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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. What bothered me most about CO was two main things... They never came out with an Energy Power Set (petty, I know, but my main has always been an Energy Based character, if I cannot recreate an Energy Blaster, I lose interest pretty fast) And most of all, nobody teamed unless they used the queue system to fight the 5 minute battles. When the game was new, people teamed regularly and played the actual content of the game, the stories. Back when you started the game in Canada (or the Desert) you teamed up often, it was great and I loved it. It had the CoH feel to it. Suddenly, they added the Queue system where you go in, kill the boss, rinse repeat for stupid high XP and that utterly killed the PvE experience for me. That pushed me to play solo (because I enjoyed the story arcs) which eventually pushed me to pure boredom. Any time I requested Energy Manipulation for the game, it was always met with, "We have energy, it's called Ice, Fire, Elec and Force" was the answer I got. They just didn't understand where I was coming from, which ultimately lead me to not understand where the game was coming from, which that plus the teaming issues equaled my exodus from the game. City of Heroes promotes teaming like no other game I have ever played, and that is the primary reason I love this game with so much passion. This game puts the Multiplayer in the word MMO unlike no other game out there. And the majority of the player base for this game are people I would hang out with and drink a few with...which for me is rare, because I am not the world's biggest fan of people in every day life. This game brings forth like-minded people unlike any other...and for this, I will always have this community's back.
  2. There is literally a thread just like this one in which many of your issues have already been addressed . Why did you feel the need to create yet another identical thread?
  3. Well yes, there will always be somebody asking for more. So I guess the next question is, how much space is reasonable? 1500 characters to me, for a game like this, is not very reasonable. I think it's close though, for me personally I think 2000 is right on the money. However, that same statement of "there will no doubt be people yet again asking for more" can be applied to every single request made on this forum...and I do mean all of them. No matter what people ask for, it's never enough. So should we apply that statement to every single request that comes down the pipeline, and just leave it at that, or do you think increasing it to 2000 is actually a reasonable request that can be seen as a delightful QoL and very much productive to the game? I see "people will just want more" as the most common hard stance toward almost any request made on the forums these days...and to a certain point of view, this is the white and black with no grey area way of seeing things. Let's be honest here though, this is an MMO and MMO's grow...I don't see this particular request asking for a little extra space to type your biography as a negative request, but rather a step in the right direction to help see the game grow; albeit in a very minor way, however, this would be a small way to help the game grow when seen through my mind. No matter what request comes down the pipeline, we can easily brush that request off with "people will just ask for more." So I guess the question remains would be, is this a reasonable request which would be a positive way to help the game grow, or a negative one? Edit: Edited for clarity
  4. All is well, went to Echo Atlas and there she is. Getting her out now, thanks all, lol.
  5. Trying to get her to use it now. She is indeed in Echo Atlas
  6. I suspected that she was actually in Paragon Chat, not Excelsior, but she is even clicking the Excelsior Server and still ending up in a ghost town. I just realized there is no Echo Atlas Park...so now what I am wondering is if she is stuck in an instance of Atlas that no longer exists?
  7. UPDATE My friend was stuck in Echo Atlas Park, once I figured out where she was, it was just a matter of time getting her out. Thanks for everyone's help. Friend is clicking Excelsior server, enters and is in Atlas, but nobody else is around. I told them they are probably in Echo Atlas, but when they go to the train to switch maps, they get red letters telling them they cannot use the train. Their Manifest is right, they even get Excelsior as an optional server, yet they are stuck in some solo Atlas. Any ideas?
  8. It's an old account I made years ago just for that upload. I don't even have access to that youtube account anymore. It says I uplaoded it back in 2007...and I don't know if that upload was immediate or if I reuploaded it later on. Some of the costume pieces I am seeing suggests after issue 7 at very least which was June of 06, just shortly after CoV came out. I am also wearing Villain costume parts, which means it took place after heroes were granted access to villain parts. I think that happened in issue 7 as well.
  9. I honestly can't say. I *heard* that Black Hole is the same it's always been, even the description indicates nothing has changed because it's the same description. Dimension Shift: Location-targeted AoE toggle. This power folds space in an area, immobilizing and phasing all targets within the sphere. Enemies who enter the area become immobilized and phased for the duration of the effect. Allies who enter the sphere's area of effect will enter the phase as well, allowing them to combat phased enemies. Detoggling this power ends the effect, bringing the phased creatures back into the physical world. Maintaining this dimensional distortion is taxing on the user, and cannot be done for more than 20 seconds. Black Hole on the other hand: Opens up a Black Hole to the Netherworld that temporarily pulls in all foes within its grasp. The victims become phase shifted and are completely intangible. They are hard to see, and cannot affect or be affected by those in normal space. Yeah, Black Hole could use some love...but as far as Dimension Shift, I would say that is a great mechanic and the most unique power in game. It can frustrate team mates though, since most players don't understand how it works. Most people think it's the same as the old version. So I save it for mobs that over aggro more than a tank can handle and phase them out while the team works on the other mob. If anyone complains, I explain to them that all they need to do is enter the bubble to attack the mobs. That is usually followed up with, "Oh wow, that is cool...now I'm going to have to make a Grav!" 😄
  10. I like those ideas. What brought this on, is that I have a German character who goes by the name of Cinderhawk. His costume is of German Flag colors, he was born shortly (within days) after the rise of Hitler, which was all the more reason for his parents to hide the fact that he was born with powers of fire. At the age of 3, his parents fled Germany to America for fear of what Hitler was doing to their country. Once the war was over, his parents went back to Germany because they felt a certain responsibility to clean up after the war had ended and Germany was left in ruins. My character stopped aging at the age of 30, keeping his secrets of fire powers all that time, but his friends continued to age and started noticing and making comments on how my character seemed to stay youthful. When the comments went from being jokes to being closer to accusations, at the age of 42, he left Germany in fear of people learning the truth, he knew he had to leave before it became any more obvious. He went back to America where he discovered a City full of people with powers such as himself, where he had helped Statesman and given his name, Cinderhawk, during his time spent in the Hero Brigade, when the 5th Column attacked. Since then he has been defending Paragon City at every turn and standing up for what is morally right, all the while trying his hardest to stay out of politics or any political affiliations. Now...that is the short version...which explains why I am here making this thread, lol. 😄
  11. What's wrong with Demension Shift? I use mine often, especially after they reworked it. As far as it becoming a sleep, please not. Sleeps are pointless unless it is the AoE Elec Sleep that refreshes. Can't say about Black Hole, but Demension Shift is perfect. They are only unaffected if you are standing outside the shift. If you move inside, you phase with them and can attack and be attacked.
  12. If memory serves, it was actually less at one time.
  13. This has been suggested since the dawn of CoH, so I figure it's due for another go at it. What exactly is stopping this from having more characters (letters) allowed? I can't remember the reasons given (if any) for us only having a limited space to put in a character description. Is it even possible?
  14. Damn it, Jim! I'm going to have to figure out what is causing my issue then. Thanks for getting back with me on that.
  15. That only saves that chat bubble settings...at least that's all it saves for me. My chat box with all the tabs however are always coming up as default. So unless I am stuck in some type of bug, all that does is save your chat bubble settings.
  16. That's because Jack Emmert never bothered to take into consideration of what the players were asking for on the forums. He completely ignored the player base. I simply don't like the guy...at all...not even a little.
  17. Hmmm, I was unaware that was even a thing. I'm going to give that a try. So basically once I have my chat settings the way that I like them, I simply type /chat_save chat.txt and that's it? Or am I thinking too hard on this?
  18. I was like, "wait what? Excelsior the lowest pop? When did that happen!?!?" haha
  19. Hi! My name is Kal and I am an altoholic. And since I am an altoholic, setting up my chat boxes each time I create a new character before I even start playing the game can be insanely frustrating. One of the first things I do is turn off General Chat. I honestly couldn't possibly care less about anything being said in that particular chat and I delete it all together. Then I move on to customize the existing chats by giving LFG chat it's dedicated tab, then I give my team chat and make it associated with anything I would need to see on a team, such as NPC chat, local chat, emotes, pet chat, tells and Team chat. Then I make another chat box an put my Global SG Chat on that chat box's only tab. Then I put my server chat (which I never use...but...) and give it it's own tab as well. Then I make a rewards tab, a combat tab and a system info tab. This can take a bit of time, even after doing it a thousand times or more throughout the years that I have been playing CoH. I would love if we could get a QoL change allows these changes to automatically apply upon character creation login. Just an idea. 🙂
  20. Also, if you want that file silenced, just move the file to a music maker of any type, turn down the volume to nothing (or if it's too loud you can adjust the volume to your liking) and then place the .ogg file back in the Powers folder and you are good to go.
  21. This does not silence Repel's Hit, but it does change it to something that I personally find to be more appealing to the ears. This is my personal mod, but since you are inquiring, here you go, you are more than welcome to have at it. Just unzip the file and place the Data Folder in your CoH folder and the files will do the rest. Repel Hit Rework.zip
  22. I will only answer your last question because the rest is opinion vs opinion and I don't wish to challenge your opinion. I'm not feeling very argumentative today, lol. 😄 Your last question though, "Why would someone be able to instantly discern the difference between us and our clones?" Why would they stand there and beat on the PA's but not you? Wouldn't that beating be more equal if the NPC's can't discern the difference between us and our clones? I'm not saying make the PA's not gain any aggro at all, (even though I did pretty much say that, I just did not mean it quite so literal) I'm saying set the aggro to the same as the aggro level of the Dom so that the aggro is shared, not taken. We can't make them mortal because they do illusion damage which is only temporary damage, so making them mortal, we would have to make that damage permanent as well, right? I just feel that if we took away their aggro control and put their aggro table along the same lines as the user while leaving everything else about them alone, we would have a lot less sad and disappointed pandas once/if this hits live.
  23. Makes more sense to drop the aggro management from PA completely and leave the rest alone. Reason being; how many times have you hit an illusion target and just kept beating on it? Never, right? So why should the NPC's? I say remove the aggro and let'er rip!
  24. I'll work on that today and see what I can come up with. Curious, does the villain version still sound different than the hero version or did the Devs finally make them the same?
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