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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I joined a Posi 1 yesterday led by a returning player. Yeah! Yes i kicked them some inf. Welcome Home they were level 10. I politely reminded everyone about the need for a level 15 leader or the Doc Buzz hatefest issue occurs. He threw the star to a 22. Who had their level at +1. The first mission was tough. They were like should we keep it for the rest of TF.? I am on a future fire farmer Brute and have just burned through every medium insp i had stocked to stay upright We set to +0 and continued. It went okay until the last mission. 2 peeps jumped up by city hall doors. Two team wipes. One person quit. Then we finished. Time 59 minutes. This is more or less an average Posi. There are a few 40 min runs but not enough to say that is regular. The three TF i do most are posi 1 2 and Synapse. I generally am throwing i/o on my Brutes from the go and know content. But the teams generally struggle with anything more than +0
  2. I dont love speed runs. I like to get stuff done. Did a posi 1 and 2 tonight. They were both a little rough honestly and we wiped hard at the end of posi1. 2 peeps ran to the door while we were clearing. After 2 team wipes and one quit we got it completed. I will not quit a regular (speed?) run no natter how ugly it gets. But i prefer a regular run not a difficulty raised run. I earn the same merits at normal or +4. There will be no purple drops. Just get it done
  3. I run a lot if Task Forces. Mostly pre-35 stuff because i alt a lot. I ran 7-8 Synapses during the week it was offered a bonus. I try to run Posi through Manticore on my alts pretty much in order to see if i like the concept and AT as much in order as possible Generally this is pretty smooth for me. I run in Everlasting and it is a spectacular server to alt on. Friendly folks. More than once a PUG team i joined has offered to level someone by running papers if they were just short of making the level cut 95% time it goes real smooth. Okay nothing is perfect though. Sometimes we load into a TF and are fighting enemies that are obviously +level. I go back check my conversation tabs. Did i miss info stating this was running at a higher difficulty? Nope. Sigh. i was just informed in another topic thread that if i want “speed” runs it is up to me to advertise for those. If i accept a place on a TF i am bound to whatever the team leader decides, And it is my fault for not communicating i want a speed run. i do not consider +0 speed runs. Especially on Synapse. I firmly believe if someone is setting up a team to run a TF at anything besides +0 they should mention that. what are the opinions of the wise people of Locker C18?
  4. If you do bot advertise you are running a modified task force or bother to tell me before you lock the team and hit go do not expect me to stay. I am not captive to your whim. You advertise Synapse then i join i help you crush it. If you wanted peeps for a Synapse +1or +4 you are responsible for providing that information. My psychic powers are short one fuse and not working.
  5. I hope you put it in your advertising for the TF. About 10% of TF i load into these days i hit the 1st mission and it is +1 to +4. Hmmm news to me. I will usually post something like “are we running at +2?” If i get the least blow back, lije “well of course”. I quit. Not rage. Just quit. I run a lot of low level TF for merits, badges and char power exploration. The only exception i make is ITF. That is a known AE type madness magnet. If it is not posted as +level i just roll with it. But anything else I am pretty much out after one question.
  6. What levels and how do we reach you?
  7. I Brute a lot more than i Tank. That si because my playstyle. Not because the Tank is not great at what it does. The thing is a lot of people do not realize what a Tank does. Really. It is a melee Controller with one if the most powerful forms of NPC control in the game. Played to this strength and in this role there are NONE better. Shoehorned into a ghetto Brute or Heavy Scrapper and then you start being able to talk about how crappy Tanks are. They are like a shield. Used correctly you will be ecstatic. Used as a club and you will be complaining about what a horrid club they are. Can we add spikes? Maybe put a gun on the outside? How about lasers? Its a shield. Period
  8. I think Dark Melee will benefit more than it looks like at a surface glance. The set has always been odd and i run it a lot on Tanks and Brutes if the cone becomes more reliable to bit multiple targets with. Well nothing wrong there. But it is the PBAoE in the End recovery and Buff power where i believe the true benefits will be. Larger patches mean those powers will be way more useful. End recovery moderately so, being easier to maximize, but the Buff? I am guessing that could be the treasure here. Hitting more targets and getting more reliable large buffs
  9. I believe i was thinking of a Decanus who did more out of combat organizing than anything i know most of my interest peaked around the time i read the book “ Ranks of Bronze” as i went through a David Drake phase. Cheers
  10. Snarky

    Quit a TF

    Merits badge. Plus its how i learned the game before we had the options. I earn fastest at + 0 and i run these things endlessly. I am okay (not super happy but okay) with a bunch of Leeroy Jenkins at +0. Less so at +1. Not okay at +2. Angry at +3. And really pissed at +4. i used to run Brutes on SOs for about a year when i first started. Before level tailoring and when bridging still existed. I still remember being on a SS/Invul Brute in the low 30s on a team running at +4 to my SO build. We were about 4 missions into a bunch of papers when the leader sent me a tell. “Wait, you’re what level? I thought you were like 1 level below me?” I ran into every group picking the weakest targets that did the most debuffs, drains, or other special attacks. My armor allowed me to shrug it off and the SS allowed me to just hit the targets. So i can run hard. But i dont have any desire to carry a PUG team through madness because a leader wants a little extra experience off a Penelope Yin TF. Go find a farm or a PI team. I need my nightly merits. so boring? Maybe yeah. I jump into combat when i can even on Farms on my Brutes if they have armor for it. I still run a lot of Invul builds. But there i an not carrying the team everytime someone goes off exploring and pulls back completely new agro for me to somehow magically deal with
  11. Snarky

    Quit a TF

    I try not to be a jaded WoW type player that looks down on people who dont know the mechanics or berates people who struggle honestly i am not a great player. I run mostly Brutes because i like to bumble through the game like a bull in a china shop i was in a team doing a Posi 1. Even at +0 we had some dicey moments and deaths. Team splits and just a fustercluck. We are in the last mission and it is hard to get everyone to focus on getting the 4 heroes. After i post “DONT GO UP STEPS please”. Then fly over and see a teammate hop right up to city gall doors. It was a ugly team wipe. We had to clear a lot to get the doors open. But we finished it in like 1:05. I am not happy with that but i am not spazzed out by it. But when you start a low end TF at +2 to +4 w/o even a courtesy mention you are doing that? You pretty much stand on my one raw nerve. And hop. I will stay with a +1 started that way. Grumpy. If the team is doing well. Or if in the AD it mentions the conditions and why they think they got it nailed. “Expert badge hunters with perfect team trying +2 synapse. “ Okay. I will Brute that. With a strong Brute. But just blind drop my butt into a +4? Nope. Not happening. But i snark for fun. Not to be abusive and bullying ti my fellow gamers. Just to poke fun at the universe. And i want fun. Not impossible grinds for little rewards
  12. Been a long time since i geeked out on roman legions. Wasnt there a non com type at the end of each row about one every ten guys that more or less kept the line tight?
  13. Masterminds. I half love and half hate the concept just from the ground up. Then there is the matter of non customizable pets never been brought up before i know. If you could make the Monarch from Venture Bros or a Necromancer who had ONLY zombies it would help. I do like Robots. oh and finally. I really really no really suck at playing an MM. i seem to vaguely recall desperately trying ti get my pets to help me outside Fort Darwin. In my memory they were attacking a manhole cover and i was getting beat down by snakes. Probably just a bad dream. But enough to keep me from going back for more
  14. Snarky

    Tanker AT changes

    What? Wait! They did it? Am I reading that right? If so that will breathe some much needed enthusiasm i to my slowing energy on Tanking all Redside content lol
  15. Snarky

    Quit a TF

    You never led anything that was boneheaded stupid?
  16. I asked about this some weeks ago and after listening to some discussion was left with the impression it was all up in the air. is it still up there somewhere? Or has any of the dust started to settle?
  17. Snarky

    Quit a TF

    Yeah i quit another one tonight unfortunately. I really wanted the badge on a lvl 20-25 redside tf. But it was set at +4 with no mention. I tried for half a mission. But CoT at +4? We were getting nowhere. It wasnt even a rage quit. I just sighed and turned off the comp. Did a ITF later on my main. Lot of lowbies so we cleared it Oldschool style. I am okay with that. Just not getting dumped into an impossible TF with no notice that it is dialed to FU. Did a lot of crafting when i logged back on. About 65 enhancers converted using the merits from the 7 Synapses i ran last week lol. Cash is good. Why are people making the TFs impossible?
  18. Save the game? Looks around. So my game was dead for years. Now i play every day with any TF or team rolling like a non-stop train. I put a list of 6 oddball TFs i needed for my badger. Knocked out 3 in 2 days just responded to LFG ads. Have been running endless Synapses this week or would prob have them all done. Zero organizing on my oart. Just going with the flow. save the game? My game has been saved. I am grateful for the 1337 geeks who have saved it and are working HARD to ensure we have a future. save the game? Really? I’m too old for this crap.
  19. A big old SS/Invul Brute that i re-rolled literally countless times. My current main and highest level is a SS/Invul Brute Rogue with 50 vet levels. Oh yeah. It was right from the first swing at the prison door breaking out of the Zig. I wish we could still start characters there and have the constant stream out of the perfectly named Fort Darwin. How many times did we run across Mercy to team at the infected warehouse and get our first couple levels?
  20. Okay. I saw someone post about “solving naming”. Taps fingers on table. Can anyone say anything that sounds vaguely like a plan on how to do this? Because just saying “do this” does not mean there is a plan or that it is possible. I could say the human race just needs to use a beam to directly tap the suns power. Okay. Sounds great. Universal unlimited power. I am just sure someone might mention there is not only no current way to do it but that it seems like a perpetual motion machine story that is in effect impossible
  21. I take a slightly different bend on things. I have always alted a lot. This has many impacts. One is it is hard for me to earn since i run 50s for a very small part of my playtime. On live that meant i had a trove of enhancers that could kit out at most 3 alts fully blinged. Soooo. I deleted a LOT of 50s on live after a month or two of running. To strip the enhancers with free vet respecs on Homecoming i delete a lot because my mind gets cluttered as my character warehouse if i don’t the big winner? Snarky! Of course. Originally a ss/will brute villain. With a build created by Hyperstrike he is now a SS/Invul Brute Rogue. And wayyy tougher. Builds that i will probably 50 kit out and leave (plans change) are currently Dark/Time Blaster. I always wanted a ranged Redsider I tried so many things and was never satisfied. I am relatively happy with Dark/Time Hoverblasting my old Grav/NrG Dom Robot is making a comeback. I ran him as a permadom before the Dom changes. He was too expensive to not destroy with all those purple sets after a couple months lol. Now it looks like he will grind on
  22. Weird. I will need to re download pines. Sigh. Thanks. I have been shifting things around a bit. Squeezed on a Armageddon in Consume and moved Brutes Fury ti Blazing Aura, Avalanche to Shadow Maul and Unrel Fury to Burn. Stuck a Fury Glad in Dark Consump. Shield walk in manuevers and replaced res sets with unbreakable guards. And now i find out my program is not registering right lol. This is why i dint build. also. Does Panacea have goid effect in PvE? I cant tell from mids or the description. Some use it on high end builds in Health and some dont. I did like the Kismet slottingin weave. Very nice shoehorn work
  23. Thank you. Although i only see 80.8% s/l resist. This is definitely the direction i am headed. Really nice because it is similar oerformance to the one i already downloaded and yet completely different way to get there. So now i have ideas lol
  24. I have been looking through the forums all the way back for ideas on how to i/o my current obsession: Resist Armor builds i have been experimenting with Rad/Rad Dark/Elec and Dark/Fire. I am falling out of love with Rad Melee. Okay i never loved it. Dark is as always a solid performer i have settled into the Dark/Fire. The thing is that build is very rare on the posts. There are a couple nice Rad/Fire builds that can be tweaked Most of the Builds (especially Fire) are farm fresh. I want a PvE TF and late game build with High Resists across the board. I am not interested in chasing Def because i will spend a fortune on it and some Roman soldiers will eat it in the first volley. High resists and good heals while keeping a weather eye on the combat will keep the thing up. Oh and i will be taking Rise of th Phoenix . Thematically it works. And we all know this is going to floor plant regularly i have been paring down my alts again abd running tons of Synapses so literally any build is within my reach. Just not great at efficiently using slots lol
  25. No it still works. You get it and then you can open an Ouro portal. Very useful
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