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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. So saying I lie without calling me a liar. Not even subtle Hitting people with street justice or energy melee does not equal Super Strength. We had a fix for super strength rage on the test server and 12 people with pacifiers dangling from their mouths screamed someone was trying to take their binky away and the Devs caved and nixed it
  2. the order of PROCs does matter. THey fire from right to left
  3. To be clear my first toon back was a SS/Invul (build by Hyperstrike thanks!). And I still have the toon fully built up Ot is just so frustrating to have had a Rage crash fix literally on the table and then to have it pulled away so PvPers and Farmers are happy Super Strength is iconic in the comic world. But we have a version that is appropriate to a tiny percent of Super Strength users in the comics. My SS/Invul Brute has a backstory of being a gym geek who started using steroids and preworkout drug cocktails and escalated until finally was using Excelsior and Superadine fixed into mixes by an underground alchemist using black magic. He has Rage issues. The story works. My dream is to have a happy go lucky Super Strength character (or many alts) that are not slaves to Rage. But screw that idea, the concept is baked into the power set
  4. I used it on my Dark/Invul Brute to do all content 1-50 that could not be done at 50. Still working on 35-50 that can be done at 50. Particularly annoying were blueside 'rescue 17" (yes, 17, multiple times) which after you stealth, find, "rescue" the mission is in fact a kill all But generally you just stealth to glowie, kill room that has glowie, done.
  5. Everything starts to look like a troll post at a certain point.
  6. Having just ran all Blueside content that cannot be run at 50.... F-ing underwhelming. The Hollows has some decent stuff. Faultline at least has flavor. Not much else. To me everything Blueside was a boring hump generously layered with kill alls and 'rescue' 17 people in a mission, oh wait you did that? It's a kill all. Fooled you! Nice writing there. Like being hit with a plastic bat a few hundred times.
  7. people do what they want. what they need. something was taken. they got it back. they may have been done with the game BEFORE closure. but the knowledge that what was theirs was taken will spur many to use their unique set of talents to get something back. anyone can play, we welcome people who play for nostalgia, to prove a point, to claw back what was stolen. what we need is people who WANT to PLAY, for whatever reason. players who want to run content, badge, socialize. farmers farm. has zero impact on my life. because they would never play with me. they are flying a plane, i am walking around cap au diable
  8. You can easily slot a 4 pt KB prot in almkst any travel power. A Corruptor really just needs 4 pts. 3% damage is better than having yoir toe explode, but it is nothing to change a build to get. You should really have a (in my opinion) Winter set, Purple set, or Superior Corruptor AT set in a big power. 5 slot the purple or winter and drop in a sudden accel maybe?
  9. It is not as good as Sudden Acceleration Knockback to Knockdown. It just does not work as well. If you are 6 slotting this set and really love those bonuses (whyyyyyy???) then I guess do it. I softcap Ranged defense on squishies all the time without the need to use this set.
  10. I am starting to run a dark/dark Corruptor more and more. I like it, but I play it as a debuffer/blaster. I forget and/or am crappy at being effective with team heal and rez ally
  11. I played it. It looks atrocious. So I made a design that used the way it looked and built around that. A 'Mage' in melee. Big hand motions (Tai Chi derived I believe) followed by magically appearing force. How does it play? unsynergistic hot garbage with a stupid mechanic. But hey, if Tai Chi is your bag enjoy.
  12. i play Brutes. Tanks did need something. But huge improved AoE? Look, I understood the great Brute Fury nerf. I accepted it. I did not feel cheated. But the generous AoE given to Tanks and a crap popsickle handed to Brutes? F that. I am still pissed.
  13. Last thought. DO NOT OVERTHINK IT!!! DPS per second. every second you try to make it better is effectively a self imposed longer activation time. pick a target you think is good, drop the hammer, move on.
  14. I have always run a lot of dark melee. One of its major attacks is Shadow Maul, a melee cone. This is the regular version of sands of mu p2w power. This is a powerful but hard to use ability. Generally you want to hit a mob dead center of a group that way the cone spreads out. You are basically aiming a shotgun. Aim for center mass and hope for the best
  15. Has it really come to this? Lawn maintenance?
  16. On Excelsior I see pretty regular ads for segmented supers or some such. Insects. The whole thing just bugs me. I play with Cosmic Council. There is a SG Costume. There is probably SG lore. I run a vamp so I just do what I want. There are top notch speed runners, builders, farmers in the group. There is a weekly Master Incarnate Trial(s) on Saturday. Starting with Master of Magisterium Really Hard Way. (They always get it, 97% on the first try) Cosmic Council is a large organized SG. We have a lot of quality players and a schedule of 1-2 events almost every day. Plus a lot of casual play and discussions on Discord: https://discord.gg/DVksJ4N read the Rules and info, if you are interested, then post in Gateway (under public channels) that you agree to the rules and who you want to bring on board. You will usually get a response in a few hours tops. The leadership is most active 6-9 Eastern time. Good luck!
  17. 4 points of Knockback protection works against 90% of KB attacks. 7-11 points gets you 95% 12 points gets you 99% These are made up statistical percentages based on how I feel. Don't ask how I feel about people that challenge the findings....
  18. Willpower. The armor of the energizer bunny
  19. I have played Redside soooooo many times. About once a year I take a toon and do every contact every mission Redside. I played Redside when you could not get a travel power until 14, but I played Brutes and sometimes did not get one until 30+ I have literally walked those streets
  20. I never drink…..wine I could navigate all the built ip neighborhoods redside walking except Grandville (possible if i knew the elevator system but I never learned it since I take fly. Redside. Bestside. The wilderness areas not so much. All trees look the same
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