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Everything posted by Bionic_Flea

  1. Pffft . . . I don't know what that big deal is. You should see what my friend can do with a bat!
  2. Yes. I am secretly Zach Bryan and I wrote and performed that for you. No. Don't be ridiculous! It means you have to look into the sunset and be lonely!
  3. Nothing about a knight mentioned, just a white horse.
  4. Now, maybe PLAYERS have given you that impression. But you probably think that those players are secret devs. You seem to enjoy that conspiracy theory. 😜
  5. That's not fair at all. Not only is it not a quote, it's not a paraphrase of anything either. If I'm wrong, please show me where any Dev or GM said something like that. As an attorney, I would think that you would know better than make up quotes.
  6. See? Definitely devito!
  7. Pfft! . . . Dev Johnny Unitas is barely a dev, more like a baby dev, a dev-lette, un devito (in Spanish). 😁
  8. I don't have a Tornadic Flea in my list yet. Maybe Mind/Storm/Leviathan/Fly/Teleport . . . hmm . . . build incoming! Edit: Thus was born Tornadic Flea!!
  9. I am glad that you are having fun running hardmode and you are free to run that or whatever you recruit under your rules -- you made it, so you get to call the shots. But for me, after initially being excited about hardmode content and running Aeon and ITF many times, I have lost interest and only ran 4* LGTF a couple of times outside of some runs while it was on test server. It's been months since I've done any hardmode content. And the reason I have lost interest is because of the requirement that I have x or y powerset and t4 barrier. I have always loved that in this game you could just get a team together and run with whatever and succeed. Incarnate stuff started the gate-keeping at requiring level 50 and then certain Incarnate slots. And now the gate keeping has narrowed that further: level 50, incarnate slots slotted with these things and using these power sets and powers. Again, I am not criticizing Projector or anyone that runs these. Run what you want, how you want, and have fun! You didn't set up the gates, the content did.
  10. I think I agree with Shortguy, at least partially. Now I want to make a character with Group Fly AND Fold Space, make my team float up with Group Fly then use Fold Space and make them try to hit the enemies as they fall. Sounds like fun!
  11. Not the One True Troo.
  12. A name I remember!
  13. Not only did you fix Barrier Reef keeping a player's rename, it remembered the name I had given it last week! Smart pet.
  14. Except it's not. As I and others have pointed out, while Null exists and can be used to turn off group fly, not everyone knows and not everyone remembers. Your position for those people is "too bad, they should have known." And you are also discounting that group flying negatively effects other players. Your "perfectly built" flying MM is preventing me from using my much faster movement speeds to position myself and use certain attacks. Can you not acknowledge that group fly negatively effects other players?
  15. Sorry, I said I was done . . . but I was dragged back in by this statement. Allow me to judo your argument: When someone (you) has access to a tool to make something not a problem (turning off group fly) and they neglect to use it (after being asked to). . . the ball is in that person's (your) court for what comes after (you get booted).
  16. No, sorry. Group fly settings is but one of Null's benefits, and a minor one at that, at least in my opinion. You can change alignments, check Dimensional Warder Progress, Speed buffs, Group Fly, and Mystic Fortune opt outs, and removing the extra pop up power tray. Edit: Since you refuse to acknowledge that you may have been wrong, despite pretty much everyone saying so, I will cease responding and let you vent in peace.
  17. Group fly is a terribly controversial power because it takes agency away from players. It either takes away the ability of the player that chose that power to have flying pets, or it takes away the agency of the players that don't want to fly. Some characters even have powers that can only be used on the ground so that prevents them from using those powers. Yes, you can change that setting at Null but . . . how many people know about that? . . . how many people know about that and forget until they are in a TF with someone else using it? I wish that the power only effected pets UNLESS you changed it at Null. Or that it was a setting that you could change on the fly with a /command. That would prevent problems like the one you had. Finally, no, GMs do not generally get involved in players kicking other players from teams. But you can certainly file a ticket if you want to. Like it or not, the leader built the team and gets a certain amount of authority for doing that. You were asked to stop doing something and you didn't. He has the right to kick you. Just like you have the right never to team with them again.
  18. OY, kids! Get off the road!
  19. *Sigh* Words have meanings and accepted spellings. Sometimes they have alternate spellings but most words have one spelling per language. If you want to make up gibberish words, then sure you can spell them however you want and make them mean whatever you want. However, the rest of the world will have no idea what you are going on about. Edit: And Wavicle proves my point while I was typing. Frushink!
  20. I thought I said exactly that . . .
  21. He's a Lord, not a King. Totally different. But yeah, it's spelled Primacy, and not sure that's the best name for it. But I'm not inventing something completely new that has a very, very low chance* of ever being incorporated into this game. *
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