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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. I am not a psychologist. But i have learned to read minds. I drive a full sized semi truck in a busy city 59 hours a week during daytime what you are seeing is tunnel vision. People are not trying to be rude or stupid. They are (generally) not rude or stupid. They just are laser focused on what they are doing. Could be coffee. Could be attack chain. Could be talking to someone in room. Could be looking at map to figure where team is going. Could be looking at paragon wiki to see how much longer the task force is running. But they did not register the importance of your message this is the challenge in living with people. They seem to be ‘acting crazy’ when really they are just doing what they believe is the most important thing i will close with this. Get the hell away from my semi. And yeah i do need that much room to make a turn
  2. I have received a few gifts from contests and showing uo where a SG was being Santa i sent 1 mill to someone who just found the game again. I try to do that just to say hi if i see the posts. It is what i email each of my starting alts and we all know that first chunk of change is important Beyond that i am enjoying the company of our community of geeks this winter. Thank you all for being the network of superheroes and supervillians rogues and vigilantes. No i am not going to name each Goldside. You k ow what. Thanks for being there.
  3. Thanks MVT. I am trying for all badges at the same time trying not to be nuerotic. It is like squaring a circle lol
  4. Okay. But does this badge actually exist. And if so how do you get it? Because i am ready to light a candle and kiss it off. I have no ide if it exists. I have done the action to get it if it did exist. And i know nothing
  5. Yeah in the Badger thread they aaid this was a specific badge. Not heard definitivelt if that poster was mistaken.
  6. My Invul/Dark Tank is finishing 20-24 content and leveling to 29 today. Just like Christmas! 200IQ randomly offered to take 7 of us through all bank missions so i have Invader Accolade. Of course the build is heavily I/O”d already. I might do my first respec at 29 to smooth out the early placements a bit and drop the tier 2 melee 764 Reward Merits. These are being saved. 49 souvenirs 297 Badges I have decided to not do First Ward content except later at 50 for badges. This is a Redside Project. I do not enjoy the writing Goldside or in that vein so I will not add it in here Any content that is 20-29 is pushed off until 29. This is in keeping with my policy of doing everything with as much powers and I/Os as I can i really kind of liked the issue 17-19 added contacts in Sharkhead. Although you have to hunt them a little. First ward shows right up in contact finder. You git to hunt down and talk to D-Mac, Leonard, and Vincent Ross In general Redside has been a fun run so far. A little grindy but really doing the day to day villain stuff or robbery and betrayal and watching your contacts like Crash Cage and Vince Dubrowski make their own lives horrid as they pay you to do crimes. Operative Vargas. Special place in hell for that guy. Not because he is evil and smarmy and corporate speak. but the sheer number of missions and kill alls. Worked me like a mule. Although he is also really smarmy. And reading between the lines it seems he is a screw up and Arachnos knows it. My 2 cents so .... 29 here I come!!!
  7. I used to run SS/Invul Brutes back on live. For a year just on SOs when i first started. Great strong characters. Obviously vulnerable to Psi. And REALLY vulnerable to hard hitting end drains. There is no end recovery powers. It is eat blues if you have them soooo. Learn to spot Sappers like a gang member spots the po po. I am nit talking about macros or anything fancy. Use your head. Its malta. Each group prob has one sapper some have 2. A few tough rooms have 3. Ignore IGNORE everything else. Let time slip away. Hit that blue rifled freak with everything you got. Like he killed your entire family and is about to eat your last relative alive. Keeeeeeel him fast then Malta goes back to being a normal group. Tough. High level mobs Freakshow and Carnies. Oof. Dont get me started. Similar tactics except try to get away from them as they die. They got bad cooties
  8. Okay. So not all Supervillain plans go completely smooth. Thats why we have Ouroboros
  9. redside villian thinks to himself. Crazy country shoots missile at 1st world country. 1st world country pastes the nation in retaliatory strike. Neighboring country is left in ruins. Hmmm. What do they have that i can buy for nothing?
  10. So i have one badger. Sort of. Just started. i am having trouble with Gift Giver badge. I have given about 50 of the duplicating gifts out. I have badges Gifted, Gift Getter, and Gift which Keeps on Giving. I do not have Gift Giver What am i doing wrong? How do i get it. Or if i have it is it not listed under event badges but hiding in another list? thanks
  11. I think SS/Invul Brute is the sweet spot berween heavy survivability and good damage i am currently soloing all Redside (and first ward and any contacts open) with a Invul/Dark Tank. I weep a little when a kill all pops up. There is no need for stealth. You can just march through the mobs to the end room and kill the boss. Set at +0/x1 no AV yes to EB. Pretty close to the original default game setings i belueve
  12. Snarky

    Quit a TF

    This is becoming my posi report card thread lol. Quit another posi1. Almost same situation except the guy never mentioned it was a intentional +2 for exp in the ad and didnt even want ti talk about it. So i quit then i ran a Posi 1 on my tank. Really good team. Except maybe 1 or 2 new people. Maybe just 1. I was on invul with taunt. Some i/o. As many as you can cram on. He was exemplared from 25. So he was solid. It was a rough run. 1:07. Multiple team wipes. Every newb mistake made none missed. Including rushing in to fight doppelgangers without waiting for team to assemble And buff first No. It wasnt me making ALL of the errors. Just my usual ones. but we got through that one. Team was even in a pretty good mood. Laugh off the pasting. I love our server except the +X low TF farmers. That crap is like sand in my shorts
  13. Last night i was lining up on an end mission mob CoT Posi The group down below the cave in the water. Stealthed. Prob 40-60 range. Picking out my ruin mage lining up my snipe. Waiting for the team. Hoverblasting. Yeah. Good times dead. Wait. What? They saw right through my stealth and pasted me fast
  14. Its just me. I run mult comps so it looks more poulated than it is. The hard part is the Rap bit i’m vetting a rythym
  15. Snarky

    Rumors of Changes

    Really enjoying my Invul/Dark Zombie tank soloing every arc and mission Redside at +0/x1. Who has that statement “if you want to feel like a God rill anything, if you want to be a God roll a Tank”. i ‘stealth’ missions by wandering through ignoring getting pummeled. Unless there is a Fortunata or something. Then i pause to kill everyone. Mostly i am like the colonel in apocalypse now standing in the cowboy hat ignoring all the shells hitting. Just looking around deciding what to do it would be nice to get a Damage buff and the better AoE would really help Dark Melee. i think Tankers deserve a little love. I am mostly a Brute player with a Tank mentality. I went ti. Rutes because i started Redside. The Brute nerf was deserved and Brutes Scrappers are balanced now. Even though i miss Fury cap. But Tanks are still a little behind the curve. But so are Blasters and the are in the edges most damage and toughest. Si weird things tend to happen there. Like stone armor. The very edge. Very freaking weird. Impkssible to stop. What, a curb? Here, really?
  16. To me the tone is set in Mercy Island. On a story toon i do Kalindas arc then Matthew Burkes. Kalinda makes no illusions what you are there for or how vicious it is in Arachnos or working for them while being watched. Which is the ‘deatined ones’ then Matthew throws you a lifeline. Sure. You are ‘working with’ Arachnos. Screw them. Get what you can steal from them kill them and all the while tell them you are on board my current Zombie Tank Rogue is doin all storylines redside and side missions. He wears an Arachnos cape. Proudly. It looks badass. He will kill arachnos just to watch the Body ragdoll he wears the cape while doing hero task forces. No one has said a word. If they did he would say he was just using it to be undercover in arachnos. Which is part if four or five story arcs redside pre 20. i fought Sea Witch last night. A hero. Kidnapped her boyfriend to draw her out i have kidnapped civilians and taken them right to Vahzilok waiting in a van with meat saws i feel like a villain. Er Rogue. Your mileage may vary
  17. Trading between alts can be a lot of work with some items. A lot
  18. I am troubled by the lack of DFB redside. I was just informed about starting them in pocket D. Nice option. Of course peeps have to travel at low level then generally i switch to Rogue and run Blueside. I console myself with the fact that most heroes are narcissistic egomaniacs Vigilantes who are dancing on the ragged edge of becoming villains maybe this is why i am satisfied with Redside. I see corruption everywhere. They do not know they are corrupt
  19. There is a toad willy wheeler in cap that sort of acts like a fawning henchmen. Really he is a clueless pawn. Look. Writing is about drama. Storytelling is boring if you are Omni-God who can do anything with a ...snap. And if you had the henchmen telling you what was lined up you would...wait a minute. Go kill them henchmen. I am busy getting my painting done. Omni-God at sunset on a bridge. when you are needing and wanting and short on resources and power a storyteller has a thousand hooks redside writers put enough depth in the NPCs that it is believable and cohesive. Sure the ‘ocean’ is really about 4 feet deep. But fly over the Rogue Isles and it sure looks convincing. Same with the storylines. They are not the Marianas trench. But they sure look just about right when looking at them from all normal angles it is a creative art. Not reality
  20. Do you guys play the same game as me? I just did every story arc and mission 1-20 and am working on next 5 levels. Really heinous stuff. Killing entire bases full of oeople to cover up crimes. Stealing cures ro epidemics. Kidnapping. Beatdowns.
  21. I looked for the first time this week at server population. Have No idea why the screen came up. Anyways i refreshed it throughout the weekend out of curiosity Everlasting where i play was in second place overall throughout the weekend in terms of overall. But it always had a slight edge in Redside. So i would suggest the unofficial RP server is probably the unauthorized unususual unbeknownst unofficial What was i talking about? Oh yeah. It it where bad people are
  22. Yes. So much anger so much hate. Vive in to it. Street sweep and you can street sweep longbow for a lot if not all redside
  23. Yeah.... immersive. So. You start iut a villian. A destined one. Broke and freash from the Zig. You need cash and to carve out a space in the crimjnal underworld even high end supervillians lkke Doc Aeon are pushing drugs (huge quantities) to finance workd domination activities you can probably run 1-59 solo diing story arcs that revilve around fighting those guys in red and white who aee stomping villlains. Thats right. longbow. If you look at the arcs carefully you will see a path to mostly just fight them all the way to 50. Without double exp and maybe having to turn off exp just to finish the story arcs of fighting Longbow the Freedom Phalanx and Heroes yes. You will fight other villains. Tou do understand it is not one big happy family Redside capische?
  24. I am looking for an off day project and finding Scrappers an interesting possibility i run a SS/invul Brute as my main and am soloing Redside in a Invul/Dark tank. I like heavy and dont mind slow slogging too much the idea is to experiment solo for a while doing radios or papers and maybe a few arcs i have preferences for character concepts but want to hear what the experts say thanks
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