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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Sort of yes. Like when your concept calls for a bullship but you are a loner? So you end up.... This is a toon that is ALWAYS a squid. I am going to roll them. Have not decided Peace Or War. I know nothing. Is there a toggle for Squid form? How do you know what powers are available in what forms?
  2. I did not see the set Kinetic Combat listed. I personally do not use or like them but they were THE quick and dirty way to get S/L defense on melee builds back in the day. Sure a lot of peeps still build that way.
  3. And if your team is not debuffing Regen it does....nothing. How many Sentinel powers debuff Regeneration?
  4. I'm undead. I don't mind being underwat.... wait? How F-ing far down is the bottom? You gotta be kidding me...
  5. Snarky

    Beam Invul

    The damage was lackluster. I alted back to a Dark Dark Corruptor. This is where I see myself over the next year mostly. Just last night I joined a PUG Penelope Yin +1 "crawl run" There were issues. People maybe (definitely) not playing optimally. We get to the last boss fight and the team starts dying. Now, again, I'm on a dark dark Corr. Not a heal bot, plus this team like to spread like they were all Brute players at heart. (I should talk) Anyways half the team is dead and I go into overdrive, pop a purp, slamming debuffs, dropping AoEs. Then all the team is dead but me. And there is a WALL of Freak Tanks and the AV. Literally jogging toward me. I actually lasted a couple minutes (at least more than one!) before they put me down. We all Hosp, reformed and lazily finished it. My point in bringing this up is the survivability of the Dark Corr, in that and most situations, will be average with a Sentinel. In my opinion. To Hit Debuffs are very real. Stormtroopers cannot aim. And the Corr does more damage than the Sentinel. But it has been pointed out by smarter minds than me this game can be run by 7 Corruptors and a Tank. Anything else is slightly less than that. I paraphrase, but you get the idea.
  6. Whatever, that yawn inducing Blaster will STILL out damage ANY Sentinel, and played to that Blasters Powers and Build out survive nearly any Sentinel. That would be true even if Ms Manners wrote my posts and Buttercup was my name.
  7. Based partly on looking at the new Sentinel inherent I have been thinking about how -res and -def work in CoH. My kitchen table back of the napkin wisdom goes like this. Useless against minions and Lts. They are dead before it matters. Near useless against almost all AVs. They are too tough. Somewhat helpful against GMs and EBs. As with most things there are no doubt subtleties I am missing. But that is not outside current reality too much
  8. I believe (and I make things up as I go along) my “quoting” you was in the same family of “thats not what he said but his meaning was similar”
  9. Rolecki: "No matter how many times you post that quote Einstein didn't F-ing say it!"
  10. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
  11. Thanks, it is indeed based on just the squid. and the show "squidbillies"...
  12. For me its the low mag with no way to stack. If it was a fear it would be a yes, a to hit debuff? yep. But AoE stun? The only other option is Oppresive Gloom, which is PBAoE so defines where you need to be....dangerous. I zip into PBAoE for a Buff/Attack/Replish chain then step out to cone range Staying there is a no thank you.
  13. I am building a toon based on a concept in my mind. (so dangerous) It will be squid form only. PB or WS and why? PS, I never ran these.
  14. I regularly run a Dark/Dark Brute and one of it's toggles is an AoE Fear that has a low base accuracy of 50%. I run it and have global accuracy and global to hit buffs. Dark Pit has 60% base accuracy. I think standard in the game is 75% I run a lot of accuracy and global to hit buffs in all my builds, this Corruptor as well. Does nothing to solve Dark Pits major problem. You have too many good things to be doing to waste time energy, a power pick, and enhancers on this turd.
  15. On a positive note I like the Strike Forces/Task/Trials in City of X. The only other game I can compare them to is WoW and I like these better Of note is the steady improvement in the content both in revising old content and the wonderful new stuff written by the current Dev team So, thanks to the original Devs and a big thank you to the current Devs
  16. If they are vomiting blood it is most likely too late. If mortal they have an extreme disorder. And who really gives a shit enough to fix it If a vampire is vomiting blood something really neat is about to happen! Someone film this
  17. I have also been told I can smell of elderberries. But I believe that may be due to the cologne that I use (rarely). That bottle is older than my movie
  18. I did roll a Sentinel. Not my first. The damage is still lackluster in my opinion. As I pointed out in a (hotly debated) thread in Sentinel forum I can out damage a Sentinel easily on any Blaster, then build and play the Blaster a certain way (sacrificing damage) and be as survivable as a Sentinel 99% time. So then I rolled an AR/Dev Blaster. Which I like, but does not fit my theme. Long story short I am trying to make a Dark/Dark Corruptor work. I play in close, but once you floor enemies accuracy down to Stormtrooper level it hardly matters.
  19. Snarky

    Beam Invul

    Personally I am running in alt circles again (when i play). Beam/Invul Sent, no wait AR/Dev Blaster….but then Dark Blaster, but then Dark^3 Corruptor. Each seems to logically (for me) to lead to the other. But then I am unsure where I ended up or why lol. Ah, the game is still adding new twists And still frustrating the crap out of me with Dark not being what I want it to be lol
  20. I do agree with your entire post. This however is gold. I do love reasoned give and take on a topic. I also understand many might consider me in the less than reasonable group of posters. Fair enough. To that I will say that I have deep running emotions. Some out there will see that and attempt to pick and goad. I have little tolerance for perceived snottery. If you want to discuss grand ideas I am right there with you. Go to sling monkey poo at me and you may notice the trebuchet loaded with le port du potty behind me (or you may not)
  21. right, so as you incarnate higher the mobs do not. interesting (and gigantic) oversight.
  22. This seems like an interesting observation. I never thought of it that way. So you cannot set the incarnate arc to +4? I do not run the incarnate stuff much except for group stuff I join
  23. It is NOT an addiction. It is a choice. Now blood on the other hand...
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