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Some Random User

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Everything posted by Some Random User

  1. This is exactly the sort of feedback I was looking for. Can you call out any "Reese's Cups"? That meaning unusually good combinations. For example, if (chosen at random) Super Reflexes and War Mace weren't as good individually but when combined were better. What about combinations that undermine each other?
  2. The live devs wanted to discourage using Pool Powers as your main type of attack. You are punished for having them as a part of your attack chain by a 35% debuff to their damage. As a rule, they only inflict 65% of the damage a regular Powerset attack would inflict. I would like to suggest removing this limitation. Please discuss. I'm curious what the community thinks.
  3. Have any plans to do Origin icons? If you want more callouts, how about Fire Manipulation's [Consume]?
  4. Alignment symbols already exist in high-res since they're used as the dais a character stands on before logging in, right? Maybe we can find those files and post them here?
  5. There is a lot of good info here. I've only played two Masterminds over the years, a (Blue side) Robotics/Poison and a (Red side) Demons/Force Field. They're totally different in many ways. I've seen stable Primary Powerset lists, but the Secondary Powersets seem more debatable. I've heard players suggest you just choose by matching Defense/Resistance combinations of the pets to the buffs in the Secondary. I'd like more info from players with experience on this.
  6. I'm reading and comparing each user's feedback. I would prefer to get two or three more lists.
  7. I think the point is that they're not the only fans. This isn't the sort of work that would be limited to a single project. All of the community's servers could use the animations.
  8. Looking for where this is wrong. Please advise: a tier list Indefatigable Bio Armor Fiery Aura Shield Defense Willpower Dark Melee Dual Blades Fiery Melee Radiation Melee Spines Staff Fighting Street Justice Titan Weapons Above Average Dark Armor Electrical Melee Kinetic Melee Martial Arts Psionic Melee Average Electric Armor Invulnerability Stone Armor Super Reflexes Battle Axe Broad Sword Claws Katana Super Strength War Mace Requires A Rework Ice Armor Regeneration Energy Melee Ice Melee Savage Melee Stone Melee
  9. So they know we have a community of willing and able developers? You'd think they don't want to let anyone else be staff for the game or something.
  10. Names/text can have borders. Could we do something with a border?
  11. There is a pinned thread asking for players with coding experience. We need a thread where any players with 3D model animation experience can volunteer to do this work. (Note: Then if there really isn't anyone who can make them we will know.)
  12. Poison would be much better thematically if the debuffs were all hit-you-like-a-truck good single target debuffs, but they never will be because "that bad guy gets no stats now" isn't easy to balance.
  13. I've had similar experiences with each, though I've never combined them.
  14. There's actually a thread going on right now in the Suggestions forum about Poison's animations.
  15. I have a Plant/Savage and I have to say, I'm feeling the E-tier Secondary. Love the layout you used. Good to get something so professional from someone with a hot dog on the brain.
  16. Thank you for this feedback. I'm glad someone pointed out Suzette's project as well, thank you.
  17. I'm asking because these sorts of list are a good way to quickly take the temperature of the community. If there is any big glaring problem, such as bad Powersets that need the staff to pay attention to them, the responses fly in with a consensus really fast. Look at the post above yours for an example of exactly what I mean. That post was exactly what I was expecting!
  18. Which version of the Sentinel Archetype are you going to do? The older black/grey one from Pine's or the current orange one?
  19. I'm loving seeing the enthusiasm with which players are sharing their experiences!
  20. Thank you for the U.R.L. Any others with opinions?
  21. I'm aware that making new animations is a tall order, so unlikely to get. The changes that were already made back in the day included [Envenom] and [Weaken] getting a splash. Context considered, how do you view the O.P.'s suggested animation swaps and changing [Alkaloid] to match, with a half strength effect on any nearby allies?
  22. That's fair. We should fix the Tankers we have, though. Moving on... Your O.P. post was talking about how there are fewer Tanker-related suggested Archetypes. Adding any new Archetype is a big step, so let's show our work. Why do we need another Archetype? What is the new "experience" or niche or playstyle? What do you try to get out of this new idea? Like I keep asking but getting brushed off about, what makes this less melee-focused combatant any different from either adding a few other effect types to Scrappers or slapping an Assault Powerset on a Sentinel? What is the quintessential core of the Archetype? Don't answer with mechanics, as mechanics can be put into existing Archetypes. Example: The Stalkers could have just been Scrappers with a couple new Powersets that had Stealth effects in them. They're not because there really was so much difference in their playstyle that the live devs felt like they had enough to work with there to make Stalkers a whole new Archetype. Another example: The Brutes are not just Scrappers (or Tankers) with different effects, the swapping out of the Passive for a Fury bar and other adjustments to their Archetype facilitate a very different experience from those other Archetypes. What kind of feeling are you trying to achieve?
  23. This sounds more like an argument for going through the Tanker Powersets, one at a time, and rebalancing them.
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