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Everything posted by Snarky

  1. Back on live, in the mists of time, before incarnates... I ran a Dark Melee/Invulnerability Brute based on concepts of a smart community board writer. This was a very high recharge build that used T9 Unstoppable. And it worked. To mitigate the crash there are inspirations and/or Dull Pain and Dark Consumption. It works, and it works well. I remember a Barracuda Strike Force vividly. Two team wipes on the Reichsman fight at the end. Except my Brute. Who held the room and kept fighting, Reichsman and all. Cycling through Unstoppable when it was up, building inspirations during that 3 minutes, then weathering the crash and fighting for a couple minutes without Unstoppable. Then back into Unstoppable. It was a significant chunk of time for them all to come back from the hospital. Twice.
  2. After years of research ( thanks for allowing the necessary time ) i can say when to use personal force field: when you realize ( before death ) the enemies dps will overtake your dps and they will kill you before you kill them. 1) activate PFF 2) reposition or get inspiration from email, do something to change the situation.
  3. Last year some of my SG mates were using teleport to get through cave maps (teleporting to where other teammates were located, as long as that was within TP range, walls or not) Is that still possible or patched?
  4. consistently difficult. there is a location badge in a tunnel on the ass end of Grandville. without stealth this tends to be difficult. there is a army of arachnos and arguably difficult terrain. many are naming places where you can walk up to three giant monsters. but you do not have to. every badger needs this badge and there can be a price paid.
  5. Now that we have been talking about it the Devs have decided to “revisit” Brutes. Now, as you know, they will buff Tanks again. But they have something special planned for those pesky Brutes…
  6. As someone else pointed out this fact is a keystone to current game mechanics regarding Brutes. Because the Devs envisioned Redside Tank (Mastermind...) tactics were somewhat slow.... Leroy Jenkins style Brutes rushed forward and just figured it out on the fly. This rewarded Brutes with a huge amount of Fury. Which decayed quite rapidly in the old days....before the "FU Nerf" Changing the Brutes Fury decay was a reach around for screwing them so hard with a Fury cap. The only problem was it was another nail in the Brute Coffin. Because Brute players now had endless Fury even if they stood around scratching their butts. Leading to (if you can imagine) even worse Brute tactics and worse Brute players. Brutes are a sad shadow of what they once were. And then you buff the Tank with extra AoE, increadibly good ATO procs and numerous gift bags for the stars and Brutes are just snowmen in a texas summer. Not around for long.
  7. I regularly take new toons through one or two ten minute "S tunnel" farms. This gets them to high teens/low twenties. Then a run through DFB for badges and start the "march through the TFs" in pretty much level order. I just find this a lot easier than the choppy adding powers and slots every two minutes at 1-15.
  8. Snarky

    Perma dom

    I build high recharge (really not that hard to get 100%+ if you poke around and focus) but getting 120%+ gets significantly harder. So I always take Hasten. This gives me a built in “defense” vs -rech attacks and animations and times I am getting hammered so want to be using powers instead of letting Perma Dom auto click. Just a fat cushion of comfort. A lot of +rech sets come with +accuracy and this further advances a Doms role of dependability in negating enemy movement/actions.
  9. Mostly caused by duplicate postings
  10. Redside is, was, always will be dead. But it has some of the best story arcs in the game. You sorta need a real dark sense of humor though. And you solo. Gold is dead and hardmode. Do NOT start there. Blue is busy and team friendly. Going Vigilante through Null the Gull in Pocket D will get you the most flexible alignment in the game. Oh, yeah, see Null for various good things, and a badge. Null the Gull - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki Hop on a busy server. Excelsior is hopping, so is Everlasting, maybe a little less but hardcore RP Never go down a dark alley with a vampire.
  11. Connected Badge Jump to navigationJump to search Description You've worked together with a contact in Sharkhead on the side while investigating the secrets of the Blood Coral. How to Get Work with one of the side contacts in the villain story arc from Vincent Ross. Notes After accepting the very first mission of Vincent Ross' story arc but before entering the mission door, you will need to talk to one of Vince Dubrowski, Lorenz Ansaldo or Diviner Maros. Two will tell you that you have a more important task to attend to, but one of them will add a special side mission to the current mission. Inside and near the entrance to the mission there will be a Radio contact to call your contact and get additional orders in the form of an optional side quest. Perform the side quest within the mission and after completing that mission go meet the contact who requested it. Also, contact Vincent Ross to advance the main mission arc. Repeat this for each of Ross's missions. Note that his subsequent missions may use any of these three contacts, not necessarily the one who gave you the initial side mission, so check with each to find the one who doesn't tell you that you have a more important task. On the 5th mission of Vincent's main arc, you will get your most recent contact as reinforcement. The mission is entitled Part Five: The Key to Power and after completing it, you will get the Connected Badge. See Also Badges Issue 19 Badges Connected Badge - Unofficial Homecoming Wiki
  12. This is a lot of what the OP asked for and then a ton more. Yes Health and Stamina are not directly affected but if you increase all your armor and all sorts of other buffs protecting health and endurance…..
  13. There is a badge for doing the linked missions redside ina very specific fashion
  14. I said "in the game" Sentinels are just in training missions, right?
  15. There are benefits to both. Tankers AoE has been buffed to ludicrous levels. Also, Tankers Archetype Enhance PROCs are gold. Brutes have the crappiest ATO procs in the game. Brutes have been nerfed over and over since they came out. Tankers have been buffed over and over. Are you soaking up what is raining down?
  16. It's called Excelsior. You just do not care anymore. You can cut off your arms and bolt on mechanical ones and keep smiling. Excelsior. It makes life good.
  17. Fly. On 99% of my toons Fly. On the other 1% I soon realize I wish I had taken….Fly.
  18. Guess I am going down that dusty road again…. Just because some ad guy in marketing put “ranged damage dealer” in the archetype description does not negate the entirety of the original Devs work on Blasters. These things were designed from the ground up as PBAoE monsters with added ranged attacks. Look at the original powersets. Trying to play these things as ranged you 1) give up a LOT of damage 2) get nothing in return. With invention sets, new power sets, and power set revisions this has been slightly modified. Yet it is still in the DNA of the archetype
  19. insisting that a Brute, Scrapper, or Sentinel should be "balanced" in comparison to a Tank or Blaster on some perfect continuum will get you Jack, and no badge. If you choose to play an AT that has not been favored by the many generations of Devs just go ahead. But do not start explaining why your chosen AT should be changed to "be balanced" (increased in power. Now Brutes getting nerfed multiple times and then stuck with the worst Arch Type Origin enhancers? I CAN bitch about that because I have played them pre nerf. Although even I got the message and rarely play one now.
  20. as has no doubt been pointed out 20 different ways....there is a ton of difference Scrapper, solid melee. Not the best protection, but good. Hard hitting melee attacks Blapper. Blaster was built as an archetype truly catering to Blapper. This is where it shines. Not at range. It is an all out assault at point blank range with NO mitigation besides your enemies death. The damage it does will be embarrassing to any other "damage dealer" in the game. But you have to know how to keep it alive or it will not matter.
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