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Everything posted by Bionic_Flea

  1. That's fair. The prestige ones are permanent temporary powers. An oxymoron if ever their was one.
  2. The temps I used the most are the "Prestige" ones, which I always pick up at level 1 after grabbing an email of starter funds: Prestige Attack - Nemesis Staff, Blackwand, Sands of Mu, and my origin power get used early as an attack filler and late game when I get slowed to hell, have a rage crash, or just need one more range attack. Prestige Travel - Base, Team, and Mission Teleporters, Supergroup Portal, Assemble the Team, Jump Pack, and one of the runs, usually Athletic. I use the teleporters all the time, the portal when they are all on cooldown, and Assemble on TFs. I would add Long Range TP and Ouro Portal to this list, even though not "prestige." Prestige Utility - Return to Battle, Inner Inspiration, Mystic Fortune, Secondary Mutation, Reveal, and Portable Workbench. Return to Battle is hands down the best rez there it. Not only are you standing upright, but you have a full set of inspirations on you to keep you from face planting again. Inner Inspiration I use after converting a few to something I need just to fill up again. The workbench gets used constantly in and out of missions to fill dead time (starting a TF) or when I need to make space because my drops got full. Mystic Fortune is my way of saying "hello" sometimes or as a little friendly buff during TFs. I don't use Secondary Mutation too much for fear of becoming a monkey. And reveal is sometimes necessary to navigate to the end of a mission fast or to find that missing room you just can't seem to find. There's a bunch of other temp powers I always buy from S.T.A.R.T. In order of usage: Jetpack, Envenomed Dagger, Recovery Serum, Back Up Radio, Blue Wisp Pet, Signature Summon - Ranged (for Positron), Plasmatic Taser, Hand Grenade and Stun Grenade, Med Pack, Kinetic Dampener. Probably self evident, but sometimes you need to fly, a little more endurance or heal, extra AoE (especially while leveling), and some help for AVs, especially if solo. All of the powers that you get from missions usually have something to do with the mission or arc you are on. So I'll use it for that and then relegate them to the hidden power list. Although they can sometimes be just the thing needed in PvE or PvP A little PvP story: Back on the retail game my main villain was Atomic Flea, a Sonic/Rad corrupter. I was in Siren's Call and got TP'd into a trap pile left by a player named Zartain (may he rest in peace). The first time he caught me completely unaware - held, slowed, then bombed - BOOM, BOOM, BOOM. Dead. Now I knew he was around and when I felt I was getting TP'd popped a break free and was ready to hop out. I wasn't held but still bombed and I only made it a few feet away before I was shot down. I was getting pissed and frustrated. Then I remembered that I had [seduction], a temp power confuse. I pulled that out of mothballs and onto my tray. I knew where his nest was now. I put seduction on autofire, targeted him, popped a break free, and headed in his direction knowing he was going to do it again. As soon as I appeared in his trap pile he was hit by the confuse and all the traps went off on him. AHAHAHAHA! Sweet revenge. He stopped teleporting me.
  3. And some Yomos are people. Other Yomos are Boxers.
  4. Hmmm . . . that might make for an interesting challenge. I think that I (and a bunch of other players) can take any AT and any combination of power-sets within that AT and stand toe to toe with an AV without dying. Killing the AV is another thing altogether but I would guess that maybe half of them could do it . . . more if I had and used full T4 incarnate powers. HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!! (Brought to you be the Society of Christian Karens)
  5. Kaizen has a great PUG life; Snarky has a terrible one. I sense a pattern.
  6. FLEAROYYYYY JENKINSSSSS! *runs into room*
  7. I will only take one MILLION each or I will take nothing!
  8. I don't think that there is any comprehensive guide that would cover all ATs and power-sets. But if you don't already use them, you should check out MidsReborn.com for the hero planner, City of Data ( https://cod.uberguy.net/) for detailed information on all powers and enhancements, and the Homecoming Wiki especially the Limits page (https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Limits ) for information about mins and maxes. Most top end builds I see will at least have the following: - Most if not all of the HP and Endurance uniques (Performance Shifter, Power Transfer, Panacea, Numina's, Miracle, Unbreakable Guard, Preventive Medicine) - The defense uniques (Steadfast Protection, Gladiator's Armor) - The resistance uniques (Reactive Armor, Shield Wall) - Two sets of Superior ATOs either six slotted or broken up into trios - One to six sets of Superior WinterOs. Many full sets if going for max enhancement and set bonuses, less and broken up if going for max damage procs - One to three sets of Purple, usually just slotting 5 of the six, for recharge and acc set bonuses - One to six damage procs per power - Kismet +tohit (especially if going high damage procs) - One or two Force Feedbacks for recharge - One or two -res like Achilles, Annihilation, or Fury of the Gladiator - Gaussian's +damage proc, usually in Aim, Build up or clone - Three to five Luck of the Gambler +recharge And then fill the rest. And these are just rule of thumb stuff, there are always exceptions for certain ATs, power-sets, or builders will make changes as needed.
  9. Just realized? Back then? *runs and hides under @Luminara's bed*
  10. I slotted two Adjusted Targeting for endurance, recharge, tohit, and the minor 2% damage boost. I slotted Gaussian Proc in Tidal Forces, the aim clone. I've seen a few people slot Ragnaroks. Is the increased damage noticeable from slotting or is it more as a set bonus mule for Recharge and Acc?
  11. You can't corner the market in CoH. Just by playing, people create more stuff -- more inf, more merits, more recipes, more SOs & DOs, etc. And as you can convert merits into converters as well as inf into converters (buying Super Packs) you can create more converters. In order to corner the market, you'd have to buy all the new ones and people will still create more and more. As you set your price at a million, they will sit there as everyone else trades for 860k or whatever price.
  12. Do any critters in the wild (outside of AE) use Knock out Blow? It's a pretty unique animation and I don't recall any critter doing it . . . other than maybe a clone of a player.
  13. Out of curiosity, what launcher do you use? Tequila was having issues saving binds that using HC launcher cured.
  14. Here's my thread where I debated making a Defender or Corrupter with Assault Rifle and Trick Arrow. It has my build, a few others, and some discussion on powers and tactics.
  15. Stop copying me, Tidge! 😜
  16. Bionic_Flea


  17. I have seen a few of Potato's bases and can vouch for their WOW! quality. To Potato: Excelsior doesn't have as many role-players as Everlasting, but it does have quite a few and many others that would be willing to go along with it for a bit, especially for a quality base. My guess is that almost everyone would want a "functional" base with all the teleporters, vendors, etc. But there would be many variations as to what style or format that might take.
  18. Here's my build: After buffing, I drop a Tide Pool, target boss, Shifting Tides, Tidal Forces, Whitecap, Geyser. That has you (and team) buffed, enemies debuffed and knocked down, tide frenzy active, and you in melee. You can stay there or drop back. Tough bosses or second boss in group can be hit with Brine. Note that initially starting with Tide Pool and Shifting Tides does NOT alert enemies UNLESS you put procs in them, including ANY Incarnate Interface power. I also use Torroidal Bubble and Power of the Depths whenever recharged, even if it still shows as active. The Bubble will refresh the timer on the resist, but you get a big endurance burst and PotD decays over time so you get back to capped. I went with a resist armor but am still debating whether to switch to a defense based one. Getting mezzed sucks and this has little to prevent that until you get to incarnates. But with Clarion or Barrier you should be good.
  19. Do you? Do you really? 😜
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