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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Energy Melee is very good since the rework. Top notch revision from the Homecoming Team. I stick to Invulnerability and Dark armors so can offer no opinion on Energy Armor
  2. 1) i've heard the set blows anyways 2) wind control (or whether folks farm *eyeroll) will have no effect on attracting players
  3. I personally love Willpower Brutes. I ran SS/Will Brutes on Live and had a hoot (when I/O builds were not easy to put together. Again, lot of SOs. While not able to "Tank" easily and needing to learn the odds before absorbing the Alpha strike, a Willpower Brute, (in my opinion) is a great intro to the game. I run Invul Brutes because with a high end I/O build at incarnate levels Willpower loses out (on a lot) comparatively. This is real end game stuff though. At low levels to 49 the ease of Willpower is fairly balanced to the greater durability of Invulnerability Claws.... I do not know claws. However Super Strength is just hilarious. Willpower also has the End to power any crazy thing including Titan Weapons etc.
  4. Without any Snarky motivation I honestly do not believe the sub community that farms (or what they farm) will add or subtract from the separate discussion of bringing new players onboard (or their experiences once they join)
  5. I started on Brutes. Brutes with mostly SOs and no inherent fitness. Still had a ball. Oh, well SOs after 22 lol Even if slow leveling I recommend a Brute. Learn the game behind armor. I also recommend taking free influence. I do not know if Yomo is still handing out influence but plenty of people are Consider joining an SG. (Necessary plug). I belong to Cosmic Council on Excelsior. Big SG with daily planned events. Discord. Welcoming to players of every level. This can make all the difference To join: go to Discord ( https://discord,gg/DVksJ4N ) Scroll down slightly to Public Channels and look in "Welcome and Rules" Read those and post in "Gateway." Read
  6. Right. So, we are capable of intricate plans involving multiple strategies First we make a careful plan. Second, we kidnap Tom Holland. Third, (here it gets complicated) we indoctrinate him over a few weeks. ( Like Patty Hearst Stockholm syndrome). After he realizes he loves CoH and must play hours everyday we release him back into the wild as a spokesperson
  7. I have to wonder about the "meta problem" as in if there is a meta problem.... ? That being....are MMORPGS...dying? The genre. Like Blockbuster movies....a product with a declining market? Where are the successors to WoW, CoH, etc? Will they ever happen? Or is this type of thing just not viable for big efforts anymore?
  8. Splatter house should really be two words unless referring to a specific video game. Then there is "flavourful," which is just flat out spelled incorrectly.
  9. I am away from my comp that has mids. But I will say that i saw at least six powers slotted with unbreakable guard. There is a “rule of 5” whereas any set bonus can only be used 5 times (even from different sets!) You may want to look up Hyperstrike’s write ups on Invulnerability Armor. It is the gold standard for Invul in my opinion. Seriously the bedrock of many bulletproof builds
  10. I do very limited farming. Mostly to PL some new alt. So, about 3 hours every two weeks. That generates 50-100 mil in influence, plus the recipes (about 80?) which I craft, convert, and sell for a couple hundred million. It was my understanding that multiboxing farmers led to less rewards due to the split between teammates. Does anyone have the facts on this?
  11. I actually have the opposite issue. I use inspirations too sparingly. I hoard them sure. They are in my email. They are in my character items from super packs. I collect them in my tray and combine them to what i think i will need. Then I wait…. To some extent it is the same with Hybrid. I wait too long too often. Once i know fights i am better about it. But just in general i am more of a hoarder and less of a user of inspirations and powers.
  12. The difference is the suppression. Dark Armor Stealth will never suppress. You always have it, even in combat. Say, as a villain, you have a Dark Armor Brute. You see a group of Longbow next to the glowie you need. Next to them, in the same room, is another group of Longbow with two Wardens. Bad news. Unless you are Dark Armor! You solo the group of Longbow next to the glowie. Grab the Glowie. The group 35 feet away? They have no idea you just wiped out a Longbow squad. Those guys must have went on break.
  13. someone asked in game for this....so bump
  14. Dark armor has a “limited” stealth (not full invisibility) that does not suppress. It is good until about 30 feet away. That means you are not seen unless within 30 feet of a mob. Unless that mob has special sight like Rikti drones or Rularuu Eyeballs This is one of the tricks that makes Dark Armor so effective. What better defense than only being seen by what you want to see you?
  15. You take one pointy sharp stick in your right hand. You pick up another sharp pointy stick in your left hand. Hit people with both sticks. You are welcome
  16. The above posts are spot on. Task Force Junkies is....just that. Active, knowledgeable, and good teaming. I belong to Cosmic Council. Saturdays are Master run Incarnate Trials, starting with Really Hard Way Magisterium and then 3-6 other Trials. Throughout the week there is a posted schedule of content. Really nice folks. Discord is https://discord.gg/DVksJ4N To join scroll down to Public Channels, there read "Welcome and Rules", then post in Gateway. Good luck!
  17. Seeing patterns in things is what defines intelligence. It's also a symptom of being bat shit crazy. Keep going!!!!
  18. I made a lot of Sentinels a year ago. Kept trying to do Blaster damage and be armored. Failed. Finally made a Blaster with tons of Defense set bonuses that was ranged. Quit while I was ahead. A couple weeks ago I set out to find a project toon for SG competitions. No Tanks/Brutes/Dwarf forms. I rolled a Dark/Invul Sentinel. Now, i built him for armor. Did not care about damage. He is a hoot. Nearly unkillable and lots of vicious AoE (Blackstar tier 9 on a Sentinel is crazy good for debuffs)
  19. You have hit the nail on the head. You need to get specific about what HAS TO BE part of your character. Then you can start shopping for what fits. You can write something totally original, use concepts inspired by fiction (or real life!), or use in game lore. Did you know the Family Consigliere get their powers from special batches of Superadine? There are a lot of groups with psychic powers in the game. Any of these groups could be used as a jumping off point for a character backstory. Narrow down what you want, then shop for the foot that fits the slipper.
  20. The original Devs seemed to have the attitude of the Santa character from Bad Santa. That got drunk and ate the kids Advent calendar. Then taped it back together with a bunch of random crap inside. When the kid looks at him after pulling out a piece of candy corn instead of chocolate "They can't all be winners kid." The original Devs were in over their heads. Many have stated this game is accidentally great. It was not the game they tried to build. There are many reasons for this. Multiple layers of management, multiple teams, changing design parameters, the code itself. Dark/Dark Blaster. "They can't all be winners kid." It is unfair to ask the current Dev staff to go back and fix everything in the old game. Well, it won't work anyways. We keep asking and they keep rolling their eyes and working on what they can.
  21. Please keep in mind the point of this thread is to provide information to people who are trying to go fast. (at leveling, alting, making inf, etc.) Not every computer can do this. Most can. (for the love of the negative material plane....or lack thereof...PLEASE MOVE ON from that small part of this thread!) I believe (and here I may be woefully wrong) that most people asking for farms do not realize how much easier, faster, and more relaxed it is to farm oneself with an alt acct. Not to mention those that AFK farm on their alt acct constantly and make billions and billions.... all while gaming normally on their main acct. Wait for a task force...tab....reset farmer....tab back. Please get the word out in game when people ask for a farm. Once people know there is a mountain of wealth right beneath the topsoil they are standing on asking for pennies....they tend to start digging.
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