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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. If you truly are one that enjoys easy soloing I would suggest Sentinel. Not one of my favorite archetypes as I am a min/maxer. These are a mid/mid. And they are well balanced. One of the smoothest runs i had 1-50 was on a Sentinel Beam Rifle Willpower. Just cake walk. This is at standard mission setting of +0 level x1 hero. At 50 some still like Sentinels but I think they are light weight for Incarnate work. But with standard Single Origin Enhancers this can be a fun run. There is a post at the top of Sentinel boards that details (in great detail) all the powersets for Sentinels if you choose to look at that
  2. For Snarky? My story on him is this is future vampire Snarky who has delved deepninto dark magic. So I suppose it must be mage. He was never very devout…
  3. On the treespecs you get to the final mission. Always same map. Very complicated long journey to tree room, filled with CoT and some of their oddest interchange rooms. If youbdo not have full stealth AND know the route…just stay at the door and wait for ATT
  4. My new iteration of Snarky is a Lich and I love it. For anyone else who might be considering this high end high maintenance unlifestyle here is a rocking tune…
  5. Surprisingly well, but like most SF/TFs these days….just a bit odd. So, we started off. And only one oerson (besides me) headed to Cap to hunt CoT on a Treespec 1. There were some other indicators that the team was loosely connected to getting things done efficiently. They were trying… sometimes too hard. Heading into the final mission tunnels no one stayed at the door. Yet they also did not stay together. Two deaths. ATT and as i am posting “clear room 1st” they start on vines. I am like “ okay, we try vines 1st” and it went okay. Just odd. I led a lot of “ odd TFs” today like Mort Kal and Oper Renault and saw a lot of good hustle… and a lot of green lol. Or maybe rusty memory probs.
  6. They must have realized how long the journey would take. After I hovered above them and typed that out they headed to Duray. And as you predicted locked both down. The lack of AoE hurt in some fights but a large amount of that TF is singular hard targets, that even grouped are usually not in one AoE. So it was a pretty good team. A little crazy sometimes. But we finished in a hair under an hour.
  7. okay, they are not a bad group... but as a corr i am the only damage class -aoe 2 scrappers, 3 trooll, a dom, a fender and me. slow going in an adm sutter. and now they are hand cleaning the final map on the way to the durays...
  8. that one stung. heh. i now want to redo the challenge. i think on a Blaster. much as i love this toon the kill alls are tedious. the tactics and strategy of ice/dark corr are boa constrictor. for that challenge you need the mad bomber what bombs at midnight!
  9. For me the brainest dead and leveling up is to open my second comp and load up my farmer acct. Then meet my new alt in Pocket D. (2xp buff) Then run the fire tunnel endlessly. I can 50 in about 6? hours with breaks. And it feels (to me) like driving around Phoenix on the hottest day of the summer in a convertible with the top down. Sure, there is a breeze. And you are going somewhere. And it is a dry heat........
  10. Heh. You should see my dark shiny new Ice/Dark Corr. Dark secondary from Corr has a non suppressing 35.5' stealth. Not invisible. suppresses only when grabbing glowies, not in combat. Then you drop a Celelerit+Stealth in default Sprint power. (min level req 12, suppresses in combat/glowies) STACKS.... 65.5' stealth = invisible except to (long list, such things as Rikti drones, Nemesis has one Lt, Rularuu eyeballs...all of which tell all their friends) This is effectively invisible for stealthing around the city and missions 97% time. Arctic Fog from Corr secondary also has non suppressed stealth toggle. Not sure about others. Ice/Cold Corr is one of the premier League toons. The Ice secondary has better debuffs than almost anything.
  11. Enjoy the ride! I do a LOT of soloing to learn how to play a new AT/powersets. And i have been at this a loooong time. Just learning the mobs/maps, regardless of toon, is a very big thing. I just spent about 40-50 hours slow doing every contact red/blue 1-19 to understand the synergy (solo) of my new Ice/Dark Corruptor. On a team he plays different, more debuff, AoE and timing. For me, I like to 50 by doing every TF/SF Blue/Red in ENDING level range order. DFBx4 (for the buffs), Cavern of Transcendence, Posi1, Posi2, DiBx4 (buffs to 30), Synapse, Tarikoss, P Yin, Silver Mantis, Sis Psyche (Ouro), Moonfire, SF Oper Renault, Citadel, Hess, TV1, Treespec1, KHTF, Manti, Ice Mistral, TV2, Treespec2, Mort Kal, Serafina, Adm Sutter, then on to ITF and such. You prob want to avoid the TVs and esp Treespecs, very odd for new players. Just teaming with ANY team, doing ANY content that is near your level range will be GREAT chance to learn. Do not jump onto 50 teams to learn, great experience to level, learn nothing.
  12. I do not have that build, this is the closest I got in mids.... elec invul sent v 2.03.mxd
  13. You really want to kill your way to fifty using this micro managed strategy Sheldon Cooper? Seriously, I do a lot of solo story arcs. They are their own animals. Each different, some wildly so. Each with its own challenges. Be that maps, or strange objectives, or difficult (for that toon) enemy group. You will have a difficult time constructing a “one size fits all” team setting to efficiently get experience soloing on every mission. My two inf.
  14. Things were off to a strong start. I was meticulously and methodically clearing each level range. I finished 15-19 yesterday and leveled to 20, stopped experience. There are a few contacts at 20 red and blue. I did red, then went to do blue. Shauna Stockwell and Eagle Eye are listed in HC Wiki as 7-20. A damn lie. Shauna is not available at 20 and she introduces Eagle Eye. There are a lot if strange things Blueside. If I ever attempt one of these runs again I will probably do Blue from the first level they are available and not the last. They are complicated, futzy, and each contact follows its own rules that are not always documented correctly on wiki. Takeaways…. This is an incredibly strong character that I have fallen in love with. Ice Dark Corruptor is great at low levels and coming into 20s picks up steam and starts taking shape. This will be my main going forward. I will rant more about its greatness in other threads I am sure. From here I will run each TF/SF/Trial in mostly level order. Then 50, incarnate and continue. I will set up an alt build for low level Ouro badges starting in level range order, completing, then updating the build for next level range. Due to exemplar rules 50s are odd when squished and I find the builds rely on procs and odd mechanics more than getting a damage power enhanced to a normal level. Which is surprisingly difficult. I will probably start a discussion about that in a week or so and seek input. Cyas in the city on the shiny new Snarky!
  15. If you 4 slot hover i will get my lazy butt out of my coffin, walk through a bright sunny day to your house, and drain you of blood.
  16. this is on my Corr project. slotting at 24 is TIGHT lol
  17. Everything you have asked is pretty much okay buff heal whatever. If someone is “pulling” mobs (rare,very rare in open world) then not okay to kill. Most “heroes” racing away are going to be fine with an assist Other than the name and redside connotation I am unsure why a Corruptor was not chosen. This is an S class archetype with high damage AND high buffs/heals/debuffs. I have finally settled on one as my main after running Brutes forever and Blasters the last couple years. Damned things are simply too good not to run. Giving up some damage to Blasters and some buffs/debuffs to Defenders and then taking what they get and combining it into a whirlwind of effectiveness
  18. zombie legs sort of have tattered shorts but its a skin
  19. My favorite CoH time travel story is one I made up myself. So good I am currently reusing it. From my perspective (a gamer) the CoH world is static. You can run through it, but not really change it much. Also, there are the Menders and Ouroboros. This led me to postulate the Menders had placed CoH in a "time bottle" sealed away. So a future culture sent a robot probe to investigate. My last "solo all arcs and contacts" was this robot probe. I am redoing this theme with Snarky the Vampire, from the future when he is a demi lich. He wants to know why the Menders have done this and sends himself back though time into the "time bottle" to investigate the world (solo everything)
  20. Your experience cannot be denied. I played on a few servers on live. It was my understanding and experience Freedumb had a more active redside than Virtue. Ymmv, and obviously did.
  21. the last two Synapses i have done we have lucked into small maps on every kill all. even with a disorganized pug we were just over an hour. the killer team was faster. not the fastest i seen, those were some maniacs that cleared the whole thing in 35 min and said that was not near their record. i have advocated for hard coding the small maps. i wish this was an indication i was heard. what are other people Synapse experiences currently?
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