code to use the hit file for Gravitic Emanation has been removed as well. You hear the attack, but no hit. Devs, can we please do the same with this as well? I'm on my knees here!
  16. Man, I have been defending sounds in this game since way early on during live. It's partially what motivated me to make Sound Mods. One of my first mods was bringing back the "whine/hum" that Peace Bringers had but was taken away. From there, I went nuts with Sound Mods, heh. And now, the battle continues!
  17. Translation: He calmly requests we have a way to add back the original sound. 😄
  18. You sure did explain it a lot more elegantly than I did, thank you, lol.
  19. Sorry, man. I have to admit that this is a bit of a touchy subject to me because every time I try to express my opinion on it, somebody always seems to want to tell me, "maybe this is not the game for you" or "maybe you would be happier on another server" or the worst one, "just play with DO's, problem solved." All of those responses are common when I express my opinion and all of those comments piss me straight off because this issue is so much more deeper than just swapping out enhancements for DOs. I don't argue against it because I feel if somebody can't comprehend why that is just a spit in the face thing to say, then I don't have the energy to want to further communicate my point of view to them. So yeah, I can get a bit defensive on this subject because it's A: A subject where I take a stance on it as an extreme minority and B: Somehow I always end up being treated like I need to go play someplace else. My comment was kind of defensive and I do not wish for you to take it personally. You caught me at a moment when I felt like my back was against a wall (chances are, all in my head and not the reality) so you didn't exactly catch me at my best moment. I am sorry that I read too much in to what you said. My apologies.
  20. I'm not the one asking for it, pal. I'm just sympathizing. Is that okay with you or did you just want to pick a fight today?
  21. I never found it to be problematic in the first place. The whole system made complete sense to a lot of people in those days. It sure beat the dumbed down version of the game we have today IMO. It's like we went from a game that was meant to challenge players to a game that 5 year olds could play. Sorry that you can't fathom how I or anyone like me preferred the game in the old times...not even sure why that bothers you since clearly players who prefer it the way it is now got their way and the players who opposed the direction the game went did not. You need to realize, the game may be what you wanted it to be now...but I remember a time when the clear and obvious majority of forum posters back in those days did not want the game to be put to a point where everything is practically handed to you. The instant gratification crowd won that battle...while the crowd who believed the best things come to those who wait and work for it lost. So at the end of the day, you won the day because you got what you wanted out of the game...and ultimately I did not.
  22. Yeah, I don't think either one of us will get our way on any of our nostalgic dreams of what once was but will never be again, lol.
  23. Yes...we do. You may think that is ridiculous, but you gotta understand that those of us who "want that back" find the current state of the game equally rediculous where everyone has everything handed to them up front with no effort at all. That's just not everyone's cup of tea.
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