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Everything posted by TheAdjustor

  1. Damn after the other threads today it's nice to see a good one. I'd amplify that and let you have multiple waypoints that could all be cleared with a /clear_whatever command.
  2. In troll thread trolls do trollish things. I know this is ridiculous but this thread has required reading to see where it came from. I wish I had captured Steampuk/Cutethulu's post before she edited it but it really does illuminate things.
  3. I recently had another thread where I pointed out that people using logical fallacies on the internet usually did so not to add to discussion but rather to shut it down. This is a good example of just that. Having hasten doesn't mean you don't have to slot for recharge. Matter of fact given the recharge curve you need hasten for most sets just to get the overall recharge to where it's no longer beneficial to slot recharge.
  4. Seriously ? This is a superhero game. Maybe you want to make Peasants and Pesos as your game ?
  5. Well that has downsides. It doesn't upset people, it doesn't get you a spot at winning forums for a day, and you don't get to have the schadenfreude from upsetting people. Me I'd like to see hasten left as is, and there be included a new power that would let you get somewhere between 20-35% recharge as a passive. Doesn't change anyone's existing builds. Lets people that don't want to take hasten get a nice level of recharge in their powers, and lets people that want to go for a very high recharge build more leeway in how they go about it.
  6. The Shadow is much more a dark miasma user than a dark armor user. Just think fearsome stare and clouding men's minds
  7. I wouldn't even be against redesigning the game. It actually could be a lot of fun to play, I just don't see the people who are out to pound down nails that stand up as the people to do it. I have said this repeatedly, it's one thing to make changes with the idea of moving the game forward to a consistent vision. It's another thing entirely to go around hitting things because someone raises a forum mob.
  8. So what you are saying is we should also nerf all set IO bonuses. Seeing as anyone can build for 110%+ recharge with very little compromise.
  9. Or we could just not change hasten and add another power pick to the speed pool or another pool that gives 20-35 percent +recharge and call it a day as now people actually have a choice.
  10. Domination ? Not bad it's really not my style of play but I see no problem with other people having it. (The lockdown proc is also quite nice does the same sort of thing and isn't even a power pick).
  11. Kind of curious about that myself seeing if my memory playing tricks on me, it has been in the game since the beginning and went unchanged even after ED. I may have problems with what the Paragon/Cryptic developers were doing with the game and how they went about it, but I am pretty sure they could ADD. (Hell with the exception of the Empath badge, Positron could likely divide when he wanted to)
  12. No that's very much the original position of the goal post. If you are going to tick people the hell off and make changes to the game there needs to be a very good reason for it. So far the delete hasten side doesn't have anything to support their position except perhaps boredom and perhaps desire to participate in a troll thread.
  13. hmmm ? Not getting this. One hasten has fixed cost / 2 minutes it also has a variable cost in that while it does allow you to fire off your stronger powers more often, those same powers cost more end upping your end usage. A single Maneuvers can nearly double your survivability . Going from 40% defense to 45% is an enormous boost. If you have a whole team taking leadership it's a ridiculous advantage
  14. It's a never ending cycle. Tough and Weave next anyone ? They both have the same levels of popularity compared to the rest of the pool powers that hasten has relative to them.
  15. This is a far superior way of looking at this. If I wanted to play Aion, Warcraft or Neverwinter I would. This game offers the most incredible sandbox for building your character I have ever seen in any game, it's where so much of the charm is
  16. You aren't wrong but if you are going to try and re-balance the game you need to be willing to define where it should be balanced in the first place. That's the problem with the "NERF X" in general threads. People don't have a positive direction they want to take the game, they are just being reactionary to something that rubs them the wrong way. It's also the problem with balancing by trying have equal results across the board. Edit: Just on a personal note, there is the whole Melee/not melee balance point issue which is the biggest balance problem in the game by far.
  17. I like the idea of alternatives. In general choices are good, competitive choices even better. Just not so sure about the scaling numbers. You can take hasten level 4 and if you are a bit clevel about how you use it, get around 40% effective recharge (in combat in mission) if you leverage your downtime you can even make better use of it. Anything less than 35% or so is a gimp and something of a noob tap.
  18. I too have no objection to marginal changes to things nobody uses or is ever likely to use. I think you could probably make flurry a zero end use power as well.
  19. Minimally 35% in a pure SO build. ( Kin, SR, Rad etc etc all have plus recharge so they get considerably more.)
  20. I can give you a guess. The game had multiple people over time deciding it's direction and even when it had the same people in charge, they didn't consider game integrity as job 1 so much as maybe job 8.
  21. Okay so when you were posting that things were a joke in that thread, that was what ?
  22. You're just too powerful and a bad person min maxer farmer marketer / sarcasm.
  23. We see this differently but I think we both might be able to agree that it's really dependent what the concept for the game should be and what the defining aspects of that should be. If you don't have a place where you want to get to, it's really hard to argue that making changes or even not making changes is a good or bad thing
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